GATE 2023: Answer Key (Released), Notification, Application Form, Exam Date, Pattern, Result and Counselling

Last Modified on : 14 Mar 2025

The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering or GATE is a national-level entrance examination mandatory for admission to postgraduate & doctoral courses offered by MHRD-supported institutes and other government colleges like IITs, IISc, NITs, and GFTIs. GATE comes under the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD). It is conducted by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, and seven IITs (Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, and Roorkee) on a rotation basis on behalf of the National Coordination Board (NCB). IIT Kharagpur will be the exam conducting authority for the GATE 2023 exam.

Candidates who are looking forward to joining the NITs, IITs, IIITs, IISc, and GFTIs must appear for the GATE exam. Candidates who successfully clear the exam will be eligible for admission to postgraduate and doctoral courses at IITs, IISc, PSU jobs, and financial assistance scholarships by the Ministry of Education. Candidates must note that the GATE score is eligible for three years.

Apart from this, many Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) like GAILBHELIOCLONGCNTPC, etc., use the GATE exam score for their recruitment process. Recently, even the Cabinet Secretariat has started utilizing the GATE score for the recruitment of candidates under the Group ‘A’ category for the post of SRO (Senior Research Officer) and SFO (Senior Field Officer).

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering is conducted for 29 subjects, including the two new subjects viz. Humanities and Social Science (XH) and Environmental Engineering (ES). Candidates from Commerce and Arts backgrounds could also appear for the GATE exam. Keep a check on this page for all updates regarding GATE 2023.


- The GATE 2023 answer key will be released on 21st February 2023 and the institutional answer key was released on 4th and 5th February 2023.

- The GATE 2023 notification was released on 27th July 2022, and the application form was released on 30th August 2022.

- The Last date to submit the GATE 2023 Application Form was 7th October 2022.

- The GATE 2023 Exam Dates are 4th, 5th, 11th, and 12th February 2023.

GATE 2023 Entrance Exam - Quick Overview

Here’s an overview of the GATE 2023 exam. Go through it to equip yourself with the important information.

Name of the Exam

GATE 2023 (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering)

Conducting Authority

IISc Bangalore and 7 IITs (on a rotational basis)

Conducting Authority 2023

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur

Official Website (GATE 2023)

Exam Occurrence

Once a year

No. of Test Takers

Over 9 Lakhs

Mode of Exam

Online – Computer-Based Test

Exam Type

National Level

Offered Courses

Master’s programs & Doctoral courses (M.E./M.Tech/Ph.D.)

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Important Changes for GATE 2023 -

  • From the year 2021, candidates from humanities backgrounds are also allowed to take the GATE exam.
  • Two new subjects, environmental science & engineering, and humanities & social sciences, are also introduced.
  • Including the two new subjects makes the total number of subjects 29.
  • No need to upload a thumb impression while submitting the GATE 2023 application form.
  • Scientific Calculators are not allowed. (Virtual calculator will be given to candidates at the time of the exam)

GATE Exam Previous Years Solved Papers

  • IIT JEE Main 2007 - 2018 Solved Papers Download
  • IIT JEE 2007 - 2018 Solved Papers Download

GATE Exam 2023 Important Dates

IIT Kharagpur has scheduled the GATE 2023 examination on the 4th, 5th, 11th, and 12th of February 2023. Check the complete examination schedule here:

GATE 2023 Exam Dates

Important Dates

Releasing date of official notification

27th July 2022

GATE Online Application Processing System (GOAPS) opens

30th August 2022

Last date for GATE application submission

7th October 2022

Last date for GATE application submission (with a late fee of ₹ 500)

16th October 2022

GATE 2023 Application Correction Window

8th to 14th November 2022

Availability of admit card

9th January 2023

Commencement of the exam

4th, 5th, 11th, and 12th February 2023

Answer Key

21st February 2023

Result announcement

16th March 2023

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GATE 2023 Paper-wise Exam Dates

The detailed exam schedule (tentative) for the GATE 2023 exam is provided here. The actual dates will be provided later.

GATE 2023 Exam Schedule


Test Paper Codes

February 2023

12:00 – 17:00 hrs

Miscellaneous Activities*

February 2023

09:00 – 12:00 hrs (Forenoon Session – FN)

CE-1, IN, CY

February 2023

14:30 – 17:30 hrs (Afternoon Session – AN)

CE-2, PH, AR, BM, AE, MN

February 2023

09:00 – 12:00 hrs (Forenoon Session – FN)


February 2023

14:30 – 17:30 hrs (Afternoon Session – AN)


February 2023

12:00 – 17:00 hrs

Miscellaneous Activities*

February 2023

09:00 – 12:00 hrs (Forenoon Session – FN)

CS-1, MA, BT, CH, TF

February 2023

14:30 – 17:30 hrs (Afternoon Session – AN)

CS-2, XE, XL

February 2023

09:00 – 12:00 hrs (Forenoon Session – FN)

ME-1, XH

February 2023

14:30 – 17:30 hrs (Afternoon Session – AN)

ME-2, MT

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GATE Exam 2023 Pattern & Syllabus

This section consists of the GATE 2023 examination-related information – exam pattern and syllabus. The exam will be held in CBT mode. It will be conducted for 29 papers/ subjects. The candidate has to choose only one paper. Instead of mobile phones, personal calculators, electronic devices, wristwatches, etc., the candidate can use the Virtual Scientific Calculator available on the system during the test. For rough work, students will be offered scribble pads. Mention respective names on the scribble pads, which should be returned to the invigilator after the exam.

GATE Exam Pattern 2023

Candidates are advised to go through this section carefully and prepare accordingly. Find complete information about GATE 2023 latest exam pattern, structure, marking scheme, paper codes, etc.

The exam will be scheduled to be held in two shifts – the morning shift beginning from 9:00 am and concluding at 12:00 pm and the evening shift to be conducted from 2:30 pm and will conclude at 5:30 pm.

The duration of the examination is 180 minutes (3 hours) – this is for all the papers of the GATE 2023 exam, which comprises 65 questions for 100 marks. There will be questions of two different types in all the papers.

  • Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ): MCQs are objective types and carry 1 or 2 marks each in all the papers and sections. The candidates will have a choice of 4 answers. They will have to choose the correct one. However, there will be negative markings for every wrong answer. 1/3rd of marks will be deducted for an incorrect answer.
  • Numerical Answer Type (NAT): Unlike MCQs, NAT questions require the candidates to use the virtual numeric keypad given on the computer screen. However, the candidates will have no choices like MCQs. They need to enter a number like 10 or -10 or 10.1 or 10.01, or 10.001. There will be “no negative marking for a wrong answer in NAT questions”.

