SSC Stenographer Exam

SSC Stenographer 2022 - Notification(Out), Application Form, Exam, Pattern, Syllabus, Vacancies

Last Modified on : 12 Feb 2025

The Staff Selection Commission will conduct an open Computer Based Examination for recruitment of the posts of Stenographers Grade C (Group B Non-Gazette) and Stenographers Grade D (Group C Non-Gazette) in Ministries/Departments of Central Government and their subordinate offices located in various States and Union Territories.

The SSC Stenographer (Grade C & D) exam is a national-level exam conducted through computer-based mode (CBT). Here are the details for the SSC Stenographer 2022 exam.

SSC Stenographer Exam 2022 Latest Updates –

  • The Commission has announced the SSC Stenographer 2022 notification was released on 20th August 2022 for the post of stenographer group C, D.
  • The online registration for the exam started on 20th August 2022.
  • The last date for the registration is 5th September 2022.
  • The Computer Based Examination will be scheduled for the month of November 2022.

SSC Steno Grade C & D 2022 - Overview

Exam Name

SSC Stenographer Grade C & D

Conducting Body

Staff Selection Commission (SSC)


Recruitment for Grade C and D posts


To be announced later

Mode of exam

Online/ Computer Based Examination (CBT)

Type of exam


Official website and


April 2023 November 2022

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SSC conducts recruitment for the posts of Stenographer Grade C and D for various central government ministries/departments/organizations. Only those candidates who have skills in stenography are eligible to apply.

SSC Stenographer Exam 2022 Important Dates

Here are some important dates for the SSC Stenographer Exam -

SSC Steno 2022 events

Important dates

Release of notification

20th August 2022

Release of application form

20th August 2022

Last date of application

5th September 2022

Last date for online fee payment


Last date for the generation of challan


Last date for offline fee payment


Exam date

April 2023 November 2022

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SSC Stenographer Exam 2022 Pattern & Syllabus

The selection for the post of Stenographers Grade C and D is done on the basis of:

  • Computer-Based Examination(CBT) and
  • Skill Test

Here are the exam pattern and syllabus details for both.

SSC Stenographer CBT Exam Pattern 2022

Type of questions – Objective/Multiple Choice Type

The language of paper – Hindi and English. Part III is only in English.

Negative Marking – 0.25 marks are deducted for every wrong answer.

Minimum Qualifying Marks – Minimum qualifying marks for CBE are as follows:

  • Unreserved - 30%
  • EWS/ OBC - 25%
  • SC/ ST/ PwD, ESM, and others - 20%



Number of Questions

Maximum Marks



General Intelligence & Reasoning



2 hours


General Awareness




English Language and Comprehension



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Note - The compensatory time of 20 minutes per hour (i.e. 40 minutes in all) is given to the Visually Handicapped/Cerebral Palsy/Orthopedically Handicapped candidates with 40% or more disability. The facility of Scribe is also provided. O.25 marks are to be deducted for every wrong or multiple selections.

Tie-Breaking Criteria

If two or more candidates secure equal marks in the CBE, the tie will be resolved through the following methods (to be applied one after another):

  • Marks in General Intelligence & Reasoning (Part-I)
  • Marks in General Awareness (Part-II)
  • Date of Birth (older candidates will be placed higher on the merit list)
  • Alphabetical order in which names of the candidates appear

Syllabus for SSC Steno CBT Exam 2022

General Intelligence & Reasoning

Analogies, Space Visualization, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Similarities and Differences, Analysis, Judgment, Discriminating Observation, Visual Memory, Relationship Concepts, Verbal and Figure Classification, Arithmetical Reasoning, Non-Verbal Series, Arithmetical Number Series, etc.

 General Awareness

Knowledge of current events, questions on India and its Neighboring countries related to History, Geography, Culture, Economy, Sports, General Polity (Indian Constitution, and Scientific Research etc).

English Language and Comprehension

The candidate’s understanding of the English language is tested through questions on topics such as Grammar, Vocabulary, Sentence Structure, Synonyms, Antonyms and their Correct Usage, etc

SSC Stenographer Exam 2022 Skill Test Pattern -

Only those candidates who qualify for the Computer Based Examination are called for the Skill Test. The qualifying marks of the CBE are prescribed by the Commission. The skill test includes a test of stenography where candidates are given one dictation for 10 minutes in Hindi/English and they are required to transcribe the matter on a computer. Details of speed requirement and time allotted are as follows:


Word Per Minute


Stenographer Grade ‘C’

100 w.p.m.

40 minutes (English)

55 minutes (Hindi)

Stenographer Grade ‘D’

80 w.p.m.

50 minutes (English)

65 minutes (Hindi)

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Note - Candidates are required to opt for the medium of the skill test while filing the application form. For candidates who do not enter the medium of stenography test in the application form, the Commission considers the medium as English.

