Indian Army Recruitment

Indian Army Recruitment 2022 - Agniveer, Dates, Application Form, Selection Process, Vacancies, Sarkari Naukri

Last Modified on : 28 Feb 2025

Indian Army has started the recruitment process for Agniveer.

Indian Army has invited applications for the Technical Entry Scheme Course - 47 for the Permanent Commission. The course will commence in July 2022. Candidates who have passed the class 10+2 examination are eligible to apply for the recruitment. Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics are the compulsory subjects to be studied in classes XI and XII. For complete information on vacancies, eligibility, selection procedure, and the application process of the Indian Army Recruitment 2022, read the following article.

Indian Army Recruitment 2022 Latest Update -

- Indian army has released the application form for the recruitment of Agniveer under the Agnipath Scheme 2022.

- Applications are invited from eligible unmarried Male Engineering Graduates for 136th Technical Graduate Course (TGC-136) commencing in Jan 2023 at Indian Military Academy (IMA), Dehradun, for Permanent Commission in the Indian Army.

- The online application process for the Indian Army Recruitment Technical Entry Scheme Course - 47 was started on 24th January 2022 and was closed on 23rd February 2022.

Indian Army Agniveer Recruitment - Highlights

Recruitment Name

Agnipath Scheme 2022

Recruitment Conducting Authority

Indian Army

Official Website



Who can Apply

Unmarried Male

Application Process


Application Release Date

1st July 2022

Job Location 

All India

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Indian Army (Technical Graduate Course) TGC Recruitment - Highlights

Recruitment Name

TGC (Technical Graduate Course)

Recruitment Conducting Authority

Indian Army

Official Website




Between 20 - 27 yrs of age

Application Process


Selection Process

Shortlisting (Cut-Off), Interview and Medical Examination

Application Release date

11th May 2022

Last Date to Submit

9th June 2022

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Indian Army Technical Entry Scheme (TES 2022) - Highlights

In the Technical Entry Scheme, candidates are shortlisted based on the cut-off fixed by the recruiting authority. Here are major highlights for TES recruitment:

Recruitment Name

10+2 Technical Entry Scheme 47

Recruitment Conducting Authority

Indian Army

Official Website

Minimum Qualification


Who can Apply

Unmarried Male

Application Process


Selection Process

Shortlisting (Cut-Off) and Interview

Course Commencement

July 2022

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Indian Army Recruitment 2022 Important Dates

Indian Army official notification for recruitment 2022 had specified only application dates. The selection is done on the basis of marks secured by the candidate in the class 12th examination. So, there is no written examination.

Recruitment Events 2022

Important Dates

Online application process begins

24th January 2022

Last date for application submission

23rd February 2022

Commencement of SSB Interview

April 2022

Commencement of course

July 2022

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Indian Army Recruitment 2022 Pattern & Syllabus

Selection Procedure

No written exam is conducted for recruitment. Here is the step-by-step procedure for the selection of candidates:

  1. The Directorate General of Recruiting, Integrated Headquarters, Ministry of Defence (Army) shortlists the applications based on the pre-decided cut-off percentage.
  2. Shortlisted candidates will be intimated about the selection center allotment via e-mail. Candidates can then log in to the official website and select dates for the SSB interview. Dates will be awarded on a first come first serve basis. “Allotment of Selection Centre is at the discretion of Directorate General of Recruiting, Integrated Headquarters of MoD (Army).” No request for changes in the SSB interview dates or center will be entertained.
  3. Centers of the SSB Interview:
    • Allahabad (UP)
    • Bhopal (MP)
    • Bengaluru (Karnataka)
    • Kapurthala (Punjab)

A call letter for the SSB interview will be issued by the allotted SSB center. The call letter will be sent only on the email ID and Mobile number.