Exam Pattern in a Glimpse -

GATE Exam Pattern


Mode of the exam

Online (CBT)

Duration of the exam

3 hours

Type of questions

MCQs and NAT Questions

Number of answer choices

4 choices for MCQ and No choices for NAT

Number of sections

General Aptitude (GA) and the choice of engineering branch

Question paper language


Number of questions

  • GA (General Aptitude): 10 questions (5 for 1 mark and 5 for 2 marks)
  • XE (Engineering Sciences): 11 questions (7 of 1 mark and 4 of 2 marks). Option subject – 22 questions (9 of 1 mark and 13 of 2 marks)
  • GG (Geology & Geophysics): 55 questions (25 of 1 mark and 30 of 2 marks)
  • XL (Life Sciences): 15 questions (5 of 1 mark and 10 of 2 marks). Optional subject: 20 questions (10 of 1 mark and 10 of 2 marks)
  • Paper excluding XE, XL, and GG: 55 questions (25 of 1 mark and 30 of 2 marks)

Marking scheme

1/3rd of marks will be deducted for each wrong answer, and 2/3rd marks will be deducted for 2 marks questions (MCQ)

For NAT questions, there will be no negative marking

GATE 2023 Subjects

The exam will be conducted for 29 subjects, including Agricultural Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Architecture and Planning, Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Instrumentation Engineering, Mathematics, Biomedical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering, among other subjects.

Note: Candidates must note that they are allowed to appear on only one paper in any one session.

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GATE 2023 Subject-wise Marking Scheme


No. of Questions



Total Marks

General Aptitude (GA) will test the Language and Analytical Skills.

Total Questions - 10

Total Marks - 15

(Common in all 25 papers)









AE, AG, BT, BM, CE, CH, CS, EC, EE, IN, ME, MN, MT, PE, PI, TF, and XE















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GG (Geology and Geophysics) Paper Marking Scheme

Part A (Compulsory)

25 questions of 1 mark each = 25 Marks

Part B will have 2 sections & aspirants have to attempt anyone

Section 1 - Geology

Section 2 - Geophysics

30 questions of 2 marks each = 60 Marks

Total 55 Questions

25 marks + 60 marks + 15 marks of GA = Total 100 marks 

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XE (Engineering) Paper Marking Scheme

Section A (Compulsory)

7 questions of 1 mark each

4 questions of 2 marks each

Total of 11 questions with 15 marks

Sections B to H

(Attempt Any Two)

9 questions of 1 mark each

13 questions of 2 marks each

Total of 22 questions with 35 marks per section

Total 55 Questions

15 marks + 70 marks + 15 marks of GA = Total 100 marks 

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XL (Life Science) Paper Marking Scheme

Section P Chemistry (Compulsory)

5 questions of 1 mark each

10 questions of 2 marks each

Total of 15 questions with 25 marks

Sections Q to U

(Attempt Any Two)

10 questions of 1 mark each

10 questions of 2 marks each

Total 20 questions of 30 marks per section

Total 55 Questions

25 marks + 60 marks + 15 marks of GA = Total 100 marks 

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Distribution of Questions and Marks –

The questions and marks for the GATE question paper are distributed among two sections. The detailed distribution is provided in the table below:


No. of Questions

Marks per Question

Total Marks

General Aptitude (GA)

Total Questions - 10

Total Marks - 15

(Common in all 25 papers)







AE, AG, BT, CE, CH, CS, EC, EE, IN, ME, MN, MT, PE, PI, ST, TF, AR, CY, EY, MA, PH (except GG, XE, and XL)












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List of GATE 2023 Latest Subjects

The candidates should remember the paper code of the subjects selected by them for the GATE entrance examination. Here is the list of all 29 subjects and their paper code. Two subjects are added from the year 2021 onwards:

S. No.

Subjects/ Papers

Paper Code


Architecture and Planning



Agricultural Engineering



Aerospace Engineering






Computer Science and Information Technology



Civil Engineering



Chemical  Engineering






Electrical Engineering



Electronics and Communication Engineering



Ecology and Evolution



Engineering Sciences



Geology and Geophysics



Instrumentation Engineering



Life Sciences






Mechanical Engineering



Metallurgical Engineering



Mining Engineering






Production and Industrial Engineering



Petroleum Engineering



Textile Engineering and Fibre Science






Biomedical Engineering



Environmental Science and Engineering



Humanities and Social Sciences



Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering



Geomatics Engineering


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GATE 2023 Syllabus

Without getting your hands on the latest GATE syllabus, you wouldn’t be able to succeed in the exam and grab a seat in the prestigious colleges. The exam will be conducted for 29 subjects.

The candidates have to get hold of the latest GATE 2023 syllabus that comprises three sections as General Aptitude (GA), Engineering Mathematics (EM), and subject-specific paper chosen by the candidates at the time of filling in the online application form.

  • General Aptitude Syllabus (Common for All Subjects)

This is common for all subjects. The candidates have to go through the latest syllabus.

Verbal Ability

Numerical Ability

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  • Aerospace Engineering Syllabus

The candidates have to go through the latest syllabus of Aerospace Engineering.

Fourier Series

Dynamic stability

Laplace Transforms

Euler angle

Numerical methods for linear and nonlinear algebraic equations

Aerodynamic forces and moments, stability & control derivatives

Numerical integration and differentiation

Equations of motion

Decoupling of longitudinal and lateral-directional dynamics

Measurement and visualization techniques

Longitudinal modes; lateral-directional modes.

Vibration of  beams

Orbit transfer

In-plane and out-of-plane

Wind Tunnel Testing

Equilibrium and compatibility equations

Elementary ideas of viscous flows, including boundary layers

Theory of elasticity

Airy’s stress function

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  • Bio-medical Engineering Syllabus (Introduced in 2020)

The candidates have to go through the latest syllabus of Bio-medical Engineering.

Measurement and Digital Electronics

Sensors and Bioinstrumentations

Engineering Mathematics

Electrical Circuits


Human Anatomy and Physiology

Medical Imaging System


Analog and Digital Electronics

Signals and Systems

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  • Architecture & Planning Syllabus

The candidates have to go through the latest syllabus of Architecture & Planning.

Building and Structures

Urban Design

Planning Techniques and Management

Environmental Planning and Design

Architecture and Design

Urban Planning and Housing

Building Materials, Construction, and Management

Services, Infrastructure, and Transportation


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  • Agriculture Engineering Syllabus

The candidates have to go through the latest syllabus of Agriculture Engineering.

Dairy and Food Engineering

Irrigation and Drainage Engineering

Engineering Mathematics

Farm Power

Agricultural Processing Engineering

Soil and Water Conservation Engineering

Farm Machinery


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  • Biotechnology Syllabus

The candidates have to go through the latest syllabus of Biotechnology.

Bioprocess Engineering and Process Biotechnology

Recombinant DNA Technology

Engineering Mathematics

Plant and Animal Biotechnology

General Biotechnology


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  • Chemical Engineering Syllabus

The candidates have to go through the latest syllabus of Chemical Engineering.