Important Points Regarding the Skill Test

Here are the important points regarding the skill test candidates must be aware of:

  • The Skill Test will be held at the Commission’s Regional/ Sub Regional Offices or at centers as decided by the commission.
  • Those who take the Stenography Test (Skill Test) in Hindi are required to learn Stenography in English and vice-versa after their appointment. Failing to do so will result in non-clearance of probation by the appointing department. Candidates have to work as both English/ Hindi stenographers as per the functional requirement in the office irrespective of their medium of skill test.
  • Detailed instructions (if required) for the skill test will be sent to the qualified candidates by the Regional/ Sub Regional Offices.

Evaluation of the Skill Test

The skill test is mandatory. It is qualifying in nature and the qualifying standards are fixed by the Commission. Category-wise qualifying marks are set by the commission for each post. The percentage of errors in the stenography skill test is calculated as under:

Percentage of Errors = (Full Mistakes + Half Mistakes/2) × 100 ÷ Number of words in the master passage.

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The percentage will be rounded off to two decimal places.

Full Mistakes

  • Omission of word or figure.
  • Substitution of a wrong word or figure.
  • “Every addition of a word or figure or group of words or figures not occurring in the dictated passage.”

Half Mistakes

  • Use of small letters at the beginning of the sentence.
  • Use of singular or plural nouns and vice-versa.
  • Wrong spelling (including omission of a letter or letters and transposition of letters in a word)

Note: “Every passage will be accompanied by a list of words which can be spelled/ written in more than one form. All spelling/ forms of words will be acceptable and not counted as an error. For example, the word ‘Honorable’ is written as Hon’ble, Hon., honorable, and hon. - all these forms will be treated as correct.”

Document Verification

All the candidates who have secured the minimum qualifying marks in the Skill Test are eligible for the Document Verification (DV). Candidates are required to carry the following documents (original as well as photocopies) for the verification process:

  • Two passport-size photographs
  • One original Photo proof  - any one of the Adhaar card/ E-Aadhaar, PAN Card, Voter ID Card, Driving License, Passport, Employee ID (PSU/ Govt.), Government School/ College ID, any other ID card issued by the State/ Central government.
  • Matriculation/ Secondary certificate
  • Education Qualification certificate
  • “Order/ letter in respect of equivalent Educational Qualifications indicating the Authority (with number and date) under which it has been so treated, 16 in respect of equivalent clause in Essential Qualifications, if a candidate is claiming a particular qualification as equivalent qualification as per the requirement of the Notice of examination.”
  • PwD certificate (if applicable)
  • Caste/ Category certificate (if applicable)
  • Undertaking (provided in the official notification), Serving Defence Personnel Certificate, and Discharge Certificate for Ex-Servicemen.
  • Relevant certificate for seeking age relaxation
  • Certificate by the Central Government Civilian Employees (provided in the official notification)
  • No Objection Certificate (in case of Government Employees)
  • Any other documents specified in the DV admit card.

As per the official notification; the following documents are also required:

“A candidate who claims change in name after matriculation on marriage or remarriage or divorce, etc. the following documents shall be submitted:

  • In case of marriage of women: Photocopy of Husband‟s passport showing names of spouses or an attested copy of marriage certificate issued by the Registrar of Marriage or an Affidavit from husband and wife along with a joint photograph duly sworn before the Oath Commissioner.
  • In case of re-marriage of women: Divorce Deed/ Death Certificate as the case may be in respect of the first spouse, and photocopy of present husband‟s passport showing names of spouse or an attested copy of marriage certificate issued by the Registrar of Marriage or an Affidavit from the husband and wife along with joint photograph duly sworn before the Oath Commissioner.
  • In case of divorce of women: Certified copy of Divorce Decree and Deed Poll/ Affidavit duly sworn before the Oath Commissioner.
  • In other circumstances for change of name for both male and female: Deed Poll/ Affidavit duly sworn before the Oath Commissioner and paper cuttings of two leading daily newspapers in original (One daily newspaper should be of the area of the applicant‟s permanent and present address or nearby area) and Gazette Notification.”

SSC Stenographer Exam Preparation Tips

While preparing for the SSC Stenographer exam, candidates must create a routine and follow it strictly. Here are the preparation tips you can follow to create a routine:

  • Understand the exam pattern and syllabus and take print of syllabus.
  • After analyzing the pattern and syllabus, make a timetable to study all the subjects (2-3 hours for each subject). Keep breaks (10-15 minutes) between study sessions.
  • Make notes of important points during the study.
  • Focus on the weak sections/ topics.
  • Solve previous years’ papers and make a strategy to solve the question paper in the main exam.
  • Appear for mock tests and improve your time-management skills.
  • Take out time for revision daily.

SSC stenographer computer-based exam comprises three sections. Candidates are advised to give equal preparation time to each section. Here are the section-wise preparation tips for the exam:

General Intelligence and Reasoning

This section comprises questions from both verbal and non-verbal reasoning. It tests the candidates on their logical thinking approach and general intelligence. The questions are framed from topics such as problem-solving, decision making, visual memory, relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning, and more. Candidates can improve their logical reasoning skills by practicing. Practice daily for the reasoning questions Understand the logic behind solving the questions. There are some tricks and rules for solving problems from each topic, learn them and practice.

