NABARD Recruitment 2022: Notification(Released), Application Form(Out), Exam Dates, Eligibility, Syllabus, Admit Card
Headquartered in Mumbai with its branches sprawled across the country, NABARD or National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development is entrusted with matters concerning planning, operations and policy-making in the field of economic and agricultural activities in the rural areas in India. Being a member of AFI (Alliance for Financial Inclusion), the bank is fully engrossed in developing financial inclusion policy. The article here will cover various NABARD exams for different recruitments.
Framed as the highest development financial institution and a prestigious Public Sector Bank, NABARD conducts exams to recruit candidates for its various posts. Candidates willing to appear for NABARD exams 2022 must go through the syllabus, understand exam patterns and avail other important details to crack the exam.
NABARD Recruitment 2022 Latest Notification -
- NABARD released the notification on 12th July 2022.
- NABARD will start the online application process for the Grade A Post Recruitment on 18th July 2022.
NABARD Recruitment
NABARD conducts recruitment on the following basis:
- Regular Basis
- Contract Basis
Regular basis recruitment comprises of recruitment at:
- Group A posts (Assistant Manager, Legal, Rajbhasha)
- Group B posts (Development Assistant)
- Group C posts (Office Attendant, Drivers)
Contract basis recruitment comprises recruitment at:
- Specialist Officers posts
- Junior Level posts
In the article ahead, we will be covering all the recruitments in detail.
NABARD 2022 Overview
Exam Name |
Year |
2022 |
Conducting Authority |
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development |
Purpose |
Recruitment |
Post |
Assistant Manager, Managerial & Development Assistant |
Official Website |
www.nabard.org |
Exam Date |
TBA (Preliminary Exam - Grade A / B Officer) TBA (Main Exam - Grade A / B Officer) |
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NABARD Exam 2022 Important Dates
The official notification for the NABARD Grade A Officer post was released on the official website on 12th July 2022. Notifications was for Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ in Rural Development Banking Service (RDBS)/ Rajbhasha Service/ Legal Service and Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ in Protocol & Security Service. The important dates for both the recruitments are as under:
For Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ in RDBS/ Rajbhasha/ Legal Service
NABARD 2022 Events |
NABARD 2022 Dates |
Online application commences |
18th July 2022 |
Last date to register online |
7th August 2022 |
Download Phase I (Prelims) Call Letter |
To be announced soon |
Preliminary Exam 2022 |
To be announced soon |
Preliminary Result |
To be announced soon |
Admit Card for Main Exam |
To be announced soon |
NABARD Grade A Officer Main Exam |
To be announced soon |
Main Exam Result |
To be announced soon |
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For Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ in Protocol & Security Service Exam
The recruitment for this post will be done through shortlisting and interviews.
NABARD 2022 Events |
NABARD 2022 Dates |
Online application commences |
18th July 2022 |
Last date to register online |
7th August 2022 |
Interview |
To be announced soon |
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Recruitment notifications for other posts have not been released yet.
NABARD Exam 2022 Pattern & Syllabus
For Assistant Manager Grade A Post
The recruitment process is conducted in three major phases –
- PHASE I (Preliminary Exam - Objective)
- PHASE II (Main Exam – Objective & Descriptive)
- PHASE III (Interview)
The first phase i.e. the preliminary exam is a screening test. It is qualifying in nature. Those who clear the prelims and get high ranks (as decided by NABARD) will be called for the Phase II exam. To attend the Phase III exam (personal interview), applicants must secure good ranks and qualify for the Main Examination.
For better preparation for the NABARD exam 2022, having a clear and complete knowledge of the latest pattern and detailed syllabus would be a boon. Here we have shed some light on the NABARD Grade-A Exam Pattern and Syllabus.
NABARD Grade-A Exam Pattern (Phase 1 - Preliminary)
The Preliminary phase pattern for RDBS, Rajbhasha, and Legal Service is the same and the Main exam pattern varies a little. Here are the details:
Test Name |
No. Of Questions |
Maximum Marks |
Time Duration |
Quantitative Aptitude |
20 |
20 |
Composite time of 120 minutes |
Reasoning Ability |
20 |
20 |
Computer Knowledge |
20 |
20 |
General Awareness |
20 |
20 |
English Language |
40 |
40 |
Agriculture & Rural Development |
40 |
40 |
Economic and Social Issues |
40 |
40 |
Total |
200 |
200 |
2 Hours |
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The Preliminary exam is only qualifying in nature and is done for screening of candidates for the Main exam.
NABARD Grade-A Exam Pattern (Phase 2 - Main)
Eligible candidates will be called for NABARD Grade-A Main Examination. Unlike the phase 1 exam pattern, the main examination consists of both descriptive and objective tests. Here is what prelims qualified candidates are going to get –
Exam |
Name of Test |
Maximum Marks |
Duration |
Paper I |
General English (common for Grade ‘A’ - RDBS, Rajbhasha, and Legal) |
100 |
90 Min |
Paper-II |
For Grade A (RDBS) General Discipline - Agriculture & Rural Development and Economic & Social Issues Specialized Discipline - Paper on related discipline For Grade A Rajbhasha Proficiency in Hindi (including translation from English to Hindi and vice versa). Analytical ability is assessed through descriptive paper For Grade A Legal Services Proficiency in Interpreting Laws such as Banking, Negotiable Instruments, Industrial, Company, and Cooperative Laws, Cyber laws, Rural non-life insurance, Commerce/Property transactions, staff matters, direct financing, and good experience in drafting various types of documents. |
100 |
90 Min |
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Negative Marking
There is a provision of negative marking in the exam where objective questions are asked both in Phase-I and Phase II. 1/4th marks assigned to the question will be deducted for every wrong answer.
