NTA Extends Last Dates of UGC NET, CSIR NET, and Other Exams

Last Modified: 14 Mar 2025

National Testing Agency has released a notice regarding the re-extension of various examination application deadlines till June 15.

The National Testing Agency has released a PR on their official website, which says that the central agency to conduct entrance examination has further extended the application submission date for various exams. These exams include IGNOU PhD and OPEN MAT entrance exam 2020, ICAR entrance test, JNU entrance exam, UGC NET, and CSIR-UGC NET June 2020. As per the recent, the deadline to submit applications for all these exams has been extended till 15th June 2020. Applicants must note that the online applications will be accepted till 5 pm, so they need to make sure to visit nta.ac.in and submit the application on-time. Candidates have enough time to think for the registration process and apply for these.

The reason to further push the deadline to apply for these exams is the hardships faced by applicants in filling the application forms on time, due to the Coronavirus outbreak. And this causes a lot of issues including poor internet connectivity, closed cybercafé, and much more.

NTA Official Notification 2020 - Check Online Notice

Those who are interested can check the official NTA notification released at nta.ac.in and obtain details regarding extended last dates for submission of online application forms of several state and national-level exams.

Recently on 31st May 2020, the HRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal tweeted about the same. In his tweet, he mentioned that the agency was advised to extend the dates following several requests received from students as they faced hardships due to COVID-19 pandemic. As for now, candidates can apply online for these exams till 15th June 2020.

NTA Extends Online Application Submission Dates of These Exams

According to the National Testing Agency, the extended/ revised dates shall be as follows:

Name of Exams

Earlier Application Deadline

Deadline Extended (Once-again)

IGNOU Admission Test 2020 for PhD

31st May 2020

15th June 2020


31st May 2020

15th June 2020

JNUEE 2020

31st May 2020

15th June 2020

ICAR 2020

31st May 2020

15th June 2020

UGC NET 2020

31st May 2020

15th June 2020

CSIR-NET June 2020

31st May 2020

15th June 2020

Scroll left or right to view full table

The submission of online application forms shall be accepted up to 04.00 PM, while submission of fee will be created up to 11.50 PM through Credit/Debit Card/ Net Banking/UPI and PAYTM.

The detailed schedule of downloading the admit cards of these exams will be displayed soon at - https://www.nta.ac.in. Candidates are requested to visit the site regularly for all major updates.

Contact Details - Candidates can also contact at 8287471852, 8178359845, 9650173668, 9599676953, and 8882356803 for any further clarification.