General Awareness

General Awareness is a scoring section if you know the correct answer. It will have questions from static GK such as History, Geography, Polity, Economy, Awards and Honors, Sports, Scientific Research, etc and from current affairs. Candidates can memorize the static GK part and for the Current Affairs questions:

  • Read newspapers and magazines.
  • Follow a news channel and watch it daily.
  • Make notes of current affairs and revise them.

Candidates must have a thorough knowledge of the last 6 six years of current affairs.

English Language and Comprehension

For scoring good marks in this section, candidates must work on their Reading skills, Grammar knowledge, and Vocabulary. They must read newspapers and magazines daily. Also, practice reading comprehensions daily.

Preparation Tips for Skill Test

Candidates must start preparing for the skill test along with the Computer Based Test preparation. Shorthand is all about practice; thus, practice as much as you can. Join a class for shorthand and after that keep practicing. You must practice for 30 minutes to 1 hour a day. Practice from different types of sources such as magazines, newspapers, etc.  Dictation recordings and tapes are also available online for practice. Just play them and start writing. Read what you have written to check for any mistakes. Repeat to improve the mistakes. Do not leave your daily practice as consistency is the key to the skill test. Your typing speed will improve with daily practice.

So, candidates must follow all the subject-wise tips and incorporate them while preparing for the exam. Daily study and revision are the keys to success for the SSC Stenographer exam. Apart from the study schedule, candidates must also take good care of their health. They must eat healthy food, sleep well, and practice yoga and meditation to keep their body and mind fit. Also, get involved in a physical sports activity. Talk to your family and friends for motivation. 

SSC Stenographer Exam Preparation Books

Books are the most important component of any exam preparation. A good book will always help you in understanding the concepts in a clear way. Before buying any book candidates must check if he is understanding the author’s language, the edition of the book, the syllabus covered in the book, etc. Here is the list of some recommended books for the SSC Stenographer exam.

Quantitative Aptitude -

English Language -

Logical Reasoning -

General Awareness -

We suggest candidates buy one book at a time. Single preparation books consisting of questions from each section are also available online. You can go for them. Sample papers and solved papers are also available.

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Sample Papers for SSC Stenographer

Candidates can also find sample papers online or buy them. Sample papers are good for understanding the question pattern. Solving sample papers will boost your confidence for the exam day. After solving the papers, analyze your performance and check your preparation level. Here are some sample papers for exam preparation:

Sample Papers

Purchase Link

SSC Stenographer General Awareness

Get Here

SSC Stenographer General Intelligence

Get Here

SSC Stenographer English Language

Get Here

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SSC Stenographer Exam 2022 Eligibility

The SSC officials have certain eligibility norms for the candidates who want to appear for the SSC Stenographer 2022 exam as below.


A candidate must be a citizen of either of the following countries.

  • India
  • Nepal
  • Bhutan
  • A refugee from Tibet who came to India before 1st January 1962 with the intention of settling permanently in the country.
  • A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, East African countries of Uganda, Kenya, Zambia, Zaire, Malawi, Ethiopia, Vietnam, and the United Republic of Tanzania.

Age Limit

The age limit for appearing in the exam is as under

  • Stenographer Grade ‘C’ - 18 to 30 years as of 1st January 2022
  • Stenographer Grade ‘D’ - 18 to 27 years as of 1st January 2022

Relaxation in the upper age limit is permitted to candidates belonging to reserved categories and Central Government Civilian Employees. Here are the details:


Relaxation in the upper age limit


3 years


5 years

PwD (Unreserved)

10 years


13 years


15 years

Ex-Servicemen (ESM)

3 years after deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age as on the last date of application submission.

Defense Personnel disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof

3 years

Defense Personnel disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof (SC/ ST)

8 years

Candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from 1st January 1980 to 31st December 1989.

5 years

Permissible Relaxation in the upper age limit only for Group ‘C’ Posts

Central Govt. Civilian Employees: Who have rendered not less than 3 years of regular and continuous service as of the last date of application submission.

Up to 40 years of age

Central Govt. Civilian Employees: Who have rendered not less than 3 years of regular and continuous service as of the last date of application submission. (SC/ ST)

Up to 45 years of age

Service Clerks in the last year of their color service in the Armed Forces.

Up to 45 years of age

Service Clerks in the last year of their color service in the Armed Forces (SC/ ST).

Up to 50 years of age

Retrenched census employees of the office of Registrar General of India (they will be considered only for offices under RGI in their order of merit and subject to availability of vacancies )

3 years plus the length of service rendered by them in connection with census, before retrenchment and weightage of past service.

Widows/ Divorced Women/ Women judicially separated and who are not remarried.