NABARD Grade-A Exam Pattern (Phase 3 - Interview)
Applicants who qualify (secure the minimum cut-off marks or above) for the Main phase examination and secure a high rank in the merit are short-listed for the interview. The interview phase is 25 marks.
The final selection for the post of Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ (RDBS/ Rajbhasha/ Legal) will be based on candidates' performance in Main Examination and interview.
Tie-Breaking Criteria
If the total marks secured by the candidates in Phase II (Main Exam) and Phase III (Interview) are the same, the ranking will be decided as under:
- “Amongst the candidates having equal marks in total (Main examination + interview taken together), the candidate with higher marks in the Main Examination will be ranked higher.
- In case of having equal marks in the Main Examination, the candidate with a higher qualification or in case of similar qualification, the candidate with higher marks in graduation will be ranked higher. In case of a further tie-up, the candidate senior in age will be ranked higher.”
For Assistant Manager Grade A Post in Protocol & Security Service
The selection for the Assistant Manager Grade A post in Protocol & Security Service will be based on shortlisting and interviews.
NABARD Grade B Main Examination Exam Pattern
The Grade B notification has not been released yet. However, we are covering the exam pattern for the same for students’ convenience. The Preliminary phase pattern will be the same as of the Grade ‘A’ exam. The Main exam pattern is as under:
Exam |
Test Name |
Maximum Marks |
Time |
Phase I |
General English (Descriptive) |
100 |
90 Min |
Phase II |
For General Post – Economic and Social Issues and Agriculture and Rural Development (focus on Rural India) For Manager (RDBS) Agriculture Post – Agriculture |
100 |
90 Min |
Phase III |
Development Economics, Statistics, Finance & Management |
100 |
90 Min |
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There will be a penalty for incorrect answers (only for objective-type tests). 1/4th of the marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
For Development Assistant Post
The notification for the post of Development Assistant has also not been released yet. The exam pattern for recruitment is as under. The selection process for the post of Development Assistant involves two significant phases –
- Preliminary Exam (Online)
- Main Exam (Online)
Phase I (Preliminary Exam)
Phase I exam will consist of three tests Reasoning, Numerical Ability and English Language. The total duration of the exam will be 1 hour. Phase I test will be conducted for 100 marks.
Test Name |
Questions |
Marks |
Duration |
Reasoning |
30 |
30 |
60 minutes |
Numerical Ability |
30 |
30 |
English Language |
40 |
40 |
Total |
100 |
100 |
1 hour |
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Phase II (Main Exam)
Phase II exam will have Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, English Language, Computer Knowledge and General Awareness. The English Language test will be descriptive. The duration of the Main exam will be 120 minutes.
Test Name |
Questions |
Marks |
Duration |
Computer Knowledge |
40 |
40 |
90 minutes |
General Awareness |
50 |
50 |
Reasoning |
30 |
30 |
Quantitative Aptitude |
30 |
30 |
English Language (Descriptive) |
Essay, Letter/ Report Writing, Precis |
50 |
30 minutes |
Total |
200 |
120 minutes |
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There will be a penalty for incorrect answers (only for objective-type tests). 1/4th of the marks will be deducted for each wrong answer. The medium of the exam will be English and Hindi.
NABARD 2022 Syllabus
NABARD Grade A Assistant Manager Phase I (Preliminary) Syllabus
Quantitative Aptitude: Data Interpretation; Quadratic Equations; Number Series; Simplification/Approximation; Data Sufficiency; Miscellaneous Arithmetic Questions
Reasoning Ability: Puzzles; Syllogism; Data Sufficiency; State-based questions; Inequality; Miscellaneous Questions; Input-Out; Blood Relations
English Language: Reading Comprehension; Sentence Rearrangement; Spotting the Errors; Fill in the Blanks; Cloze Test; Sentence Improvement
General Awareness: Current Affairs; Banking; Economy; Insurance
Computer Knowledge: History of Computer & Generations; Networking; Shortcuts; MS Office; Input-output Devices; Internet
NABARD Grade A Assistant Manager Phase II (Main) Syllabus
Paper I
The main examination will have objective as well as descriptive type tests in English. The descriptive test will check the candidates’ expertise in written English. It will comprise précis writing, report writing, essay writing, comprehension, paragraph writing, etc. Other than that there is a personal interview segment to be conducted to select adroit professionals. The descriptive test is also conducted through online mode where candidates are required to type the answers through the keyboard. The marks distribution for different topics is as under:
- Essay Writing (40 Marks)
- Precis Writing (20 Marks)
- Reading Comprehension Questions (20 Marks)
- Report/ Letter Writing (20 Marks)
Paper-II (RDBS - General Discipline)
Economic & Social Issues
Nature of Indian Economy - Structural and Institutional features, Opening up the Indian Economy, Economic underdevelopment, Economic Reforms in India, Globalisation, Privatisation.
Inflation - Trends in Inflation & their Impact on National Economy and Individual Income.
Poverty Alleviation and Employment Generation in India - Rural and Urban, Measurement of Poverty, Poverty Alleviation Programmes of the Government.
Population Trends - Population Growth and Economic Development, Population Policy in India.
