BSEB Declared Bihar Board Class 10th Result 2020 - Check Out Steps to Download
The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has released the updated result for class 10th on the official website. On 5th August (Wednesday), the board has promoted 2.14 lakh students who had failed the Bihar Board 10th class exam. Such students are awarded grace marks. The decision was taken to avoid compartmental exams in the COVID-19 situation. A total of 2,08,147 candidates had failed the exam - 1,08,459 in one subject and 99,688 in two subjects. The board has promoted 1,41,677 students after allotting grace marks. Candidates can check the updated result at the official website.
BSEB has declared the class 10th 2020 examination result on 26th May 2020. Candidates can check the Bihar Board Matric result 2020 on the official website - or If the websites are not responding, candidates can also check their result at third party website - which is the official result hosting partner of the board. The board has conducted the BSEB Class 10th examination 2020 from 17th to 24th February 2020 at 1,368 exam centres across the state.
Bihar Board Class 10th Result 2020 - Statistics
- Total students appeared - 14,93,722
- Total students passed - 12,04,030
- Pass percentage - 80.59%
- Male students passed - 6,13,485
- Female students passed - 5,90,545
Steps to check the Bihar Board Class 10th Result 2020
- Go to any of the official website mentioned above and click on the link for class 10th result.
- Enter the details asked for and submit the same.
- Your result will appear, check it and download.
- You can take a print out of the same for future reference.
If you cannot access the official website, don’t worry. Go to the Indiaresults official website and check your result with the following steps:
Steps to check the Bihar Board Class 10th Result 2020 on Indiaresults
- Go to the official website -
- Select ‘Bihar’ from the list of states.
- Click on ‘Class 10th (Matric) Exam Result 2020 NOW AVAILABLE’ link.
- Enter your ‘Roll Code’ and ‘Roll Number’ and click on ‘Find Results’ button.
- Your result will appear on the screen. Check it and download.
- You can take a print out of the result for future reference.
Students can also check the result through SMS. Type ‘BSEBRollnumber’ and send it to 56263. Type your roll number in place of ‘roll number’ in the message.
Bihar Board Class 10th Result 2020 - Toppers
Ranks |
Toppers Name |
Marks Obtained (out of 500) |
1 |
Himanshu Raj |
481 |
2 |
Durgesh Kumar |
480 |
3 |
Shubham Kumar |
Rajveer |
Julie Kumari |
4 |
Sannu Kumar |
Munna Kumar |
Navneet Kumar |
5 |
Ranjit Kumar Gupta |
476 |
6 |
Ankit Raj |
475 |
Scroll left or right to view full table
Scrutiny Process
Candidates who are not satisfied with their result/marks and have estimated better marks can request for re-checking of their answer sheets. It is advised that only those students who are confident about the fact that they have done better in the exam as compared to their marks should go for scrutiny. The result of scrutiny will be announced 1 month after the form submission.
The class 10th exams were held in the month of February 2019 from 17th to 24th.