Up to 35 years of age

Widows/ Divorced Women/ Women judicially separated and who are not remarried (SC/ ST)

Up to 40 years of age

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As per the official notification; “Age relaxation is not admissible to sons, daughters and dependents of Ex-servicemen. Therefore, such candidates should not indicate their category as ex-servicemen.”

Educational Qualification

  • Candidates must have passed class 12th or its equivalent education from a recognized Board/institution as of 1st January 2022.
  • All certificates/ degrees/ diplomas awarded via Open and Distance Learning mode by the Universities established by an Act of Parliament or State Legislature stand automatically recognized for different posts and services under the Central Government.
  • Those who will not acquire the required qualification as of 1st January 2022 will not be eligible for the exam.

Please Note: Candidates with a hearing disability are not suitable for the post of Stenographers.

Only male candidates are eligible to apply for the post of Stenographer Grade ‘D’ in the Border Roads Organization (BRO).

Reservation for Persons with Disabilities

The posts of Stenographers Grade ‘C’ are suitable for candidates with disabilities viz. One Arm Affected (OA), One Leg Affected (OL), Both Legs Affected (BL), Blind (B), and LV (Low Vision) as per guidelines of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.

The post of Stenographer Grade ‘D’ (expect in BRO) is suitable for persons with disabilities viz. One Arm affected (OA), One Leg affected (OL), One Arm and Leg affected (OAL), Both Legs affected (BL), Blind (B) and LV (Low vision) as per guidelines of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.

As per the official notification; “As the “Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016” has come into force with effect from 19.04.2017 and new categories of disabilities such as Autism, Dwarfism, Acid Attack victims, Muscular Dystrophy, Intellectual Disability, Specific Learning Disability, Mental Illness and Multiple Disabilities, etc have been included. Therefore, the candidates with such disabilities may also apply giving details of their disabilities in the online Application Form. However, their selection will be subject to the identification of posts suitable for these categories as well as reporting of vacancies by the Indenting Departments. ”

Candidates are required to select from the following PwD categories while filling out the application form:


Type of Disability

Category to be selected while filling the Application Form


Blindness and Low Vision



Deaf and Hard of Hearing



Locomotor disabilities including leprosy cured, cerebral palsy, acid attack victims, dwarfism, and muscular dystrophy



Intellectual Disability, Autism, Specific Learning Disability, and Mental Illness



Multiple disabilities from amongst persons under clauses (a) to (d) including deaf-blindness

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SSC Stenographer 2022 Eligibility - Questions and Answers

Q: Will there be a facility for a scribe for PwBD?

Yes, there will be a provision for a scribe for PwBD. However, such candidates must produce a certificate at the time of examination as proof of their physical limitation to writing. The certificate must be issued by the Chief Medical Officer/ Civil Surgeon/ Medical Superintendent of any Government Health Care institution. The proforma of the certificate is available in the official notification.

Q: Will there be any compensatory time given to the candidates using the help of a scribe?

Yes, a compensatory time of 20 minutes per hour of examination will be given. Moreover, those who are eligible to use a scribe but have not opted for the same will also get the compensatory time of 20 minutes.

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SSC Stenographer Exam 2022 Application Process

The application forms for the SSC stenographer post for the year 2022 will be released on 20th August 2022. Candidates can fill out the online application form from the official website till 4th September 2022. The SSC Stenographer application form can be filled in two steps for unregistered candidates. Those who are already registered, just need to fill out the application form. Here, we have covered both parts of the form-filling process in detail.

SSC Stenographers Application Process -

Interested candidates are required to apply for the exam only through the online mode. For any SSC exam, candidates are required to register themselves at SSC’s online website once (one-time registration process). Once a candidate is registered, he/she can apply for any examination conducted by SSC provided he/she met the eligibility criteria. So, if you are already registered at SSC’s website, use your log-in details to fill in the Stenographer's application form. And, if you are appearing in an SSC exam for the first time, register yourself before filling out the application form. Here are the steps to be followed:

  • One-Time Registration
  • Online Application Filling

One-Time Registration (Part-I)

Candidates are required to keep the following documents ready for one-time registration:

  • Mobile Number
  • Email ID
  • Aadhaar Number/ PAN Card/ Voter ID Card/ Driving License/ Passport/ School or College ID/ Employer ID.
  • Board exam information such as roll number, year of passing, etc.
  • Scanned image of passport size photograph in JPEG format. Image dimensions - 3.5 cm (width) x 4.5 cm (height). The file size should be between 20 KB to 50 KB.
  • Scanned image of signature in JPEG format. Image dimensions - 4 cm (width) x 3 cm (height). The image size should be 10 KB to 20 KB.
  • Disability Certificate Number (if applicable)

