CBSE has Released Sample Question Paper and Marking Scheme for Science for 2017-18

Last Modified: 05 Feb 2025

The CBSE sample questions papers of all subjects are released for class 10 Board Examination

17 November 2017: Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released the sample question papers and marking scheme for the class 10 board examination. They have also declared that the examination will be held in March 2018. The sample question papers of the CBSE class 10 Board examination are available at the official websites of the Board at or

Marking Scheme for Science Paper:

  1. There will be total 27 questions in the science paper. The division will be: 2 questions for 1 mark, 3 questions for 2 marks, 10 questions for 3 marks and 6 questions for 5 marks.
  2. There will be internal choice of 3questions for 3 marks each, 2 questions for 5 marks each and 1 question for 2 marks each.
  3. The practical based questions will be of 12 marks
  4. The 1 mark questions should be answered in one sentence.
  5. The word limit for 2 marks questions is 30
  6. The word limit for 3 marks questions is 50.
  7. The word limit for 5 marks question is 70.
  8. There will be 3 hours of allotted time to attempt the 80 marks theory paper.
  9. The candidates should take extra care in diagram and the labeling.