Agriculture - Characteristics/ Status, Agricultural performance, Technical and Institutional changes in Indian Agriculture, Issues in Food Security in India, Non-Institutional and Institutional Agencies in rural credit.
Industry - Industrial and Labour Policy, Industrial performance, Regional Imbalance in India's Industrial Development, Public Sector Enterprises.
Rural banking and financial institutions in India - Reforms in Banking/ Financial sector.
The globalization of Economy - Role of International Funding Institutions, WTO, IMF & World Bank, Regional Economic Cooperation.
Social Structure in India - Multiculturalism, Demographic trends, Gender Issues Joint family system, Urbanisation and Migration, Social Infrastructure, Education, Health and Environment.
Education - Status & System of Education, Educational relevance and educational wastage, Socio-economic Problems associated with Illiteracy, Educational Policy for India.
Social Justice: Problems of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, socio-economic programs for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes and other backward classes.
Positive Discrimination in favor of the underprivileged - Social Movements, Indian Political Systems, Human Development. Current Economic & Social Issues.
Agriculture & Rural Development
Agriculture: definition, meaning and its branches, Agronomy: definition, meaning and scope of agronomy. Classification of field crops. Factors affecting crop production, Cropping Systems: Definition and types of cropping systems. Agro Climatic Zones; Problems of dryland agriculture; seed processing, seed production, seed village; Meteorology: weather parameters, crop-weather advisory; Precision Farming, System of Crop Intensification, organic farming;
- Soil and Water Conservation: Major soil types, soil fertility, soil erosion, fertilizers, soil conservation, watershed management;
- Water Resource: Irrigation Management: types of irrigation, sources of irrigation, crop-water requirement, water conservation techniques, command area development, micro-irrigation, irrigation pumps, major, medium and minor irrigation.
- Farm and Agri Engineering: Farm Machinery and Power, Sources of power on the farm- human, animal, mechanical, electrical, wind, solar and biomass, biofuels, water harvesting structures, farm ponds, watershed management, Agro-Processing, Controlled and modified storage, perishable food storage, godowns, bins and grain silos.
- Plantation & Horticulture: Definition, meaning and its branches. Agronomic practices and production technology of various plantation and horticulture crops. Post-harvest management, value and supply chain management of Plantation and Horticulture crops.
- Animal Husbandry: Farm animals and their role in the Indian economy, Animal husbandry methods in India, common terms about different species of livestock, Utility classification of breeds of cattle. Introduction to common feeds and fodders, their classification and utility.
Introduction to the poultry industry in India (past, present and future status), Common terms about poultry production and management. Concept of mixed farming and its relevance to socio-economic conditions of farmers in India. Complimentary and obligatory nature of livestock and poultry production with that of agricultural farming.
- Fisheries: Fisheries resources, management and exploitation - freshwater, brackish water and marine; Aquaculture- Inland and marine; biotechnology; post-harvest technology. Importance of fisheries in India. Common terms about fish production.
- Forestry: Basic concepts of Forest and Forestry. Principles of silviculture, forest mensuration, forest management and forest economics. Concepts of social forestry, agroforestry, joint forest management. Forest policy and legislation in India, India State of Forest Report 2015. Recent developments under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change.
- Agriculture Extensions: Its importance and role, methods of evaluation of extension programs, Role of Krishi Vigyan Kendra's (KVK) in the dissemination of Agricultural technologies.
- Ecology and Climate Change: Ecology and its relevance to man, natural resources, their sustainable management and conservation. Causes of climate change, GreenHouse Gases (GHG), major GHG emitting countries, climate analysis, the distinction between adaptation and mitigation, climate change impact on agriculture and rural livelihood, carbon credit, IPCC, UNFCCC, CoP meetings, funding mechanisms for climate change projects, initiatives by Govt of India, NAPCC, SAPCC, INDC
- Present Scenario of Indian Agriculture and Allied activities; recent trends, major challenges in agriculture measures to enhance the viability of agriculture. Factors of Production in agriculture; Agricultural Finance and Marketing; Impact of Globalization on Indian Agriculture and issues of Food Security; Concept and Types of Farm Management.
Rural Development: Concept of Rural Area, Structure of the Indian Rural EconomyImportance and role of the rural sector in India- Economic, Social and Demographic Characteristics of the Indian rural economy, causes of Rural Backwardness. Rural population in India; Occupational structure, Farmers, Agricultural Labourers, Artisans, Handicrafts, Traders, Forest dwellers/tribes and others in rural India- Trends of change in rural population and rural workforce; problems and conditions of rural labor; Issues and challenges in Handlooms. Panchayati Raj Institutions – Functions and Working. MGNREGA, NRLM – Aajeevika, Rural Drinking water Programmes, Swachh Bharat, Rural Housing, PURA and other rural development programs
The syllabus for specialized Disciplines of Paper-II Grade A (RDBS/ Rajbhasha/ Legal) is uploaded to the official website. Candidates can download the same as per their preferred discipline.