Application Process -

  • Visit the SSC official website -
  • Click on the ‘Register Now’ link provided in the ‘Login section.
  • You need to fill out the one-time registration form by providing basic details, additional details, and contact details, and upload the scanned images.
  • For completing the registration process, provide your identity card number, matriculation details, father’s name, mother’s name, date of birth, gender, highest educational qualification, mobile number, email Id, State/ UT, etc.
  • Submit the details, and an OTP will be sent to your mobile number and email ID, verify the same.
  • On successful verification, your details will be saved and you will receive the registration number and password on your mobile number and email ID.
  • After receiving the registration number and password, you need to log in and provide other details. The registration form has to be completed within 14 days of receiving the login details. Otherwise, the data you have saved will be deleted.
  • For completing the registration form, visit the official website and enter the registration number and password to log in. Since the password is auto-generated, you can change it to the one you can remember.
  • Now, after successfully changing the password, log in again using the registration number and new password.
  • After login, the details you have entered at the time of registration will appear. Now complete the remaining form.
  • Provide details such as category, nationality, visible identification mark, information about benchmark disability, permanent and present address, etc.
  • Re-check all the details and save them.
  • You will be taken to the next part of the registration process - uploading scanned images.
  • Upload the scanned images of the photograph and signature at the specified space.
  • Save the information and check all the details.
  • Click on the ‘Final Submit’ button.
  • OTPs will be sent to the mobile number and email ID. Enter any one of the OTP to confirm registration completion.
  • Read the declaration and click on the ‘I Agree’ checkbox.

Note - “After completion of the registration process, „Basic Details‟ can be changed only twice. THEREFORE BE EXTREMELY CAUTIOUS WHILE MAKING ONE-TIME REGISTRATION.”

Online Application Form Filling (Part-II)

Prerequisites for Filling the Application Form

Keep the following details handy to speed up the application filling process:

  • Name and code of examination center
  • Code for age relaxation (check official notice)
  • Education Qualification code (check the ‘Other Details’ section below)
  • Choice preference for examination center (you are required to provide all the examination center choices within the same region.)

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Now that the one-time registration process is over, you can fill out the SSC Stenographer form.

Please Note - Candidates are required to complete the one-time registration at the SSC website only once for all the SSC exams till he/she is eligible. Thus, keep the log-in details safe. Whenever a recruitment notification is released, just log in and complete the exam application.

  • Visit the SSC website and under the Candidate’s Login section, enter your registration number and password to log in.
  • Look for the ‘Latest Notification’ tab and click on the ‘Apply’ link in front of ‘Stenographer Grade ‘C’ and ‘D’ Examination 2022’
  • The information you have entered at the time of registration will be automatically loaded. Fill in the remaining details.
  • Enter details about the EWS category, previous knowledge of Stenography, exam center preferences, if you are ex-servicemen, facility of the scribe, medium of skill Test, posts applying for, age-relaxation category, etc.
  • Read the declaration carefully and click the ‘I Agree’ button.
  • Enter the Captcha code.
  • Preview the information and do a recheck.
  • Submit the application form.
  • You will be taken to the fee payment section. Make the fee payment if you are not exempted from the same. The details for fee payment are provided below.
  • After successful payment of the fee, take a printout of the completed form for future reference.

Note - Do not send the hard copy/print of your application form to the Commission. Please note that incomplete forms in any manner will be rejected by the Commission.

SSC Stenographer 2022 Application Fee

The application fee for the SSC Stenographer exam is as follows for different categories:


Fee Amount

Unreserved category (only male candidates)

₹ 100/-



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Mode of Payment

The fee can be paid both online and offline.

Online Mode - Net banking, BHIM UPI, Credit or Debit Card (RuPay, Maestro, Visa, Mastercard)

Offline Mode - Through cash at SBI branches. The SBI Challan can be generated online.

Please note that the application fee is non-refunded under all circumstances. Applications received without an application fee will not be considered and will be rejected. Candidates cannot represent any representations against such applications.

Checking the Payment Status

As the application without fee payment will be canceled, candidates must make sure that their payment status is ‘OK’. Here are the steps to be followed to check the payment status:

  • Visit the official website and log in using your details.
  • Check for the ‘Payment Status’ link and click it.
  • Check the payment status; if the payment is successfully submitted, take a print of the completed application form.
  • If there is some issue with the payment status, check with the authorities.

The payment status is updated generally within two days after the fee payment. So, candidates must fill out the application form and make the fee payment well before the last date of application submission.

SSC Stenographer Exam 2022 Other Details

SSC Stenographers Exam 2022 Vacancies

Vacancy details for the Stenographer Grade ‘C’ and ‘D’ will be announced later. Candidates can check the vacancies on the official website.

Go to the official website > Candidate’s Corner > Tentative Vacancy.