  1. After reaching the allotted center, candidates are put through the two-stage selection procedure - Stage-I and Stage-II. Those who qualify for Stage-I, go for Stage II. Those who fail Stage-I are sent back home on the same day.
  2. Stage II is five days duration. Candidates are tested on various aspects in these five days.
  3. Candidates recommended by SSB (Service Selection Board) after Stage II are required to undergo a medical examination.
  4. Candidates declared medically fit are issued a joining letter for the training. “Candidate will not have any objection in the event of final selection, on allotment of any Arm/Service in the interest of the organization.”

The final merit list before the commencement of training will be uploaded to the official website of the Directorate General of Recruiting. The details of the training process are provided below in the ‘Other Details’ section.

Travelling Allowance

As per the official notification; “Candidates appearing for SSB interview for the first time for a particular type of commission shall be entitled to AC III-tier to and fro railway fare or bus fare including reservation cum sleeper charges within Indian limits. Candidates who apply again for the same type of commission will not be entitled to traveling allowance on any subsequent occasion.”

Preparation Tips for Indian Army Recruitment -

SSB interview is a hard nut to crack. However, following some points will help in doing good in the interview.

  • Practice verbal and reasoning skills.
  • Be perfect in your hobby. Whatever your hobbies are, stay updated on them. Go through every possible question that can be asked of you. For instance, if your hobby is cricket, you must know everything about the sport.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Involve in daily physical activity, it will reflect in your body and personality. Run daily to build stamina for completing physical tasks during the SSB interview.
  • Also, practice writing faster. Search for sample questions that are asked in SSB interviews and practice them.
  • Read the newspaper, stay updated with the latest happenings, and brush up on your General Knowledge.

Indian Army Recruitment 2022 Eligibility

Eligibility Criteria for Agniveer 2022

Agniveer General Duty

  1. Class 10th with 45% marks in aggregate and 33% in each subject. For boards following grading system of D grade (33% – 40%) in individual subjects or the equivalent of grade which contains 33% and overall aggregate in C2 grade or equivalent corresponding to 45% in aggregate.

Agniveer Technical 

  1. 10+2 Exam Pass in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Maths, and English with min 50% marks in aggregate and 40% in each subject. OR
  2. 10+2 exam pass from any recognized State Education Board or Central Education Board to include NIOS and ITI course of minimum one year in the required field with NSQF level 4 or above.

Agniveer Clerk / Store Keeper (Technical) 

  1. 10+2 Exam Pass in any stream (Arts, Commerce, Science) with 60% marks in aggregate and a minimum of 50% in each subject.
  2. Secured at least 50% in English and Maths / Accounts / BookKeeping in Class XII is mandatory.

Agniveer Tradesman 

  1. Class 10th pass.
  2. Should have scored 33% in each subject.

Age Limit

The age of the candidate must be between 17.5 yrs to 23 yrs. Any candidate who is found not to be between these age limits will be disqualified at any given point.

Selection Process 2022

  1. Physical Efficiency Test and Physical Measurement Test.
  2. Written Exam.
  3. Trade Test (if required for a post)
  4. Document Verification.
  5. Medical Examination.

Eligibility Criteria for TGC and Other recruitment 2022

Candidates need to fulfill the following eligibility conditions for the Permanent Commission in the Army:


Candidate must either be:

  1. A citizen of India
  2. A subject of Nepal
  3. A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Burma, and East African countries of Uganda, Zambia, Kenya, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zaire, Malawi, Vietnam, and Ethiopia to permanently settle in India.

All the candidates in categories 2 and 3 shall have a certificate of eligibility issued by the Government of India. A certificate of eligibility is not required in the case of Gorkha subjects of Nepal. As per the official notification; “A candidate in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary may be shortlisted provisionally subject to the necessary certificate being given to him by the Govt before the declaration of result by SSB/joining the training.”

Marital Status

Only Unmarried male candidates are eligible to apply. Candidates are required to undertake that they will not marry until the completion of their training. “A candidate, who marries subsequent to the date of his application, though successful, will not be selected for training. A candidate who marries during training shall be discharged and will be liable to refund all expenditure incurred on him by the government.”

Age Limit

Not below 16½ years and above than 19½ years on the first day of the month, of course, commencement or candidate should not be born before 2nd Jan 2003 and not after 1st Jan 2006 (both dates inclusive).