Fluid Mechanics and Mechanical Operations

Mass Transfer

Process Calculations and Thermodynamics

Instrumentation and Process Control

Engineering Mathematics

Chemical Technology

Heat Transfer

Plant Design and Economics


Chemical Reaction Engineering

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  •  Civil Engineering Syllabus

The candidates have to go through the latest syllabus of Civil Engineering.

Geomatics Engineering

Environmental Engineering

Structural Engineering

Geotechnical Engineering

Engineering Mathematics

Water Resources Engineering

Transportation Engineering


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  • Chemistry Syllabus

The candidates have to go through the latest syllabus of Chemistry.

Organic Chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry

Physical Chemistry


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  • Computer Science and Information Technology Syllabus

The candidates have to go through the latest syllabus of Computer Science and Information Technology.

Computer Organization and Architecture


Compiler Design 


Engineering Mathematics

Digital Logic

Programming and Data Structures

Theory of Computation

Operating System

Computer Networks

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  • Electrical Engineering Syllabus

The candidates have to go through the latest syllabus of Electrical Engineering.

Electrical Circuits

Electrical Machines

Analog and Digital Electronics

Electrical and Electronic Measurements

Power Electronics

Electromagnetic Fields

Signals and Systems

Power Systems

Engineering Mathematics

Control Systems

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  • Electronics and Communication Engineering Syllabus

The candidates have to go through the latest syllabus of Electronics and Communication Engineering.

Networks, Signals, and Systems

Analog Circuits


Control System


Digital Circuits

Engineering Mathematics

Electronic Devices

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  • Geology and Geophysics Syllabus

The candidates have to go through the latest syllabus of Geology and Geophysics.



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  • Ecology and Evolution Syllabus

The candidates have to go through the latest syllabus on Ecology and Evolution.

Behavioral Ecology

Mathematics and Quantitative Ecology



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  • Instrumentation Engineering Syllabus

The candidates have to go through the latest syllabus of Instrumentation Engineering.

Sensors and Industrial Instrumentation

Electrical Circuits

Engineering Mathematics

Control Systems

Communication and Optical Instrumentation

Signals and Systems


Analog and Digital Electronics

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  • Mechanical Engineering Syllabus

The candidates have to go through the latest syllabus of Mechanical Engineering.

Engineering Mathematics

Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Science

Material, Manufacturing, and Industrial Engineering

Applied Mechanics and Design

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  • Mathematics Syllabus

The candidates have to go through the latest syllabus of Mathematics.

Linear Algebra

Rear Analysis


Linear Programming

Partial Differential Equations

Ordinary Differential Equations

Functional Analysis

Linear Algebra

Complex Analysis


Numerical Analysis


Linear Programming


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  • Metallurgical Engineering Syllabus

The candidates have to go through the latest syllabus of Metallurgical Engineering.

Thermodynamics and Rate Process

Mechanical Metallurgy

Engineering Mathematics

Extractive Metallurgy

Physical Metallurgy

Manufacturing Process

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  • Mining Engineering Syllabus

The candidates have to go through the latest syllabus of Mining Engineering.

Surface Environment, Mine Ventilation, and Underground Hazards

Geomechanics and Ground Control

Mine Economics, Mine Planning, System Engineering

Engineering Mathematics

Mine Development Surveying

Mining Methods and Machinery

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  • Production and Industrial Engineering Syllabus

The candidates have to go through the latest syllabus of Production and Industrial Engineering.

Industrial Engineering

Manufacturing Processes

Quality and Reliability

Operation Research and Operational Management

General Engineering

Engineering Mathematics

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  • Physics Engineering Syllabus

The candidates have to go through the latest syllabus of Physics.

Mathematical Physics

Electromagnetic Theory

Solid State Physics and Electronics

Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics

Nuclear and Particle Physics

Classical Mechanics

Quantum Mechanics

Atomic and Molecular Physics

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  • Textile Engineering Syllabus

The candidates have to go through the latest syllabus of Textile Engineering.

Textile Engineering and Fibre Science

Engineering Mathematics

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  • XE A (Engineering Mathematics) Syllabus

The candidates have to go through the latest syllabus of XE A (Engineering Mathematics).

Numerical Methods

Linear Algebra

Partial Differential Equations

Vector Calculus


Complex variables

Probability and Statistics

Ordinary Differential Equations

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  • XE B (Fluid Mechanism) Syllabus

The candidates have to go through the latest syllabus of XE B (Fluid Mechanism).

Internal flows

Flow and Fluid Properties

Inviscid flows

Differential Analysis


Prandtl boundary layer equations

Dimensional analysis

Integral analysis

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  • XE C (Material Sciences) Syllabus

The candidates have to go through the latest syllabus of XE C (Material Sciences).

Structure and Imperfections

Properties of Materials

Material types

Elements of Quantum Mechanics and Mathematics

Processing of Materials

Environmental Degradation

Thermodynamics and Kinetics

Characterization Techniques

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  • XE E (Thermodynamics) Syllabus

The candidates have to go through the latest syllabus of XE E (Thermodynamics).

Law of Thermodynamics

Basic Concepts

Ideal Gas Mixture

Thermodynamics Relations


Thermodynamics Cycle

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  • XE F (Polymer Science and Engineering) Syllabus

The candidates have to go through the latest syllabus of XE F (Polymer Science and Engineering).

Synthesis and properties

Polymer processing

Polymer Technology

Chemistry of high polymers

Polymer Characterization

Polymer blends and composites

Polymer testing

Polymer rheology

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  • XE G (Food Technology) Syllabus

The candidates have to go through the latest syllabus of XE G (Food Technology).

Food Microbiology

Food Engineering

Food Chemistry and Nutrition

Food Products Technology

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  • XE P (Chemistry) Syllabus

The candidates have to go through the latest syllabus of XE P (Chemistry).

Chemical Equilibria

Reaction Kinetics

Atomic Structure and Periodicity

s, p and d Block Elements

Structure and Bonding


Structure-Reactivity Correlations and Organic Reaction Mechanisms


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  • XE R (Botany) Syllabus

The candidates have to go through the latest syllabus of XE R (Botany).

Morphogenesis & Development

Plant Anatomy

Plant Systematics

Plant Pathology

Physiology and Biochemistry

Economy Botany


Plant Breeding and Genetic Modification

Ecology and Environment


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  • XE S (Microbiology) Syllabus

The candidates have to go through the latest syllabus of XE S (Microbiology).

Microbial Growth

Methods in Microbiology


Microbial Taxonomy and Diversity

Control of Micro-organisms

Microbial Ecology

Microbial Metabolism

Historical Perspective

Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells: Structure and Function

Microbial Diseases and Host-Pathogen Interaction

Microbial Genetics


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  • XE T (Zoology) Syllabus

The candidates have to go through the latest syllabus of XE T (Zoology).