Examination Centers

Candidates are provided with the option to select the examination center while filling out the application form. Details about the examination centers and their codes are provided below:

SSC Regions

Examination Centers and Centre Codes

Central Region (CR) - Bihar and Uttar Pradesh



Agra (3001), Prayagraj (3003), Bareilly (3005), Gorakhpur (3007), Kanpur (3009), Lucknow (3010), Meerut (3011), Varanasi (3013), Bhagalpur (3201), Muzaffarpur (3205), Patna (3206)

Madhya Pradesh Sub-Region (MPR) - Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh



Bhopal (6001), Gwalior (6005), Indore (6006), Jabalpur (6007), Satna (6014), Sagar (6015), Ujjain (6016), Bilaspur (6202), Raipur (6204), Durg-Bhilai (6205)

Karnataka, Kerala Region (KKR) - Lakshadweep, Karnataka and Kerala



Bengaluru (9001), Belagavi (9002), Hubballi (9011), Kalaburagi (Gulbarga) (9005), Mangaluru (9008), Mysuru (9009), Shivamogga (9010), Udupi (9012), Thiruvananthapuram (9211), Ernakulam (9213), Kannur (9202), Kollam (9210), Kottayam (9205), Kozhikode (9206), Thrissur (9212)

Eastern Region (ER) - Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Jharkhand, Odisha, Sikkim and West Bengal



Gangtok (4001), Ranchi (4205), Kolkata (4410), Siliguri (4415), Bhubaneshwar (4604), Cuttack (4605), Sambalpur (4609), Port Blair (4802)

Northern Region (NR) - NCT of Delhi, Rajasthan and Uttarakhand



Dehradun (2002), Haldwani (2003), Haridwar (2005), Roorkee (2006), Delhi (2201), Ajmer (2401), Alwar (2402), Bikaner (2404), Jaipur (2405), Jodhpur (2406), Kota (2407), Sriganganagar (2408), Udaipur (2409), Sikar (2411)

North Eastern Region (NER) - Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura



Itanagar (5001), Dibrugarh (5102), Guwahati(Dispur) (5105), Jorhat (5107), Silchar (5111), Kohima (5302), Shillong (5401), Imphal (5501), Churachandpur (5502), Ukhrul (5503), Agartala (5601), Aizawl (5701)

North Western Sub-Region (NWR) - Chandigarh, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab



Jammu (1004), Leh (1005), Srinagar (1007), Samba (1010), Hamirpur (1202), Shimla (1203), Jalandhar (1402), Amritsar (1404), Mohali (1406), Chandigarh (1601)

Western Region (WR) - Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu, Goa, Gujarat and Maharashtra



Ahmedabad (7001), Vadodara (7002), Rajkot (7006), Surat (7007), Amravati (7201), Aurangabad (7202), Kolhapur (7203), Mumbai (7204), Nagpur (7205), Nashik (7207), Pune (7208), Panaji (7801)

Southern Region (SR) - Andhra Pradesh, Puducherry, Tamil Nadu and Telangana.



Guntur (8001), Kurnool (8003), Rajahmundry (8004), Tirupati (8006), Visakhapatnam (8007), Vijayawada (8008), Chennai (8201), Coimbatore (8202), Madurai (8204), Tiruchirapalli (8206), Tirunelveli (8207), Puducherry (8401), Hyderabad (8601), Warangal (8603)

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  • A candidate is required to provide three options for the examination center within the same region. The center options are to be mentioned in order of priority. No request for any changes in the examination center will be entertained under any circumstances. Thus, select the examination center carefully at once.
  • As per the official website, “The Commission will endeavor to accommodate the candidates in centers opted by them. However, the Commission reserves the right to cancel any Centre and ask the candidates of that center to appear from another center. Commission also reserves the right to divert candidates of any center to some other center to take the examination.”

Essential Educational Qualification Code

Candidates are required to enter the essential qualification code while filling out the application form. Here are the details:

Educational Qualification


Intermediate/ Higher Secondary/ 12th Standard


Certificate Course




Bachelor of Arts (BA)


Bachelor of Arts (Hons.)


Bachelor of Commerce (B. Com.)


Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com. (Hons.))


Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)


Bachelor of Science B.Sc. (Hons.)


Bachelor of Education (B. Ed.)


Bachelor of Law (LLB)


Bachelor of Engineering (BE)


Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech)


Associate Member of the Institution of Engineers (AMIE (Part A & Part B))


Bachelor of Science (B.Sc. (Engg.))


Bachelor in Computer Application (BCA)


Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)


Deemed Graduation Certificate issued by the Armed Forces


Bachelor of Library Science (B. Lib.)


Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm.)


Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India (ICWA) Course


Chartered Accountancy (CA) Course


 Postgraduate (PG) Diploma


Master of Arts (MA)


Master of Commerce (M.Com.)


Master of Science (M. Sc.)


Master of Education (M.Ed.)


Master of Law (LLM)


Master of Engineering (ME)


Master of Technology (M. Tech.)


Master of Science (M. Sc. (Engg.))


