UPSEE Exam 2019 Counselling and Important dates
Once you clear the gateway to get admission in your dream courses after scoring the minimum cut off percentage in the Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Examination (UPSEE) 2019, you will be eligible for the counselling. The UPSEE 2019 will open the doorway for candidates to get admitted in various undergraduate courses like B.Tech (engineering), B.Tech (agricultural engineering), B.Arch, B.Pharma, hotel management and Fashion & Apparel design.
Students need to get the minimum cut-off percentage in UPSEE 2019 to get a call for counselling for admission. Students can download the UPSEE 2019 counselling schedule from any of these websites https://aktu.ac.in or http://www.upsee.nic.in. UPSEE also arranged separate counselling for the reserved category.
The UPSEE Exam 2019 Counselling will go into three different phases and then candidates will get the admission in their respective courses.
- Verification of the documents
- Filling the choices for admission
- Confirmation of seat
Students should learn the step by step process to move in counselling, so they can avoid any mistake due to ignorance. Make sure that you are ready with your choice of institutes or colleges.
1 – Verification of the documents:
Successful candidates will get the verification centre allotted for their UPSEE scoring; they have to be present at their allotted centre for verification of the documents. Candidates must carry original documents and their respective one set of photocopies as mentioned in UPSEE 2019 Information Brochure while visiting your verification centre. On your counselling date, after successful verification of the documents, candidates will get an OTP (One Time Password) on their mobile phones used during registration. This The OTP number will be needed for further counselling process, so make sure to keep it safe with you.
2 – Filling the choices for admission:
Here comes the critical step for your UPSEE counselling. Now, you need to go for your prefer choices to take admission. Candidates should understand that seat allotment will be done on the basis of their respective UPSEE ranks.
Thus, the higher ranking candidates will be considered first, followed by people with lower ranking. The process will be done in the descending order of ranking. So, candidates have to mention their course as well as institute preference for admission keeping the rank and score in mind.
3 - Confirmation of seat:
Till the step 2, candidates have locked their choices and then it will be allotment of seats and confirmation. Here, candidates should understand that allotment of seats will majorly be dependent on where they lie in the merit list with respect of their seat preference mentioned.
Candidates who wish to go to their respective allotted seats, they need to confirm the acceptance by submitting the required confirmation fee within the given specified period. If you failed to submit the require confirmation fee within the given time, that allotment will be cancelled automatically after the time period crosses.
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