Cell Biology


Animal Behavior

Development Biology

Animal Anatomy and Physiology

Animal world


Gene expression in Eukaryotes

Parasitology and Immunology

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology



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  • Geomatics Engineering (GE) Syllabus

Engineering Mathematics

Remote Sensing




Land of Surveying

Aerial Photogrammetry

Data Quantization and Processing

Digital Image Processing

Radiometric and Geometric Corrections

Image Enhancement

Image Transformation

Image Segmentation and Classification


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  • Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (NM) Syllabus

Engineering Mathematics

Applied Mechanics and Structures

Fluid Mechanics and Marine Hydrodynamics

Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering

Thermodynamics and Marine Engineering


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GATE Exam 2023 Eligibility

Candidates should check the GATE eligibility criteria defined by the conducting authority before applying for the exam. The detailed eligibility criteria for GATE 2023, i.e. age limit, education qualification, nationality, etc., are given below.

Age Limit –

There is no age limit to apply for the GATE Examination.

Nationality –

  • The candidate should be an Indian citizen.
  • Also, candidates from Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Ethiopia, U.A.E, and Singapore are eligible to appear for the exam.

Educational Qualification –

To apply for the GATE Entrance Exam 2023, aspirants must meet any of the below qualification criteria.

  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Tech/ B.E /B.Pharm) in Engineering/Technology (4 years after 10+2 or 3 years after B.Sc. or diploma).
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture (B.Arch - 5 years).
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Science (B.Sc - 4 years after 10+2).
  • Master's Degree (M.Sc/MA/MCA) in any branch of Mathematics, Science, Statistics, or Computer Application.
  • Integrated Master’s degree (Post B.Sc.) in Engineering/Technology (4 years or 5 years).
  • Candidates, who have obtained their qualifications (equivalent to B.E./B.Tech) from professional societies recognized by the UPSC/AICTE/MHRD, are also eligible to appear for the GATE Exam.
  • Applicants from other countries must have a Bachelor’s Degree/ Master’s Degree in engineering or science stream.

Note: Students appearing in the final year examinations of the above courses are also eligible for the GATE exam.

Pass Percentage –

  • There is no minimum pass percentage required to apply for GATE 2023.

Students may also like to refer to the following table and ensure that they meet the academic qualification for the GATE 2023 exam.

Qualifying Degree

Qualifying Degree/ Examination

Eligible Candidates (Description)

Year of Qualification (Not Later Than)

B. Arch

Naval Architecture (4 years course)/ Degree holder (bachelor) in Architecture (5 years course)/ Planning (4 years course)

Completed or in the final year



M.B.B.S degree holders and those in the 7th/ 8th/ 9th semester

Already completed or in the 7th/ 8th/ 9th semester of such program


B.E/ B.Pharm/ B.Tech

Bachelor’s degree in Engineering/ Technology (Four years after 10+2 or Three years after B.Sc./ Diploma in Eng./ Technology)

Completed or in the final year


M.Sc./ MCA/ M.A. or Equivalent

Master’s Degree in Science/Statistics/ Computer Applications/ Mathematics or equivalent

Completed or in the final year


Pharm. D. (after 10+2)

Candidates with a degree in 6 year program (consisting of internship or residency training during the 6th year)

Already completed or in the 4th/ 5th/ 6th year (currently)


Int. M.E./ M.Tech (Post-Bachelor Science)

Post-B.Sc. Integrated Master’s Degree programs in Engineering/ Technology (Four years program)

Already completed or in the 2nd/ 3rd/ 4th year (currently)


B.S./ B.Sc. (Research)

Bachelor’s Degree in Science (4 years after 10+2/ Post-Diploma)

Already completed or in the 4th year (currently)


Integrated M.E./ M.Tech. or Dual Degree (after Diploma or 10+2)

Int. Master’s degree or Dual Degree in Engineering/ Technology (Five years program)

Already completed or in the 4th/ 5th year (currently)


*Professional Society Exams (equivalent to B.Arch./B.Tech./ B.E.)

B.Arch./B.Tech./ B.E. or equivalent exams of Professional Societies, recognized by AICTE/ UPSC/ MHRD

Completed Section A or equivalent of similar professional courses


Integrated M.Sc./ Integrated B.S.-M.S.

Int. M.Sc. or Five years Int. B.S.-M.S. Program

Already completed or in the final year (currently)


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*Some of these Professional Societies or Institutions that carry out examinations in different fields or branches of engineering are mentioned underneath –

  • The Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE)
  • The Indian Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE)
  • The Institution of Engineers (India) (IE)
  • The Aeronautical Society of India (AeSI)
  • The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE)
  • The Indian Institute of Metals (IIM)
  • The Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, including the Polymer and Environmental Group (IIChemE)

The official Information Bulletin maintains, “The candidates who possess certification from any of the professional societies must ensure that those examinations conducted by the societies are approved by MHRD/ AICTE/ UGC/ UPSC as equivalent to B.E./ B.Tech./ B.Arch./ B.Planning, etc.

Students who have studied abroad or are pursuing their qualifying examinations or degrees from countries other than India –

  • Should have completed or must be in the final year of their Bachelor’s Degree (4 years) in Engineering/Technology
  • Should have completed or must be in the final year of their Master’s Degree (2 years) in relevant subjects in science.

Note: If candidates have obtained or secured a higher degree than the above-mentioned degree, they are advised to choose the “minimum required qualifying degree” while submitting the online application form.

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Eligibility Documents –

Some of the documents that the students need to produce in support of their eligibility –

  • Upload or attach degree certificate/ course completion certificate/ membership certificate/ provisional certificate issued by the society or institute (if the students have passed the qualifying exam)
  • If the candidates are in the final year/ expected to complete the qualifying test, they must submit a “Certificate from the Head of the Department/ Institute” or a copy of the mark sheet for Section A of AMIE. In addition, the certificate should duly be signed and attested by the Head of the Institute/ Department with the current date.

Keep in mind that the eligibility documents are required to be uploaded at the time of filling in the online application form (NOT to be sent by post).

Qualifying Disciplines for Eligibility Degrees – Science:


Applied Physics

Applied Mechanics

Engineering Physics

Industrial Chemistry

Geology / Geophysics


Applied Electronics

Nano Science & Technology

Life Sciences ( Botany)

Information Science


Agricultural Science

Materials Science

Life Sciences ( Zoology)



Applied Mathematics

Earth Sciences

Life Science / Veterinary / Animal Science

Geo Informatics


Nuclear Science & Technology

Electronics & Computer Science

Nuclear Physics

Computer Applications

Mathematics & Computing


Operations Research

Radio Physics

Pharmaceutical Sciences / Pharmacy

Textile Chemistry

Pharmaceuticals Chemistry & Technology


Urban Transportation Planning & Management

Radio Physics & Electronics

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Qualifying Disciplines for Eligibility Degrees – Engineering/ Technology:

Biomedical Engg.


Aircraft Maintenance Engg

Cement & Ceramic Technology

Civil & Structural Engg.

Biomedical Instrumentation

Civil & Construction Engg.

Aeronautical Engg.

Civil & Structural Engg.