NABARD Development Assistant Syllabus
English Language: English Proficiency, English Usage Errors, Descriptive (Essay, Precis, Letter/ Report Writing)
Numerical Ability: Date Interpretation, Percentage, Mixture and allegations, Problems on Ages, Simple Interest/ Compound Interest, Time and Work, Profit and Loss, Averages, Time Speed and Distance, Ratio & Proportions, Number System, HCF & LCM and Simplification
General Awareness: Current Affairs – National & International, Union Budget, Sports, Important Financial & Economic News, Five Year Plans, Banking and Finance, Awards and Honours, Science – Inventions & Discoveries, Books and Authors, Capitals and Currency, Business and Economy, Famous Personalities, Days and Dates, Films and Entertainment, Famous Places, History, Geography Governance, Indian Politics, International Current Affairs, Abbreviations, National Current Affairs, Important Days and International & National Organizations
Reasoning: Directions, Coding-Decoding, Analogies, Verbal/Non-Verbal Series, Calendars & Clocks, Ranking of Numbers, Dice and Cube, Mirror Images, Arithmetical Reasoning, Blood Relations and Number Series
Computer Knowledge: Computer Fundamentals, Operating System, MS Excel, MS Word, Internet, MS Power-Point – Presentation and Windows
NABARD Grade ‘A’ Preparation Tips/ Strategy
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NABARD Exam 2022 Eligibility
Candidates applying for the NABARD recruitments must make sure that they meet the eligibility criteria. Here are the eligibility details for different posts:
For Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ in Protocol & Security Service
Age Limit (as of 1st January 2022)
The minimum age limit for the post is 25 years and the maximum age limit is 40 years. In other words, the candidates must be born between 2nd January 1982 and 1st January 1997. There is no age relaxation for any category.
Experience (as of 1st January 2022)
Candidates must be an officer with a minimum of five years of commissioned service in Army/ Air Force/ Navy. Candidates must have a valid Ex-serviceman ID.
Emergency Commissioned Officers/ Short Service Commissioned Officers must have rendered a minimum of five years of continuous Military Service. Such officers should have been released on completion of the assignment.
For Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ in RDBS/ Legal/ Rajbhasha
Candidates must note that they can apply for only one discipline i.e. either RDBS or Rajbhasha/ Legal.
Age Limit (as of 1st January 2022)
The minimum age limit is 21 years and the maximum age limit is 30 years. In other words, the candidate must be born between 2nd January 1992 and 1st January 2001. Relaxation in the age limit will be provided to reserved category candidates as under:
Category |
Relaxation in Upper Age Limit |
3 years |
SC/ ST |
5 years |
Ex-Servicemen |
5 years |
Emergency Commissioned Officers/ Short Service Commissioned Officers |
5 years |
Children/ Family members of victims died in the 1984 riots |
5 years |
PWBD (General) |
10 years |
13 years |
15 years |
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Note: “No Cumulative age Relaxation will be available to any applicant.”
Educational Qualification (as of 1st January 2022)
Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ in RDBS (Rural Development Banking Service)
Bachelor’s Degree in any subject from a recognized University with a minimum of 50% marks (45% for SC/ ST/ PWBD applicants) in aggregate
Master’s degree with a minimum of 50% marks (45% for SC/ ST/ PWBD applicants) in aggregate
Chartered Accountant / Company Secretary/ Cost Accountant with a Bachelor's degree
Two-year full-time P.G. Diploma in Management / full-time MBA degree from Institutions recognized by GOI / UGC with a Bachelor's Degree in any discipline.
General Agriculture
Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture with 50% marks (45% for ST/ PWBD) in aggregate
Master’s degree in Agriculture/ Agriculture (Soil Science/ Agronomy) with a minimum of 50% marks (45% for ST/ PWBD) in aggregate from a recognised Institution/ University.
Agriculture Engineering
Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture Engineering with 50% marks (45% for SC/ PWBD applicants) in aggregate
Postgraduate degree in Agriculture Engineering with a minimum of 50% marks (45% for SC/ PWBD) in aggregate from a recognised institute or University.
Agriculture Marketing/ Agriculture Business Management
Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture Marketing/ Agriculture Business Management with 50% marks (45% for PWBD candidates) in aggregate
Two-years full-time Postgraduate Degree/ Post-Graduate Diploma/ MBA in Agriculture Marketing/ Agriculture Business Management with a minimum of 50% marks (45% for PWBD) in aggregate from a recognised University / Institution.
Agricultural Economics/ Economics
Bachelor’s Degree with Economics/Agriculture Economics with 50% marks (SC/ PWBD applicants - 45%) in aggregate
Master’s degree in Economics/Agriculture Economics with a minimum of 50% marks (45% for SC/ PWBD) in aggregate from a recognized university.
Land Development-Soil Science
Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture/ Agriculture (Agronomy/ Soil Science) with 50% marks (45% SC/ ST/ PWBD applicants) in aggregate
Master’s degree in Agriculture / Agriculture (Agronomy/ Soil Science) with a minimum of 50% marks (45% SC/ST/ PWBD) in aggregate from a recognised University/ Institution.
Food/ Dairy Processing
Bachelor’s degree in Food Technology/ Food Processing/ Dairy Technology/ Dairy Sciences with 50% marks (45% for ST/ PWBD candidates) in aggregate
Master’s degree in Food Processing /Food Technology/ Dairy Technology/ Dairy Sciences with 50% marks (45% for ST/ PWBD candidates) in aggregate from a recognized institute or University.
Environmental Engineering/ Sciences
Bachelor’s degree with Environmental Science / Environmental Engineering with 50% marks (45% for SC/ ST/ PWBD) in aggregate
Postgraduate degree in Environmental Engineering or Environmental Science with 50% marks (45% for SC/ST/ PWBD) in aggregate from a recognized University/Institution.
Geo Informatics
B.Tech/ BE/ B.SC degree in Geoinformatics with 50% marks (45% for PWBD) in aggregate
M.Tech/ ME/ M.SC degree in Geoinformatics with a minimum of 50% marks (PWBD applicants - 45%) in aggregate from a recognized university.
