NTA, CBSE, UGC to Prepare Revised Examination Schedule - HRD Ministry

Last Modified: 14 Mar 2025

HRD Ministry directs to prepare revised examination schedules for various examinations due to COVID-19 lockdown.

The Human Resource Development (HRD) Ministry has asked various exam conducting authorities to create revised schedules for examinations because of the 21-days COVID-19 lockdown. The ministry has directed the institutions to work on the alternate academic calendar.

The ministry sent a circular in late Tuesday to all the states and autonomous bodies viz. The National Testing Agency (NTA), Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), University Grants Commission (UGC), the National Council for Education Research and Training (NCERT), and the All India Council for Technical Education to come up with a revised academic calendar.

B.V.R.C Purushottam, Private Secretary to HRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank, said; “On the orders of the minister, we sent a circular to all the states and autonomous bodies last night. It was based on the orders of the MHA (Ministry of Home Affair).” He further added; “Autonomous bodies and NCERT have been asked to draft alternate academic calendars.”

The order also states; “In compliance of the order dated 24.03.2020 issued by MHA, all offices of MHRD and its autonomous institutions and subordinate offices shall remain closed for a period of three weeks. However, all officers and staff shall be working from home as per the said order.”

It further added; “Amidst the Coronavirus lockdown, bureau heads and division heads would ensure that all financial matter relating to releases, particularly salaries and pensions are cleared.”

As of now, NTA has only rescheduled the JEE Main April session exam. The new dates for the exam will be announced on 31st March 2020, as per the official notification. There is no decision on the NEET and other exams rescheduling.

NTA Notice

As per the latest notice on the official NTA website; 

“As a Precaution against COVID - 19, our helpdesk is operating with limited resources. For exam related queries text us on the given numbers. For all other queries, please check the website regularly.”

HelpDesk Numbers

  • 8700028512
  • 8178359845
  • 9650173668
  • 9599676953
  • 8882356803

These numbers will be operational from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM only.

Candidates are advised to check the respective official websites of the exam conducting authorities for latest updates.