For TGC Candidate's age must be between 20 and 27 as of 1st January 2023.

Only Matriculation/ Secondary School Examination certificates will be considered valid age proof. “Candidates should also note that once a date of birth has been claimed by them and entered in the records, no change will be allowed subsequently on any ground whatsoever.”

Education Qualification

Candidates who have passed 10+2 or equivalent examination with a minimum aggregate of 70% marks in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics from a recognized board are eligible for the exam.

For TGC, Candidates who have passed the requisite Engineering Degree course or are in the final year of the Engineering Degree course are eligible to apply. Candidates studying in the final year of the Engineering degree course should be able to submit proof of passing the Engineering Degree Examination along with mark sheets of all semesters/years by 01 Jan 2023 and produce the Engineering Degree Certificate within 12 weeks from the date of commencement of training at Indian Military Academy (IMA). Such candidates will be inducted on Additional Bond Basis for recovery of the cost of training at Indian Military Academy (IMA) as notified from time to time as well as stipend and pay & allowances paid, in case they fail to produce the requisite degree certificate.

“Candidate applying for the entry should not have been debarred from appearing in any examination by UPSC. Candidate should not have been arrested/convicted by a criminal court or involved in any court case.” reads the official notification.

Indian Army Recruitment 2022 Application Process

Agniveer Application Process

The Application process for Agniveer started on 1st July 2022. Those who are interested and fulfill the required eligibility for the various posts can submit the application online before the last date.

Technical Graduate Course Application Process

The Application process for TGC Recruitment started on 11th May 2022. The Last date to submit the forms was 9th June 2022. Those who were interested and fulfill the required eligibility for the various posts have submitted the application online before the last date.

Indian Army General Application Process

The applications for recruitment will be accepted only through the online mode. Candidates can apply through the official website. Candidates must submit only one application. Multiple applications will result in the cancellation of candidature. All incomplete applications will be rejected without any intimation, so fill out the form carefully. The application submission link will remain active till 23rd February 2022.

Steps to Apply for the Indian Army Recruitment 2022

  • Visit the official website -
  • Click on the ‘Officers Entry Apply/ Login’ button on the home page.
  • Click on the ‘Registration’ button.
  • Read the important instructions and click on the ‘Continue’ button.
  • Enter the details for completing the registration process. Submit the details and you will receive the login credentials.
  • Log in again to complete the application form.
  • A confirmation page will appear after the final submission of the application form.
  • Take two prints of the confirmation page. One copy (self-attested) is to be carried to the SSB Interview and the second copy to be retained for future references.

“There is no need to send any hard copy of the application printout to the Directorate General of Recruiting.”

Changes in the Application Form

“A candidate is permitted to make changes to data-filled incorrectly in online application till the closing of the online applications. The candidate must ‘submit’ his application each time he opens his application for editing. No changes to the online application will be permitted thereafter and no representation in this regard will be entertained.”

“Any change in your postal address after submission of application must be communicated by post duly quoting your Roll No, name and course opted for.”

Indian Army Recruitment 2022 Other Details

Indian Army Agniveer Vacancies 2022

A total of 25000+ vacancies are released under the Agniptah scheme 2022.

Indian Army Technical Graduate Course Vacancies 2022

A total of 40 vacancies were released for various posts. Details are as follows:

Engineering Streams Vacancies
Civil 9
Architecture 1
Mechanical 6
Electrical / Electrical & Electronics 3
Computer Science & Engineering  8
Information Technology 3
Electronics & Telecommunication 1
Electronics & Communication 3
Aeronautical / Aerospace 1
Electronics 1
Electronics & Instrumentation/ Instrumentation 1
Production 1
Industrial / Industrial / Manufacturing / Industrial Engg & Mgt 1
Automobile Engg 1
Total Post 40

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Indian Army Vacancies 2022

A total of 90 vacancies are announced. As per the official notification; “Vacancies are provisional and can be changed depending on the training capacity at the Training Academy for this course. The vacancies are subject to increase/decrease keeping the organizational requirement at the point of time.”

