SSC JE 2018 – Official Recruitment Notification on 1st February, Short Notice Released

Last Modified: 14 Mar 2025

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) of India has released the short notification for recruitment at the post of Junior Engineer (JE) in the e-employment newspaper. The detailed notification for SSC JE recruitment will be released on the official website soon. As per the short notification, the online registration process was to begin on 28th January 2019. However, another notice has been released by the commission on the official website on 25th January stating that the detailed notification will now be released on 1st February 2019.

The official notification reads, “Candidates aspiring for Junior Engineers (Civil, Electrical, mechanical and Quantity Surveying & Contract) Examination-2018 may note that the Notice for the aforesaid Examination, which has been scheduled to be uploaded on the website of the Staff Selection Commission and its Regional Offices on 28th January, 2019 (as notified in the employment News/Rozgar Samachar – edition dated 26th January, 2019), will now be hosted on the website of the Staff Selection Commission and its Regional Offices on 1st February, 2019. ”

Candidates can register through the official SSC website. Here are other important dates related to the exam:

SSC JE 2018 – Important Dates

Exam Events

Important Dates

Notification Release/Registration Process Begin

1st February 2019

Last Date of Application Submission

25th February 2019 (till 5:00 PM)

Admit Card Availability (Tier-1)

10 days before the exam

SSC JE (Paper-1) (Computer Based Examination)

23rd to 27th September 2019

SSC JE (Paper-2) (Descriptive)

29th December 2019

Scroll left or right to view full table

The Commission has also released the Examination Calendar on 25th January 2019, check it out here.

Here is the short notification released through e-employment newspaper:

SSC JE Official Notification

Photo Credit: Employment Newspaper

Interested candidates are advised to register before the last date as there might be a heavy load on the official website on the last day of application submission. The commission will not be responsible if the candidates are unable to submit their application forms.

SSC JE – Posts and Age Limit

SSC JE Posts

Age Limit

Junior Engineer (Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical), Central Water Commission and Central Public Works Department

32 years

Junior Engineer (Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical), Military Engineer Services (MES)

30 years

Junior Engineer (Civil and Electrical), Department of  Post

18-27 years

Junior Engineer (Surveying and Contract), MES

18-27 years

Scroll left or right to view full table

SSC will release the detailed information related to eligibility, exam pattern, and other terms and conditions of the exam on the commission’s official website – Till then, candidates can get an idea of the exam pattern and eligibility criteria from the previous year’s notification.

Candidates must keep a check on the website for further updates.


Manya rastogi , January 24, 2019

Can you tell fees for general category??