Master of Computer Applications (MCA)


Master of Business Administration (MBA)




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Subject Code for Educational Qualification

Educational Qualification




Political Science




English Literature


Hindi Literature




















Agriculture Science


Civil Engineering


Electrical Engineering


Mechanical Engineering


Electronics Engineering


Electronics & Power Engineering


Electronics & Communication Engineering


Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering


Agricultural Engineering


Computer Science


Computer Application


Information Technology


Library Science




Work Accountancy


Business Administration


Mass Communication




Mass Communication & Journalism






Printing Technology


























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SSC Physics Stenographer Job Profile/ Responsibilities

The work profile of a stenographer depends upon where he is posted.

Stenographer Group C - Posted mainly in Ministries/ Departments of Central Government (mostly in Delhi)

Stenographer Group D can be categorized into two groups:

Stenographer Group D (Group X) - For Departments of Central Government located in Delhi

Stenographer Group D (Group Y) - For Department of Central Government located all over the country

Here are the job responsibilities for different categories:

Grade/ Categories

Work Description

Stenographer Group C

Speech writing, assisting ministers/ officers with governmental proceedings, helping in Public Relations, Press Conference Briefing

Stenographer Group D (Group X)

Speech writing, assisting ministers/ officers with governmental proceedings, helping in Public Relations, Press Conference Briefing

Stenographer Group D (Group Y)

Speech writing, assisting ministers/ officers with governmental proceedings, helping in Public Relations, Press Conference Briefing

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A stenographer must have the required typing skills and good communication skills. There is a proper work schedule for stenographers. However, generally, there are no extra working hours or working in different shifts. Along with the responsibilities mentioned above, the stenographer’s work profile also includes dealing with visitors, assisting with phone calls, fixing appointments, arranging meetings, handling official files and documents, arranging travels, etc.

SSC Stenographer Salary/ Pay Scale

The details of the stenographer's salary are as under:


Pay Scale

Initial Pay

Grade Pay

Total Pay

Stenographer Grade C

9,300 - 34,800


4,200 (Pay Band 2)


Stenographer Grade D

5,200 - 20,200


2,400 (Pay Band 1)


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Along with the salary, different allowances are also provided to the Stenographers. Here are the allowances covered:

  • Dearness Allowance (DA)
  • Transport Allowance (TA)
  • House Rent Allowance (HRA)

SSC Stenographer Promotion

The various factors which affect the promotion of a Stenographer in different ministries and departments are as follows:

  • The promotion will be carried out as per the departmental proceedings.
  • Promotions are also conducted through departmental exams.
  • Promotions are done as per the work experience of the candidate.
  • Work efficiency of the candidates is also considered for promotions.

After working for 5 to 6 years in a particular pay grade, the stenographer becomes eligible for promotion to the next pay grade. Here are the career growth options for a stenographer:

  • Stenographer Grade D
  • Stenographer Grade C
  • Private Secretary
  • Principal Private Secretary (Gazetted)
  • Senior Principal Private Secretary (Gazetted)

Important Instructions for the exam

  • Candidates need to carry Aadhaar Card, Passport, Driving License, PAN Card, and Voter’s ID Card along with the admit card.
  • Electronic items like mobile phones, calculators, pagers, etc., are not allowed inside the exam center.
  • Candidates are advised to reach the exam center one hour early to complete the verification process.
  • Candidates will not be allowed to leave the exam hall till the completion of the test.

SSC Stenographers Exam 2022 Admit Card

Admit cards/admission certificates are uploaded on the official websites of the concerned Regional Offices two weeks prior to the examination date. Please note that admission certificates are to be downloaded only through the official website, and they are not sent by post to any candidate under any circumstances. Candidates must carry the admit card, one original Photo ID, and 3 passport size photographs to the examination venue.

Documents to be carried to the Examination Center

  • SSC Stenographer Admit Card
  • One Photo ID proof - Aadhaar Card/ Printout of E-Aadhaar, Driving License, Voter’s ID Card, Passport, PAN Card, School/College ID card, Employee ID card (PSU/ Govt./ Private), any other photo ID card issued by the Central/ State government.

If the photo ID card does not have the date of birth printed on it, candidates must carry an additional certificate (in original) as proof of date of birth. “In case of mismatch in the date of birth mentioned in the Admission Certificate and photo ID/ Certificate brought in support of date of birth, the candidate will not be allowed to appear in the examination. “In case of mismatch in the date of birth mentioned in the Admission Certificate and photo ID/ Certificate brought in support of date of birth, the candidate will not be allowed to appear in the examination.”

Candidates belonging to the PwD category using the scribes facility must carry a Medical Certificate/ Undertaking/ Photocopy of Scribe’s Photo ID proof.

SSC Stenographer Exam - Code of Conduct

Candidates eligible for appearing in the SSC Stenographer exam are expected to follow the code of conduct for the smooth organization of the examination. If candidates are found to be indulged in any malpractices during the exam, their candidature will be canceled, and they will be debarred from the examination as per the intensity of misconduct. The type of malpractices and their subsequent debarment period is mentioned under:

Type of Malpractice

Debarment from Exam (in years)

Leaving the Examination Venue without any information during the Examination

2 years

Taking away any Examination related material such as OMR sheets, Commission Copy of Admission Certificate (Admit Card), Answer Sheet, Rough Sheets, etc., from the examination hall or passing it on to unauthorized persons during the conduct of the examination.