Aerospace Engg

Civil & Infrastructure Engineering

Civil & Water Resource Management

Ceramic Engg. & Technology

Biochemical Engg.

Automobile Maintenance Engg.

Computer Science & Engg.

Electrical Engg.

Computer Engg.

Dairy Engg. / Technology

Computer Science &


Civil & Environmental Engg

Construction Engg. &


Electrical and Instrumentation Engg.

Computer Science &

Information Technology

Electrical and Power Engineering

Automobile Engg.

Electrical and Mechanical Engg.

Electrical Instrumentation & Control Engg.

Electronics Communication &


Control & Instrumentation

Electronics & Biomedical Engg.

Communication Engg.

Electronics & Computer Engg.

Electronics Engg.

Electronics & Communication

Electro-Chemical Engg.

Ceramic & Glass Technology

Environmental Science & Technology

Chemical Engg.

Electrical and Electronics Engg.

Electronics & Power

Electronics & Telecommunication

Environment & Pollution Control

Agricultural Engg.

Environmental Planning

Energy & Environmental Engg.

Fashion Technology / Fashion & Apparel Technology

Civil Engg

Chemical Technology

Food Engg. & Technology.

Environmental Engg.

Fire Engg. / Technology & Safety

Energy Engg.

Fibres & Textiles Processing Technology

Architecture & Interior Design/ Decoration

Automation & Robotics

Architecture/ Architectural


Food Processing Engg / Processing & Preservation Engg.

Information & Communication Technology

Instrumentation & Process Control/ Engineering

Agricultural Technology

Industrial Management

Industrial Engineering

Industrial Metallurgy

Information Engineering

Information Technology

Instrumentation & Process Control

Industrial Technology

Instrumentation Engineering/ Technology

Man-Made Fibre / Textile Technology

Manufacturing Engg.

Manufacturing Technology

Machine Engg.

Mechanical Engg.

Medical Electronics / Engg.


Material Science and Engg. / Technology

Manufacturing Science & Engg.

Mining Engg. / Technology,

Mining & Machinery

Marine Engg. / Technology

Mechatronics & Automation Engg.

Mineral Engg. / Mineral Dressing

Metallurgical Engg.

Military Engg.

Nano Technology & Robotics

Oil Technology

Medical Instrumentation

Leather / Foot Wear Technology

Naval Architecture /Marine Engg.

Optics & Optoelectronics

Petroleum Refinery Engg.

Planning ( Environmental / Infrastructure/ Urban & Regional/ Urban Regeneration)

Petroleum Engg. / Technology

Plastic Engg. / Technology

Paint Technology

Production & Industrial Engg.

Printing & Packing Technology

Robotics & Automation

Polymer Engg. / Science


Power Engg.

Renewable Energy

Petro-Chemical Engg.

Power Electronics / Power

Electronics Engg.

Polymer Science & Chemical Technology

Telecommunication Engg.

Rubber Technology

Textile Engg. / Technology


Scroll left or right to view full table

Recommended Study Material for GATE Exam

  • Latest - Gate Computer Science & Information Technology (27 Years Chapter wise Solved Papers) 2019 Download
  • GATE Computer Science & Information Technology (26 Years Chapter-Wise Solved Paper) 2018 Download
  • GATE Guide Electronics & Communication Engineering 2018 Download
  • A Handbook on Civil Engineering - Illustrated Formulae & Key Theory Concepts Download
  • GATE 2018: Electrical Engineering - Solved Papers (27 Years) Download
  • GATE 2018: Mechanical Engineering - Solved Papers (31 Years) Download

GATE Exam 2023 Application Process

The application process for the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2023 started on 30th August 2022 and continued until 7th October 2022. After 7th October 2022, students will be required to pay a late fee of ₹ 500 for applying for GATE 2023. Applications with a late fee can be accepted till 16th October 2022.

Candidates can apply for the GATE exam online through the GOAPS (GATE Online Application Processing System) website. The application process starts with the GOAPS registration and releasing the application fee. The applicants are required to register with a valid email address and mobile number.

Candidates can use the GOAPS interface to interact with the GATE administration and do the following:

  • Apply for the GATE Exam 2023.
  • Upload required documents such as Signatures, Photographs, certificates, etc.
  • Application fee payment
  • Track the status of the application form online: Received, Accepted, Under Scrutiny, Rejected, Reasons for Rejection, Defect status, Status after Rectification, etc.
  • Download admit card
  • View the Result and Download the GATE scorecard

Step-by-Step Procedure to Submit Online GATE 2023 Application Form

Candidates, basically, have to follow 5 simple steps to carry out the task. These are –

# Step 1: Register on the GOAPS website

# Step 2: Fill in the online application form

# Step 3: Upload the required documents

# Step 4: Release the application fee payment

# Step 5: Submit and take a printout of the confirmation page

Let’s elaborate on each step to understand further

# Step 1: Register on the GOAPS Website

GATE aspirants must access the GATE Online Application Processing System (GOAPS) website and register themselves. GOAPS provides an “online interface to the candidate for interacting with the GATE administration” to complete the registration process. The official website for the 2023 exams is The GOAPS portal can be accessed through the official website.

GOAPS Registration: How to Register on GOAPS Website?

  • Provide your complete name (same as per the qualifying degree certificate), mobile number, and valid email ID, and choose a password.
  • Make sure you have easy access to the mobile number or email address in case you receive an SMS or email.

GOAPS Enrolment ID: Upon registration, candidates will be provided with a GOAPS enrolment ID via email. This enrolment ID needs to be well-preserved for future correspondence.

GOAPS Password: Choose a strong password while registering at GOAPS. Not only are candidates encouraged to remember the password, but also they are advised to keep it “safe, secure, and confidential”.


GATE Exam Application Form

# Step 2: Fill in the Online Application Form

The next stage involves filling in the online application form and submission of the same at GOAPS.

  • Personal information – the name of the candidate, mobile number, date of birth, the name of the parents’ and their mobile numbers. (The aspirants must ensure that the name should “exactly be the same as that in the qualifying degree certificate” and shouldn’t have any prefix or title such as Mrs/ Dr/ Mr/ Shri/ Smt, etc.)

# Step 3: Upload the Required Documents

Once the registration process is over and the form has all the important information filled, the candidates ensure that they have the following documents for filling out the application form –

  • GATE Paper (Subject)
  • Eligibility Degree details
  • Address with PIN
  • College name and address with PIN
  • Digital images of photograph and signature with prescribed format (mentioned below)
  • Choice of examination cities
  • Scanned copy of the category certificate (in PDF format)
  • Scanned copy of the qualifying degree certificate (in PDF format)
  • Scanned copy of PwD certificate and Dyslexia certificate  (in PDF formats)
  • Valid ID proof
  • Details for free payment (credit card/ debit card/net banking)

The above details need to be provided/ entered/ submitted/ uploaded in the online application form. “The GOAPS portal is self-explanatory”; hence, the candidates will not face any difficulty in submitting the form.

