What is the evaluation process of Sikkim Manipal University?
The Manipal Academy of Higher Education has a conventional approach when it comes about the student evaluation process, but Sikkim Manipal University distance education also has an equally comprehensive method. You should understand that the assessment and evaluation method of Sikkim Manipal University distance education and get a better score with it.
The evaluation process of Sikkim Manipal University Distance Education
SMU-DE has a complete journey for evaluating a student’s credibility for the course applied. Students need to complete each section carefully, and then the respective degree will be awarded.
Internal Assessment
The internal assessment is the part of a continuous evaluation progress of a student of Sikkim Manipal University for distance education. After successful submission of internal assessment (IA), the marks will be awarded according to the assignments assessed by the University.
The university has its own pool of faculties which includes the approved academic counsellors. The assignment will be uploaded to the EduNxt portal and date of submission too. Students can submit the assignments as typed, handwritten and should be uploaded to the EduNxt portal. The hand written assignments should be uploaded as scanned copy in pdf format only. The total page limit is 12 pages of A4 size.
Students need to make sure that they are answering the questions according to their marks value. Ideally, the question for 10 marks shouldn’t be more than 400 words and 5 marks should be under 200 words only. There should be only one submission allowed, so make sure before submitting and any copied assignment from the internet or any other source will be discarded without any intimation.
Project Submission
SMU-DE offers professional courses in management and information technology streams. The professional project focuses on learning from the industries. The student evaluation department will organize the final project submission and internship to let students learn the subject effectively.
Semester and Examination
The SMU University conducts semester examinations are per the UGC guidance. These Term-end Examinations (TEE) for students are conducted at various Examination Centers for SMU – distance education. The Term-end Examinations (TEE) and internal assessment has a proportion of 70:30 of total marks. One has to score 40% in each of these evaluation sections. This makes students to learn the practical as well theoretical knowledge too.
Award of Degree
The Sikkim University Result for distance education will be available on the official portal. Students need to use the SMU login page and after signing in, they can get their results accordingly. After successfully completing all the semesters, students will get Consolidated Marks Card (CMC) at the end of the program within two months after the declaration of their results. The Degree certificates will be issued within three months of results declaration, after clearing all dues and examinations if any.
Naiya Pathak, February 11, 2022
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