CBSE Class 10 Board Exam About To Be Re-Introduced In 2018
The CBSE is going to reintroduce the class 10 Board exam in 2018. The students can check the marking scheme on the official website.
13 December 2018: The Central Board of Secondary Education or CBSE is re-introducing the class 10 Board exam in 2018. CBSE has declared the marking scheme via a notification on the official website. The class 10 Board exam will be mandatory for all the students.
The list of the subjects for which the marking scheme has been published for class 10 has mathematics, science, social science, English (Communication) and English (language and literature). And for class 12, the marking scheme has notified for accountancy, biology, business studies, chemistry, economics, English, Hindi, Mathematics and Physics.
The class 10 Board examination was taken after a series of reporting of suicide cases of the students unable to bear the stress of their very first Board exam. The class 10 Board exam was considered as the deciding factor for the suitable stream for the students. After making the exam optional since 2010, there was lack of real interest from the part of the students which affect the performance of class 12 Board exams.
To raise the academic standard of the country, the current government has re-introduced the class 10 Board exam. The decision was led by HRD minister Prakash Javadekar.