Information Technology
Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science/ Computer Technology/ Computer Applications/ Information Technology with 50% marks (45% for SC/ ST/ PWBD) in aggregate
PG degree Computer Science/ Computer Applications/ Computer Technology/ Information Technology with 50% marks (SC/ ST/ PWBD applicants 45%) in aggregate from a recognised university.
Chartered Accountant
Bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a recognized institute or University with Membership of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). The Membership of ICAI must have been obtained on or before 1st January 2022.
Company Secretary
Bachelor’s degree in any discipline with Associate membership of Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI). The Membership of ICSI must have been obtained on or before 1st January 2022.
BBA (Finance/Banking)/ BMS (Finance/Banking) with 50% marks (45% for SC/ ST/ PWBD)
Two years full-time P.G. Diploma in Management (Finance) / Full-time MBA (Finance) degree from Institutions / Universities recognised by GoI /UGC
Bachelor of Financial and Investment Analysis with 50% marks (45% SC/ ST/ PWBD)
Human Resource Management
BBA (Human Resource Management)/ BMS ((Human Resource Management)/ BBM (Human Resource Management) with 50% marks (45% for PWBD)
Two-years full-time P.G. Diploma in Management in HRM/ HR / Full-time MBA degree in HRM/ HR from a recognised institute or University.
Bachelor’s Degree in Statistics with 50% marks (45% for PWBD) in aggregate
PG degree in Statistics with a minimum of 50% marks (45% PWBD) in aggregate from a recognized university
Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ in Rajbhasha
Bachelor's Degree from a recognised university in Hindi/ English medium with Hindi and English as a compulsory or elective subject with a minimum of 50% marks (pass class for SC/ ST/ PWBD) in the aggregate
Bachelor's Degree with Hindi and English as main subjects with a minimum of 50% marks (pass marks for SC/ ST/ PWBD) in the aggregate. Candidates must be able to translate from Hindi to English and vice/versa.
PG Degree from a recognised university in Hindi with a minimum of 50% marks (pass class for SC/ ST/ PWBD) in aggregate and English as a compulsory/elective subject at Bachelor’s degree level
PG Degree in English with a minimum of 50% marks (pass class for SC/ ST/ PWBD) and Hindi as the main subject at Bachelor’s degree level. Candidates must be able to translate from Hindi to English and vice/versa.
Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ in Legal Service
Bachelor’s Degree in Law recognized by the Bar Council of India for enrolment as an Advocate with at least 50% marks (45% for SC/ST) or equivalent in the aggregate of all semesters/years
LLM Degree with a minimum of 45% (40% for SC/ST) or equivalent in the aggregate of all semesters/years.
For PWBD candidates, the minimum marks required in the Bachelor’s degree in Law shall be 50% and in LLM degree, the minimum marks should be 45% in aggregate of all years.
The official notifications for Manager and Development Assistant posts for the year 2020 have not been released yet. However, the eligibility details for the same are provided as under.
For Manager Post
Age Limit:
To be eligible for the manager post, candidates must be between 21 and 35 years old (at the time of applying).
Educational Requirements:
- 60% or above in graduation in any subject from a recognised University. For SC/ST/PwD candidates, it is 55% marks in aggregate
- Or, if the person holds a PG degree, he must have scored a minimum of 55% marks in aggregate from a recognised university. For SC/ST/PwD candidates, it is 50% marks in aggregate
- Or, Degree in Agriculture with a minimum of 60% marks. SC/ST candidates with 55% are eligible
- Or, if done PG in Agriculture, he must have scored 55% in aggregate. Similarly, SC/ST applicants must have obtained 50% marks
For Development Assistant
- Only Indian citizens are eligible to apply
Age Limit (As of 01/08/2022):
- The applicants must be between 18 and 35 years
- They should have been born not earlier than 2nd August 1987 and not later than 1st August 2004
- Relaxation in the upper age limit –
By 3 years, i.e. up to 38 years |
SC/ ST |
By 5 years |
PWBD (Persons with Benchmark Disabilities) |
By 10 years (General) By 13 years (OBC) By 15 years (SC/ ST) |
Divorced/ Widows/ Women legally separated but not remarried |
By 10 years |
Applicants who domiciled in Kashmir Division between 01.01.1980 and 31.12.1989 |
By 5 years |
Ex-servicemen |
As per the official notification, “To the extent of service rendered by them in Armed Forces plus an additional period of 3 years subject to a maximum of 50 years” |
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Academic Qualifications:
Should have held a Bachelor’s Degree (any discipline) with a minimum of 50% marks (pass class for reserved candidates).
NABARD Exam 2022 Application Process
NABARD released notifications for Assistant Manager Grade ’A’ post in RDBS/ Legal/ Rajbhasha and the Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ post in Protocol & Security Service on 12th July 2022. Candidates must complete the application process online. The application process is the same for both posts. The process is as under:
Application Process for Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ in RDBS/ Legal/ Rajbhasha and Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ in Protocol & Security Service
Important Points and Documents Required
- Candidates can apply for only one post/ discipline. If multiple applications are submitted by an applicant, only the last submitted application will be considered. The fee paid against all other applications will be forfeited.
- The applications can be submitted only through online mode.
- Candidates must scan the following documents (documents specifications provided below):
- Recent photograph (4.5 cm x 3.5 cm)
- Signature (with black ink). The signature should NOT be CAPITAL Letters.
- Left-thumb impression (on white paper with blue or black ink).