Documents to be Carried for SSB Interview

Print out of the application with the roll number duly attested by the candidate is required to be carried to the selection center for the SSB interview. Along with it, the following documents are also required to be carried:

  • ID proof (original)
  • Class 10th certificate/mark sheet in original showing DOB
  • Class 12th certificate/mark sheet in original

Two self-attested photocopies of the above documents are to be submitted at the time of SSB interview. Original documents will be returned after verification. 20 copies of self-attested passport-size photographs are also be carried.

Merit List

As per the official notification; “It must be noted that mere qualifying at the SSB interview does not confirm final selection. Merit will be prepared on the basis of marks obtained by the candidate at the SSB interview. Higher educational qualifications, previous performances, NCC background, etc. have no role to play in the finalization of the merit list. Joining letters to join pre-commission training at OTA, Gaya will only be issued subject to vacancies and medical fitness. ”


The training will be of 5 years conducted in different phases as under:

  1. Basic Military Training of 1 year at Officer Training Academy, Gaya.
  2. Technical training of 4 years (3 years of Pre-Commission Training and 1 year of Post-Commission Training) at CME Pune or MCTE Mhow or MCEME Secunderabad.

Stipend During Training

As per the official notification; “The gentlemen cadets will be given a stipend of ₹ 56,100/-p.m. as is admissible to NDA cadets on completion of 3 years of training. On completion of 4 Years of training, they will be commissioned in the rank of Lt and entitled to pay as admissible to the rank.”

Award of Degree

After successful completion of training, candidates are awarded an Engineering degree.

Cost of Training

The cost of training is “₹ 16,260.42 per week (or as notified from time to time) for the for the period of candidate’s stay at the Officers Training Academy, Gaya/Cadet Training Wing. The cost of training is borne by State.”

Type of Commission

“On successful completion of 4 years of the course, cadets will be granted Permanent Commission in the Army in the rank of Lt.” as per the official notification.

Promotion Criteria

Promotions are done on the following criteria:


Promotion Criteria


On commission


On completion of 2 years


On completion of 6 years

Lt Colonel

On completion of 13 years

Colonel (TS)

On completion of 26 years



On selection basis subject to fulfillment of requisite service conditions


Major General

Lt General/ HAG Scale

HAG + Scale (*Admissible to 1/3rd of total strength of Lt Generals)

VCOAS/ Army Cdr/ Lt Gen (NFSG)


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Salary Structure

The details of rank-wse pay structure is as follows:


Pay Level

Pay Scale


Level 10

₹ 56,100-1,77,500


Level 10B

₹ 61,300-1,93,900


Level 11

₹ 69,400-2,07,200

Lt Colonel

Level 12A

₹ 1,21,200-2,12,400


Level 13

₹ 1,30,600-2,15,900


Level 13A

₹ 1,39,600-2,17,600

Major General

Level 14

₹ 1,44,200-2,18,200

Lt General HAG Scale

Level 15

₹ 1,82,200- 2,24,100

Lt General HAG + Scale

Level 16

₹ 2,05,400-2,24,400

VCOAS/ Army Cdr/ Lt Gen (NFSG)

Level 17

₹ 2,25,000/- (fixed)


Level 18

₹ 2,50,000/- (fixed)

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Indian Army Recruitment Frequently Asked Questions

No, only unmarried male candidates can apply for the recruitment.

You can appear for the NDA exam. The details will be available on the official website of UPSC.

The last date for applying is 2nd March 2021.

The application forms are available on the official website from 1st February 2021.

No, the application forms can be submitted only through the online mode.

No, the SSB centre once allotted cannot be changed.

After the SSB centre allotment, you can select the dates for your SSB interview. The SSB interview 2021 will begin in May 2021.

No, there will be no written exam. Candidates will be shortlisted based on the class 12th marks.

No, but updating the Aadhaar details helps in identification.

No. Reporting at the SSB centre should be done only on the day mentioned in the allotment letter. You need to arrange your accommodation, in case you come earlier.