CISCE ICSE Class X and ISC Class XII Board Datesheet 2018 Released

Last Modified: 05 Feb 2025

ICSE class X and ISC class XII board datesheet released.
Scroll down for complete schedule.

11 January 2018: The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) has released the schedule for Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) (class X) and Indian School Certificate (ISC) (class XII) board exams 2018 on the official website;

ICSE (class X) exams will start from 26 February 2018 and will continue till 28 March 2018. ISC (class XII) exams will start from 7 February 2018 and will continue till 02 April 2018.

Please note the official circular says -

“The dates mentioned in the Time Table for ICSE/ISC Year 2018 Examination may be subject to change based on the declaration of the dates by the Chief Election Commissioner of India for the states due for assembly elections.”

Exam Timings -

ICSE and ISC exams will commence at 11 AM.

Students must visit the official website for any query regarding CISCE Class X and class XII datesheet 2018.