- Handwritten declaration (in candidate’s handwriting on white paper with black ink). Text - “I...................... (Name of the candidate), hereby declare that all the information submitted by me in the application form is correct, true and valid. I will present the supporting documents as and when required.”
- Valid Email ID and Mobile number
- Documents/ Details for online fee payment.
Steps to Apply for NABARD Exam -
- Log on to the official website of the Bank, i.e. www.nabard.org.
- Check out the ‘nabard.org/career’ notices and look for the ‘Apply Online’ link.
- New registrants must click on the ‘Click here for New Registration’ tab and provide details such as full name, email ID and contact details.
- Registrants will receive a Provisional Registration Number and Password.
- Use the log-in credentials to complete the form by providing the correct details.
- Validate the details by selecting ‘Validate your details’ and ‘Save & Next’ button
- Upload the scanned documents (Photo & Signature) as per the specifications.
- Verify for the last time before hitting the ‘Final Submit’ button.
- Select the ‘Payment’ tab to remit the application fee.
- Click on the ‘Submit’ button.
“Candidates are advised to carefully fill and verify the details filled in the online application themselves as no change will be possible after clicking the FINAL SUBMIT BUTTON,” maintains the recruitment notification. At any point, during the application process, a candidate can click on ‘Save and Next’ if he is unable to complete the online form in one go.
NABARD Recruitment 2022 Application Fee
The application fee for both posts is to be paid online. The application fee is non-refundable. Bank transaction charges are to be borne by the candidates themselves.
For Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ in RDBs/ Legal/ Rajbhasha
Categories |
Application Fee |
Intimation Charges |
Total (exclusive of GST) |
₹ 150 |
₹ 150 |
Others |
₹ 650 |
₹ 150 |
₹ 800 |
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For Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ in Protocol & and Security Service
Categories |
Application Fee |
Intimation Charges |
Total (exclusive of GST) |
SC/ ST |
₹ 100 |
₹ 100 |
Others |
₹ 650 |
₹ 100 |
₹ 750 |
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Documents Specifications
Images |
Dimensions |
Sizes |
Photograph |
200 x 230 pixels |
20kb to 50kb |
Signature |
140 x 60 pixels |
10kb to 20kb |
Left-Thumb Impression |
140 x 60 pixels |
20 kb to 50 kb |
Hand-written declaration |
- |
50 kb to 100 kb |
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NABARD Exam 2022 Other Details
NABARD Grade ‘A’ Recommended Books
Here are some of the recommended books for the NABARD Grade ‘A’ exam 2022 based on the previous years’ qualifiers and experts’ suggestions.
Books Name |
Purchase Link |
NABARD Assistant Manager (Grade A) by V.V.K.Subburaj |
Kiran NABARD Officers Grade ‘A’ Phase-I Preliminary Exam Practice Work Book |
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension by Arun Sharma and Meenakshi Upadhyay |
Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning by RS Aggarwal |
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exam by RS Aggarwal |
Advanced Objective General Knowledge by S. Chand |
Social Problems in India by Ram Ahuja |
Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh |
Agriculture at a Glance: Enhanced Competition Explorer by RK Sharma and SK Bhoi |
NABARD and its Significance in Agriculture by SK Chaudhary |
Scroll left or right to view full table
Pre-Recruitment Training for SC/ ST/ PWD/ OBC Assistant Manager
Reserved category candidates are provided pre-recruitment training, free of cost. To avail of the training, candidates need to apply separately to the Chief General Manager, National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development. The training will be held before the prelims exam. “The training will be held subject to receipt of an adequate number of requests,” the official notification updates. The applications must reach the Chief General Manager on or before the specified date. The format for the application is provided in the official notification. The cover containing the application must read; “APPLICATION FOR PRE-EXAMINATION TRAINING FOR SC/ ST/ OBC/ PWD CANDIDATES FOR ASST. MANAGER IN RDBS.”
Centers for Pre-Recruitment Training
Candidates can select any one center from the following list:
- Gujarat - NABARD Tower, Opp. Municipal Garden, Usmanpura, Ahmedabad 380 013
- Karnataka - NABARD Towers, 46, K.G. Road, Bangalore 560 009
- Madhya Pradesh - E-5, Arera Colony, Bittan Market, P.O. Ravishankar Nagar, Bhopal 462 016
- Odisha - "Ankur", 2/1 Nayapalli, Civic Centre, Bhubaneshwar 751 01
- Punjab/Haryana - Plot No.3, Sector 34-A, Chandigarh 160 022
- Tamil Nadu - 48 Mahatma Gandhi Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai 600034
- Uttarakhand - IT-42, IT Park, Sahastradhara Road, Dehradun 248013, Uttarakhand
- Assam - G.S. Road, Opp. Assam Secretariat, Dispur, Guwahati 781001
- Andhra Pradesh/Telangana - 1-1-61, R.T.C. Cross Roads, Musheerabad, Hyderabad 500 020
- Rajasthan - 3, Nehru Place, Tonk Road, Jaipur 302015
- Jammu & Kashmir - Railway Road Railhead Complex Near Saraswati Dham Jammu – 180012 Jammu & Kashmir
- West Bengal - NABARD BHAWAN, Block: DP-2, Sector-V, Salt Lake, Kolkata: 700091
- Uttar Pradesh - 11, Vipin Khand, Gomtinagar, Lucknow 226 010
- Head Office, Mumbai - C-24/G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra East, Mumbai 400051
- New Delhi - 24 Rajendra Place, New Delhi 110125.