2 years

Obstruct the conduct of examination/instigates other candidates not to take the examination.

3 years

Obtaining support/ influence for his/ her candidature by any irregular or improper means in connection with his/ her candidature.

3 years

Misbehaving, threatening or intimidating in any manner with the examination functionaries,‟ i.e. Invigilator, Supervisor, Security Guard or Commission’s representatives etc.

3 years

Making statements that are incorrect/ false, suppressing material information, submitting fabricated documents, etc

3 years

A candidate who is also working on examination-related matters in the same examination.

3 years

Appearing in the same examination more than once in contravention of the rules.

3 years

Appearing in the Exam with a forged Admit Card, identity proof, etc.

5 years

Damaging examination-related infrastructure/ equipment.

5 years

Possession of firearms/ weapons during the examination.

5 years

Use of force, assault, causing bodily harm in any manner to the examination functionaries,‟ i.e. Invigilator, Supervisor, Security Guard or Commission‟s representatives etc.

7 years

Threatening/ intimidating examination functionaries with weapons/ firearms

7 years

Using unfair means in the examination hall like copying from unauthorized sources such as written material on any paper or body parts.

7 years

Possession of Bluetooth Devices, spy cameras, and any other electronic gadgets in the examination hall.

7 years

Impersonate/ Procuring impersonation by any person

7 years

Taking snapshots, making videos of question papers or examination material, labs, etc

7 years

Sharing examination terminals through remote desktop software/ Apps/ LAN/ VAN, etc.

7 years

Attempt to hack or manipulate examination servers, data and examination systems at any point before, during or after the examination.

7 years

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The decision of the Commission relating to debarment for malpractice will be final and binding on the candidates. No correspondence or inquiry will be entertained in this regard.

SSC Stenographers Exam 2022 Result

SSC Stenographers exam result will be announced on the official website of SSC at - Candidates are advised to check the sarkari result only through the official website. The candidates can access the SSC Stenographer Grade C and D results through their registered ID and password allotted in the beginning.

SSC Stenographer Exam 2022 Cut-off

The cut-off list for the SSC Stenographer exam will be released along with the CBT result for determining the candidates who have cleared paper-I with qualifying marks. The cut-off marks are not fixed and fluctuate on the basis of factors like the number of seats, students appearing for the exam, exam difficulty and many others. Candidates can read the cut-off list on the official website.

Post Preference

Candidates are required to provide the options for various posts and departments at the time of Document Verification. An online form for the same may also be provided after the Skill Test. Candidates must provide their post preferences carefully. Final selection and allocation of Departments/ Ministries are made on the basis of the candidate’s performance in the CBE and the posts preferences exercised by the candidates.

Options provided for the posts will be considered final, and no changes will be allowed. Candidates will not be considered for any other ministries/ Departments other than the one they have provided while filling out the preferences.

“Once the candidate has been allotted his/ her first available preference, as per his/ her merit, he/ she will not be considered for any other option.”

Important: “The Commission makes final allotment of posts based on merit-cum-preferences of Posts/ Departments given by the candidates. Once a post is allotted, no change of posts will be made by the Commission due to non-fulfillment of any post-specific requirements of physical/ medical/ educational standards. In other words, for example, if a candidate has given a higher preference for a post and is selected for that post; in that case, if he/ she fails to meet the medical/ physical/ educational standards, his/ her candidature will be rejected, and he/ she will not be considered for other preferences.”

Probation and Serving Terms

Here is the term for probation and serving after selection through the SSC Stenographer exam:

  • Those who are appointed after the final selection shall be on probation for a period of two years. During the probation, candidates are required to undergo training and pass an examination conducted by the Controlling Authority.
  • Upon successfully completing probation, the candidates shall be confirmed for permanent appointment (if considered fit) by the Controlling Authority.
  • All the posts carry All India Service Liability (AISL), and thus selected candidates are liable to serve anywhere in India.

SSC Stenographer Exam Frequently Asked Questions

If you are unable to download the admit card one week prior to the exam, immediately contact the concerned regional/sub-regional office of the commission with details such as your registration ID, fee transaction ID/copy of challan, etc. to get the admit card.

Candidates can pay the fee through offline mode provided they have generated the challan by the due date of the application process.

Candidates belonging to SC category are exempted from paying the application fee.

The general category female candidates are exempted from paying any application fee.

You cannot correct it now as the application process is over. Now, the medium of your Skill Test will be considered English by default.

Yes, compensatory time for Skill Test will be provided to VH/OH/Cerebral Palsy candidates. For Stenographers Grade C – 70 minutes for English and 95 minutes for Hindi and for Stenographers Grade D – 75 minutes for English and 100 minutes for Hindi will be provided.

The computer-based test will be held in November 2022.

The date for the Stenography Skill Test is not announced yet.