Photograph and Signature Requirements (Size, Format, and other Specifications) –

Uploading a signature and photograph that fails to meet the prescribed specifications would result in the cancellation of the candidature. This doesn’t stop here for the concerned candidates. They won’t be able to get their money back (no refund).

Here’s what all the GATE aspirants should do while clicking a passport-size photo –

  • The photograph of the candidate needs to be of high quality.
  • The officials will only need good-quality photographs for the GATE scorecard.
  • It should be recent and in color and must match your appearance on the exam day at the exam center.
  • Photographs taken using mobile phones will result in the rejection of the application.
  • Ask the studio man to provide your photo in JPEG format with 3.5 cm (width) x 4.5 cm (height). The maximum size for JPEG should be 480X640 pixels. If the resolution is higher, ask the concerned person to reduce it. The minimum size is 240X320 pixels.
  • Check the background and ensure that it must be a light color or white.
  • Your face should cover 35% (minimum) of the area of the photograph with a full face.
  • Avoid covering the face with a cloth or avoid wearing a cap or goggles (tinted or dark glasses).

Take a look at the following sample photograph –

GATE Application Photo Format

Here’s what all the GATE aspirants should do while getting their scanned signature image –

  • On an A4-size white paper, you need to draw a rectangular box (2 cm in height X 7 cm in width).
  • Use a black or dark blue ink pen and sign within the box. If the signature is in any other color, it won’t be accepted.
  • The signature size should be 70 – 80% of the box size.
  • It should be in JEPG format and should be 160 X 560 (maximum) and 80 X 280 (minimum)
  • Make sure it is your signature, not by any other person. If it doesn’t match at the time of the exam, the candidature will be disqualified.

Refer to the following image sample -

GATE Signature Format

# Step 4: Release the Application Fee Payment

Go through the filled-in application form before proceeding to payment. Click the “Save and View Application” option, ensure the information is correct, and then click on the “Submit and Proceed to Payment” button.

After you make the payment, “no further changes to the application can be made.”

Application Fee for GATE 2023 –

All candidates are required to pay the application fee along with the application form. The application fee is Non-refundable and Non-transferable. The application fee for the GATE exam can be paid online through Net-Banking, credit card, debit card, or e-challan. International candidates can pay their application fee through Net Banking or by using their Credit Card.

Application Fee for Indian Candidates –

Category of the Candidates

Application Fee on or before Deadline (₹)

Application Fee on or after Deadline (₹)

General candidates



Female candidates



SC/ PwD/ ST candidates



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Application Fee for International Candidates –

Category of the Candidates

Application Fee on or before Deadline (US$)

Application Fee on or after Deadline (US$)

Dubai and Singapore



Kathmandu, Colombo, Addis Ababa, and Dhaka



Scroll left or right to view full table


Category (Both Indian & International)

Application Fee (Without Late Fee)

Application Fee (With Late Fee)


₹ 750

₹ 1250

Female Applicants

₹ 750

₹ 1250

Other Male applicants (General, OBC, etc.)

₹ 1500

₹ 2000

Internation Applicants

Addis Ababa, Colombo, Dhaka, and Kathmandu

US$ 50

US$ 70

Internation Applicants

Dubai and Singapore

US$ 100

US$ 120

Scroll left or right to view full table

Things to Keep in Mind while Making the Payment –

  • Choose the online payment mode.
  • You will see the fee amount and make the payment.
  • If you find difficulty in making the payment (due to power failure or internet issues), log back into the GOAPS account to check the payment status.
  • In case of the amount gets deducted and you didn’t receive the confirmation from GOAPS, you will get the deducted money back into your bank account within 7 working days.
  • Go ahead with a fresh payment again without waiting for the money to be credited to your bank account.
  • After the successful fee payment, you will receive a “Fee Payment Number”. You need to save this unique payment number for future correspondence.

# Step 5: Submit and Take a Printout of the Confirmation Page

Reaching this stage indicates that you have successfully submitted the application form with the fee. Take a printout of the confirmation page for future use.

GATE Application Correction Process –

The Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, has opened the online correction window to change the choice of exam city for the GATE 2023 exam from 8th November 2022. Those who have registered for the GATE 2023 examination will be able to edit their application form and choose the examination city online at on or before 14th November 2022.

Applicants are allowed to rectify any errors in the GATE application form within the stipulated period of time only. These corrections can only be done by logging into the GOAPS account. Some of the allowed corrections are -

  • Correction in the exam center can be done till the specified date with the prescribed correction fee.
  • It is expected that correction can be done in the name of the Candidate, Gender, Category, PwD status, Date of Birth, Qualifying Degree, Year of Qualifying, and Parents Name with document proof.

New Exam Centres Added For The GATE 2023 Examination –

A total of 11 new cities have been added (w.e.f. GATE 2021) to the list the candidates can choose from:

  • IIT Bombay (Zone – 2): Seven (7) new cities added are: (i) Himatnagar (GJ), (ii) Palghar (MH), (iii) Latur (MH), (iv) Akola (MH), (v) Dhule (MH), (vi) Ichalkaranji (MH), (vii) Sangamner-Loni-Shirdi (MH).
  • IIT Kharagpur (Zone – 6): Three (3) new cities added are: (i) Baharampur-Murshidabad (WB), (ii) Hazaribag (JH), (iii) Machilipatnam (AP).
  • IIT Roorkee (Zone – 8): One (1) new city added is: (i) Kangra (HP)

Points To Remember While Changing Exam City –

The candidates can check the points mentioning-below when they are about to edit the examination city in the GATE 2023 application form.

  • A total of 3 choices of the city have to be selected.
  • It must be noted that the first and second choice of the city has to be from the same GATE zone.
  • The third choice of the city can be from any GATE zone.

How to make corrections in GATE 2023:

  1. Visit the official website at -
  2. Click on the link that reads, ‘GATE Online Application Processing System (GOAPS),’ appearing on the page.
  3. Key in your credentials and log in.
  4. Make corrections in the application form, as instructed.

Availing the Facility of a Scribe for a Person with Disability (PwD)/ Dyslexic Candidate –

Not everyone can obtain the facility of a scribe unless coming under the PwD/ Dyslexic category. Students who belong to this category may “arrange their own scribe or request GATE authority to arrange for the scribe during the application stage”.

  • The Scribe will be only reading the instructions and questions for the test-taker.
  • The Scribe will not be allowed to interpret, translate or emphasize the “Test Paper Contents” to the test-taker.
  • If the applicant has chosen his/ her Scribe, the officials would ensure that the “Scribe should be one step below the qualification of the candidate taking the examination” (as per the guidelines of the Government of India).
  • An additional hour (60 minutes) will be given to the candidates with Scribe as compensatory time.

Note: In case the candidate has opted for a Scribe and is not accompanied by him/ her to the examination center, GATE will not arrange a new Scribe.

Who Can Use Assistive Devices?