- Bihar - Maurya Lok Complex, Block B, 4 & 5 Floors, Dak Bungalow Road, Patna 800 001
- Maharashtra - 54 Wellesley Road, Shivaji Nagar, Pune 411 005
- Chhattisgarh - Ananya, Plot No.01, Sector-24 Opposite Central Park Atal Nagar, Nava Raipur-492101
- Jharkhand - Opp. Adivasi College Hostel, Karamtoli Road, Ranchi 834 001
- Meghalaya - U PHEIT KHARMIHPEN Bldg, 2nd & 3rd Floor, Plot No.28(2), Dhankheti, Near Law College, Shillong 793 003 and
- Kerala - Punnen Road, Statue, Thiruvananthapuram 695 039.
NABARD 2022 Admit Card
The admit cards for the NABARD Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ recruitment will be uploaded to the official website. The admit card/ call letters for both the phases (Preliminary and Main) will be released separately. Intimation will also be sent for downloading the admit card on the registered email address/ mobile number. Candidates can download the admit card using their registration number/ roll number and password/ date of birth. Affix your recent passport-size photograph (preferably the same uploaded while filling the application form) on the admit card after taking a print. Candidates are required to carry the following to the examination center on the exam day:
- NABARD Admit Card
- Photo ID Proof (any one of PAN Card, Driving Licence, Passport, Bank Passbook, Voter’s Card, Aadhaar Card, Employee ID card, Photo ID proof issued by a Gazetted Officer on official letterhead, valid ID card issued by a recognized college/ University, Photo ID proof issued by a People’s representative on official letterhead, Bar Council Identity Card
- Photocopy of the above Photo ID proof
Open Vacancies
Vacancies for the 2022 recruitment will be released through the official notification. Here are the details for last year’s vacancies.
Vacancies for Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ in RDBS/ Legal/ Rajbhasha
Post/ Discipline |
Total Vacancies |
Assistant Manager (RDBS) |
General |
161 |
AM (RDBS) - Total |
161 |
Assistant Manager (Rajbhasha) |
7 |
168 |
Scroll left or right to view full table
Vacancies for Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ in Protocol & Security Service
Post/ Discipline |
Total Vacancies |
Assistant Manager (P & SS) |
2 |
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Exam Centers
For Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ in RDBS/ Legal/ Rajbhasha
Preliminary Examination (Phase-I)
State/ Union Territory |
Cities |
Andhra Pradesh |
Chirala,, Guntur, Kurnool, Kadapa, Nellore, Rajahmundry, Tirupati, Visakhapatnam, Vijayawada, Kakinada, Vizianagaram, Srikakulam |
Assam |
Dibrugarh, Guwahati, Jorhat, Tezpur, Silchar |
Arunachal Pradesh |
Naharlagun |
Andaman & Nicobar |
Port Blair |
Bihar |
Arrah, Darbhanga, Bhagalpur, Gaya, Patna, Purnea, Muzaffarpur |
Chattisgarh |
Bilaspur, Raipur, Durg-Bhilai |
Chandigarh |
Chandigarh-Mohali |
Gujarat |
Ahmedabad / Gandhinagar, Mehsana, Anand, Rajkot, Vadodara, Surat |
Goa |
Panaji-Mapusa |
Himachal Pradesh |
Hamirpur, Solan, Shimla, Mandi, Kangra |
Haryana |
Ambala, Hisar, Gurgaon, Faridabad, Kurukshetra, Karnal, Sonipat |
Jharkhand |
Bokaro, Jamshedpur, Dhanbad, Hazaribagh, Ranchi |
Jammu & Kashmir |
Jammu, Samba, Srinagar |
Kerala |
Alappuzha, Ernakulam/Kochi, Kannur, Kottayam, Kozhikode, Pallakad, Thrichur, Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam |
Karnataka |
Belgaum, Bengaluru, Hassan, Hubli-Dharwad, Gulbarga, Mysore, Mangalore, Shimoga, Udupi |
Madhya Pradesh |
Bhopal, Ujjain, Gwalior, Indore, Sagar, Satna, Jabalpur |
Maharashtra |
Aurangabad, Amravati, Kolhapur, Mumbai/ Navi Mumbai/Thane/Greater Mumbai, Nagpur, Nanded, Nasik, Pune, Chandrapur, Solapur, Dhule |
Meghalaya |
Shillong |
Manipur |
Imphal |
Mizoram |
Aizawl |
Nagaland |
Kohima |
New Delhi |
Delhi - NCR |
Odisha |
Berhampur(Ganjam), Balasore, Bhubaneshwar, Cuttack, Dhenkanal, Sambalpur, Rourkela |
Punjab |
Amritsar, Jalandhar, Bhatinda, Mohali, Ludhiana, Patiala |
Puducherry |
Puducherry |
Rajasthan |
Ajmer, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Bikaner, Kota, Sikar, Udaipur |
Sikkim |
Gangtok, Bardang |
Telangana |
Hyderabad/Rangareddy, Warangal, Karimnagar, Khammam |
Tamilnadu |
Chennai, Madurai, Coimbatore, Salem, Vellore, Tiruchirapalli, Tirunelveli, Erode, Virudhunagar |
Tripura |
Agartala |
Uttar Pradesh |
Agra, Aligarh, Bareilly, Prayagraj, Faizabad, Gorakhpur, Jhansi, Ghaziabad, Kanpur, Meerut, Moradabad, Lucknow, Muzaffarnagar, Varanasi, Noida |
Uttarakhand |
Dehradun, Roorkee, Haldwani |
West Bengal |
Asansol, Hooghly, Durgapur, Kolkata/Greater Kolkata, Kalyani, Siliguri |
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The complete address of the examination venue will be mentioned on the admit card. Any request for a change in the examination center, date, or session will not be entertained under any circumstances.