PwD candidates, if required, can arrange assistive devices like a wheelchair, Braille slate, abacus, etc., and bring these along with them to the exam center. GATE cannot arrange these devices for these applicants.

GATE Exam 2023 Other Details

Zones and the Corresponding Administrative Institutes for GATE


Administering Institute

Zonal Websites

Zone – 1

Indian Institute of Science Bangalore

Zone – 2

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Zone – 3

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Zone – 4

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Zone – 5

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Zone – 6

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Zone – 7

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Zone – 8

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Scroll left or right to view full table

GATE 2023 Application Correction Window

GATE 2023 GOAPS Portal offers the final correction in applications, where the provision to make any changes in Contact Address, University/College Name, and/or Degree Nomenclature is provided free of cost. In case the candidates want to make corrections in Name or DOB, they will have to pay ₹ 500/- correction fees. Correction in the application process comprises of:

  • Paid changes
  • Unpaid changes

The changes and the fee applicable for changes are given below:

Description of Changes / Modifications

Fee Charges

Roll Number, College Name and Location, and Registration Number


Change in choice of examination cities

₹ 500

Change of existing paper

₹ 500

Add a second paper (from given combinations with respect to the primary paper)

₹ 500 + suitable amount per paper for the candidate’s category

Change of gender to female

₹ 500

Change of gender from female to any other gender

₹ 500 + ₹ 750 = 1250

Change of category to SC/ST

₹ 500

Change of category from SC/ST to any other

₹ 500 + ₹ 750 = 1250

Change from Non-PwD to PwD

₹ 500

Change from PwD to Non-PwD

₹ 500 + ₹ 750 = 1250

Any other change in category (not mentioned above)

₹ 500

Scroll left or right to view full table

NOTE: The correction fee will not be refunded in any case.

The application correction window will remain open till 14th November 2022, and candidates will be allowed to make changes in the above-mentioned fields until then.

GATE Exam 2023 Admit Card

Candidates can download the GATE 2023 Admit Card online from the GOAPS portal. The admit card for the GATE 2023 examination will be available to download from 9th January 2023 (4 pm). No hard copies of the Admit Card will be sent to candidates at their mailing addresses.

Don’t forget to carry your admit card to the examination center and your Identity proof (PAN card, Aadhaar card, passport, voter ID, driving license, etc.). The GATE Admit card and original ID proof are mandatory to enter the examination hall.

GATE 2023 Admit Card is a compulsory document without which candidates will not be able to appear for the PG Engineering examination. Candidates are therefore advised to cross-check and verify all the details provided on the hall ticket after downloading it. In case of any problems, errors, or discrepancies, the same needs to be highlighted to the exam authority at the earliest.

The details that you must check on GATE Admit Card 2023 are:

  1. Candidate’s Name, including complete spelling
  2. Candidate’s Date of Birth and other personal details
  3. Exam Centre Name and Address
  4. Exam Date and Time
  5. Reporting time at the Exam Centre
  6. Exam Day Instructions to be followed by candidates

Want to download GATE 2023 Admit Card? Check the detailed steps here.

List of Zone-wise Examination Cities (Tentative)

Zonal GATE Office

Examination Cities/ Towns (Tentative)

IISc Bangalore

Bengaluru - 560 012

Ananthapuramu, Bagalkot, Angamaly, Ballari (Bellary), Belagavi (Belgaum), Bengaluru North, Bengaluru South, Chikkamagaluru, Bidar, Kalaburagi (Gulbarga), Davanagere, Hubballi (Hubli), Hassan, Kannur, Hyderabad, Kolar, Kasaragod, Kurnool, Kozhikode,

Mangaluru, Malappuram, Mysuru (Mysore), Manipal, Payyanur, Palakkad,

Shivamogga (Shimoga), Port Blair, Tumakuru, Thrissur and Vatakara

IIT Madras

Chennai – 600 036

Alappuzha, Attingal, Chengannur, Chennai South, Aluva-Ernakulam, Chirala, Chittoor, Coimbatore, Cuddalore, Dindigul, Chennai West, Gudur, Guntur, Idukki, Kanjirapally, Kanyakumari-Nagercoil, Kadapa, Karimnagar, Kodad, Kollam, Khammam, Kothamangalam, Madurai, Kottayam, Namakkal, Nellore, Ongole, Muvattupuzha, Pala, Puducherry,

Salem, Thiruvananthapuram, Thanjavur, Thoothukudi, Tirunelveli, Tirupati, Villupuram, Vellore, Tiruchirapalli, Virudhunagar and Warangal

IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas,

New Delhi – 110 016

Alwar, Ajmer, Faridabad-Palwal, Bikaner, Gurugram, Greater NOIDA, Indore, Hisar, Jammu-Samba, Jaipur, Kota, Jodhpur, New Delhi, Mathura, Srinagar, Rohtak, Sonepat, Sikar, Udaipur and Ujjain

IIT Kanpur

Kanpur – 208 016

Agra, Varanasi, Allahabad, Aligarh, Bhopal, Bareilly, Gwalior, Gorakhpur, Jabalpur, Lucknow, and Kanpur

IIT Bombay, Powai,

Mumbai - 400 076

Ahmednagar, Ahmedabad, Anand, Amravati, Baramati, Aurangabad, Bhuj, Gandhinagar, Bhavnagar, Jalgaon, Goa, Mehsana, Kolhapur, Mumbai-Navi, Mumbai-Thane, Nanded, Nagpur, Pune, Nashik, Ratnagiri, Rajkot, Satara, Sangli, Surat, Solapur, and Vadodara

IIT Kharagpur

Kharagpur – 721 302

Berhampur (Odisha), Balasore, Bhubaneswar, Bhilai, Cuttack, Bilaspur

(CG), Hooghly (WB), Eluru, Kakinada (AP), Jamshedpur, Kolkata, Kharagpur, Rajamahendravaram (Rajahmundry), Raipur, Rourkela, Ranchi, Srikakulam, Sambalpur, Tadepalligudem, Vizianagaram, Vijayawada, and Visakhapatnam

IIT Roorkee

Roorkee – 247 667

Amritsar, Ambala, Dehradun, Bathinda, Haldwani, Ghaziabad, Hamirpur-Una (HP), Karnal, Kurukshetra, Ludhiana, Meerut, Jalandhar, Moradabad, NOIDA, Panipat, Pathankot, Mohali-Chandigarh,  Patiala-Sangrur, Shimla-Solan, Roorkee, and Yamunanagar

IIT Guwahati

Guwahati – 781 039

Agartala, Asansol-Durgapur, Aizawl, Burdwan, Bokaro Steel City, Dibrugarh, Dhanbad, Gangtok, Dimapur, Imphal, Guwahati, Jorhat, Itanagar, Muzaffarpur, Kalyani, Purnea, Patna, Silchar, Shillong, Siliguri and Tezpur

International GATE,

IIT Delhi

Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), Dubai

(UAE), Dhaka (Bangladesh), Colombo (Sri Lanka), Kathmandu (Nepal), and Singapore

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GATE Exam 2023 Answer Key

  • The GATE 2023 answer key will be released on the official website after the exam.
  • The test-takers can check and download GATE Prelims answer key 2023 through the official website.
  • Candidates will be allowed to raise objections against the answer key by paying ₹ 500 per objection.

GATE Exam 2023 Results & Scorecard

  • The GATE 2023 result will be released on the official website.
  • Candidates can check and download the GATE 2023 scorecard/result through GOAPS.
  • Candidates will be required to log in to check their GATE result 2023 with the required credentials i.e. application number and password.
  • Only qualified candidates will be able to download the GATE Scorecard, but the GATE result 2023 will be announced for all those who appeared in the exam.

GATE 2023 Result/ Scorecard -

GATE score is obtained by evaluating the answers and determining the raw marks of candidates. GATE score is used to shortlist the candidates for PSUs recruitment through GATE as well as for admission to the MTech program. GATE cutoff for PSU varies from company to company.

The GATE score will be valid for three years from the date of the result announcement.

GATE Score for Employment

Amongst the most reputable organizations that consider the GATE score for employment are –

  • Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL)
  • Power Grid Corporation of India (PGCI)
  • Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL)
  • Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL)
  • National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC)
  • Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL)
  • Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)
  • Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL)

GATE Counselling 2023

The schedule for GATE 2023 counselling will be released on the official website. Here are details for the 2023 counselling process.

Candidates are required to complete the GATE CCMT counselling registrations online. The seat allotment will be done after that.

CCMT Counselling Activities


Online registration, online choice filling, and fee payment


Online choice locking started


Locking saved


Round-1 seat allotment publication


Document uploading, specifying willingness and seat acceptance fee payment


Document verification (online) by the allotted institute


Change of willingness (online)


Round-2 seat allotment publication


Document uploading, specifying willingness and seat acceptance fee payment


Document verification (online) by the allotted institute


Round-3 seat allotment publication


Document uploading and seat acceptance fee payment


Document verification (online) by the allotted institute for aspirants whose allotted institute has been changed or allotted seat for the first time


Withdrawal from admitted Institute (online)


Scroll left or right to view full table

The schedule for the special round for GATE CCMT 

CCMT Special Round


Online registration, payment of registration fee, special round participation fee & online choice filling


Last date of online registration


Last date of resolution


Last date of online choice filling & locking


Automatic locking of saved choices


Seat Allotment special round-1


Payment of seat acceptance fee


Online document verification


Last date of resolution


Seat allotment of special round 2


Payment of seat acceptance fee


Online document verification


Last date of resolution


PI reporting (Online/ Offline)


Scroll left or right to view full table

The schedule for GATE COAP counseling is as follows:

ROUND The time window for viewing offers & decision-making by the candidates
Round 1 TBA
Round 2 TBA
Round 3 TBA
Round 4 TBA
Round 5 TBA

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The schedule for GATE COAP Additional rounds of counseling is as follows:

ROUND The time window for viewing offers & decision-making by the candidates
Round A TBA
Round B TBA
Round C TBA
Round D TBA
Round E TBA

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GATE 2023 Preparation Tips (Books to Read)

Cracking the GATE exam requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and consistency. Only highly-motivated students with an absolutely clear vision overcome all the challenges to achieve their goals. One of the most sought-after engineering exams in India, GATE demands a proper strategic plan. Apart from knowing the exam pattern, paper analysis, and the latest syllabus, one must focus on other key areas mentioned below.

  • Begin early preparation
  • Understand exam pattern
  • Know the latest syllabus
  • Keep your concepts strong
  • Practice mock tests
  • Time management

Books Recommended by Toppers

  • Higher Engineering Mathematics by B.S. Grewal (Mathematics)
  • Industrial Engineering by O P Khanna, Buffa, and Sarin (Industrial Engineering)
  • A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning by RS Aggarwal (General Aptitude)
  • Production Technology: Manufacturing Processes, Technology and Automation by R.K. Jain (Manufacturing Engineering)
  • Machine Design by VB Bhandari Engineering Mechanics by Bhavikatti Fluid Mechanics by RK Bansal Heat Transfer by Cengal and Holman (Mechanical Engineering)
  • Basic Structural Analysis, C.S. Reddy (Civil Engineering)
  • C Programming Language by Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie (Computer Science and Information Technology)
  • Principles of Communication Systems by Goutam Saha, Herbert Taub, and Donald Schilling (Electronics and Communication Engineering)
  • Electrical Power Systems by CL Wadhwa (Electrical Engineering)
  • Statistics for Machine Learning by Pratap Dangeti (Statistics)

GATE Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can candidates use one email ID to fill in multiple application forms?

A: No, they cannot. One active email address is used for one application form. However, submitting multiple applications will result in the cancellation of the candidature.

Q: How many exam cities can a candidate choose?

A: A candidate can choose up to three cities while submitting the application form. However, he/ she will be allotted only one center of his/ her choice.

Q: Can candidates bring a soft copy of the admit card to the exam center and gain entry?

A: No.

Q: Is only the hard copy of the admit card enough to gain entry to the exam hall?

A: No. The exam-appearing candidates must bring along ID proof along with the admit card. Domestic candidates can bring one of these ID proofs: PAN card, College ID, Aadhaar UID, Driving License, Passport, and Voter ID. International candidates can bring one of these ID proofs: College ID, Government issued ID, Passport, Employee ID, etc.

Q: For how many years has my GATE Score been valid?

A: Three years.

Gate Previous Year Statistics

Check GATE 2023 frequently asked questions - Click here.

GATE Exam Frequently Asked Questions

The candidate should take the print-out of the generated e-challan receipt and go to any branch of SBI and pay the required fee. Banks may charge processing fees and other charges.

The identification proofs accepted are – Passport, Voter ID, PAN Card, Aadhaar, College ID, Employee ID, and driving license.

Yes, he is eligible to take the GATE Exam, if he provides the provisional certificate or mark sheet of his earlier semesters.

Yes, only a few changes are allowed after the form submission with a certain fee.

Yes, it is important to submit a photograph and signature as per the required dimensions in the application form. Otherwise, it will be rejected.

Candidates can track the status of their online application form with the help of their login credentials at GOAPS (GATE Online Application Processing System).

No, there is no need to send the hard copy of the Application form to IIT Kharagpur. The application should be submitted online only through the GOAPS portal.

No, there is no age limit for the GATE 2023 exam.

The candidate should have done his Bachelor in Science or Engineering. From 2021, students from the Arts and Commerce background can also apply. Students in the final year of their graduation can also appear for the GATE Exam.

The GATE 2023 exam will be held on the 4th, 5th, 11th, and 12th of February 2023. Each day will be conducted in two sessions: Morning Sessions from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM and the Afternoon Session from 2:30 PM – 5:30 PM.