Main Examination (Phase-II)
Name of Examination Centers |
Ahmedabad/ Gandhinagar |
Kolkata |
Bhubaneshwar |
Lucknow |
Bhopal |
Mumbai/ Navi Mumbai/ Thane |
Bangalore |
Delhi - NCR |
Chennai |
Pune |
Chandigarh - Mohali |
Patna |
Guwahati |
Ranchi |
Hyderabad |
Raipur |
Jammu |
Shillong |
Jaipur |
Thiruvananthapuram |
Srinagar |
- |
Scroll left or right to view full table
Candidates are required to provide one examination choice for Phase-I and one for Phase-II while filling out the application form.
Guidelines for Misconduct
Candidates are warned against providing any false information while filling up the online application forms. If any candidate is found using any unfair means during the exam or any of the following, strict actions will be taken against them. Here are the things included in misconduct:
- Misbehaving in the examination hall
- Impersonating or procuring impersonation by any person
- Resorting to any irregular or improper means in connection with his/ her candidature for selection
- Obtaining support for his/ her candidature by any unfair means
In addition to rendering himself/ herself liable for criminal prosecution, candidates are liable for the following:
- Disqualified from the examination
- Debarred either permanently or for a specific period from all examinations conducted by NABARD
- Termination of service (if he/ she has already joined the bank)
Nabard Exam 2022 Result
NABARD Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ results in RDBS/ Rajbhasha/ Legal preliminary exam 2022 will be announced online. Those who have qualified for the Prelim phase are required to appear for the Main examination. The Main exam result will be released separately. The final result for the NABARD examination will be released after the interview phase.
Pay Scale
Selected candidates for Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ post will draw a starting basic pay of ₹ 28,150/- p.m. in the scale of ₹28150-1550(4)-34350-1750(7)–46600–EB-1750(4)-53600- 2000(1)-55600. They will also be eligible for Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance, Local Compensatory Allowance, and Grade Allowance as per rules. At present, the initial monthly gross emoluments are approximately ₹ 62,600/-.
Job Profile of Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ in Protocol & Security Service
The selected candidates will be responsible for:
- Watch and Ward arrangements as to internal security, entry and exit points, passages, surveillance through CCTV, recording, monitoring, etc. in bank office buildings.
- Maintenance/ Security of Bank’s Properties
- Protocol Duties
- Control Over the Staff Deployed for the Purpose
Job Profile of Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ in RDBS/ Legal/ Rajbhasha
Technical Disciplines |
Nature of Work/ Skill-Sets |
Information Technology |
Security /Database Administration / Analytics /Application Development/ Server Management and related fields/ Networking / Database Analysis (MySQL, Oracle, MSSQL) |
Finance, CA and CS |
Risk management/ Treasury Management/ Handling of regulatory and/or statutory compliances for public issues, retail bonds, etc. |
Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Agriculture Engineering, Agriculture Info., Civil Engineering, Biotechnology, Computer and Information Tech, Economics, Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Communications, Environment Engineering, Fisheries, Forestry, Food Processing, LD - Soil Sci, Geo. Informatics, Horticulture, Social Work/Audit Minor Irrigation/ Water Resources |
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NABARD Exam Frequently Asked Questions
Simply visit the official website and click on the download the call letter link. You will be directed to the login page where you would need to enter the registration number, roll number and password or DOB.
In that case, you should retry after 5 minutes. Various factors affect page speed such as internet connection, traffic on the website, etc. The best time is to try during off-peak hours.
The minimum mark that an SC/ST candidate should obtain in their Bachelor’s Degree is 55% for the post of manager. Also, keep in mind that the age limit should be between 21 – 35 years.
Having a clear idea about the exam pattern and syllabus would come in handy for the preparation of Grade A prelims. Unless you prepare properly with an effective strategy, you are going to find it tough. There will be questions from Computer, English Language, Reasoning, Quantitative, etc. Each of these topics will have objective-type questions. Come up with mock tests of these topics so that you can clear the preliminary exam within the stipulated time and get selected for the mains.
The applicant should be between 21-35 years old.
He must not be below 21 years old. The upper age limit is 35 years.
The NABARD Grade ‘A’ preliminary exam date is yet to be announced.
The Main exam date for the Grade ‘A’ Officer exam is yet to be announced.
General candidates should be between 18 years and 35 years. Reserved category candidates can check their age limit in the above section.
The Bank will start the registration process on 18th July 2022.
Arun patel, September 24, 2019
Sir I am OBC candidate and UG 54% and PG 72 % so i am apply exam
Exams Planner, October 11, 2019
Lisa, March 30, 2019
When will the notification for nabard grade A will be out? Last year it was out by now? Please reply
Exams Planner, April 5, 2019
There is no notification yet. Keep a check on the official website. The same will be updated here.
Kush, March 27, 2019
Can a student apply for it while being in his last year of graduation?
Exams Planner, April 13, 2019
kundan kumar, February 13, 2019
Any experience is required. Please inform
Exams Planner, March 1, 2019
Amit, January 29, 2019
I am from general and 57% in graduation and age 28 years may I apply for any post in NABARD 2019 exam