FCI Recruitment

FCI Recruitment 2022 - Notification(Out), Application Form(Started), Exam Dates, Eligibility & Syllabus

Last Modified on : 05 Mar 2025

Food Corporation of India (FCI) is among the largest Public Sector Undertakings which ensures food security of the Nation. It invites applications for various posts in its Depots and Offices across the country. Eligible candidates can apply for different posts as per their eligibility. FCI Recruitment 2022 will be done for the following posts:

  • Junior Engineer (JE) (Civil/ Electrical/ Mechanical)
  • Assistant Grade-II (Hindi)
  • Assistant Grade-III (General/ Technical/ Accounts/ Depot)
  • Typist (Hindi)
  • Steno Grade-II

Let’s check out the eligibility, exam pattern, syllabus, important dates, and other details related to the FCI Recruitment 2022 exam.

Latest FCI Recruitment Notifications

- The FCI Recruitment 2022 official notification for 113 Grade 2 vacancies was released on 24th August 2022.

- The application form will be made available on 27th August 2022.

- The last date to submit the form is 26th September 2022.

FCI Recruitment 2022 - Highlights

Exam Name

FCI Category III recruitment exam

Exam conducting authority

Food Corporation of India

Official Website


Exam Mode


Question type

Objective and Descriptive Type

Negative marking

Applicable in some papers

Job location


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FCI Recruitment 2022 Important Dates

Here’s a tentative schedule of FCI Recruitment 2022 -

FCI Recruitment 2022 Events

Important Dates

Application process begins

27th August 2022

Application process ends

26th September 2022

Call letter for Phase-I exam

15 days prior to the announced date of examination

Phase-I exam

December 2022

Phase-I result

Updated soon

Call letters for Phase-II exam

Updated soon

Phase-II exam

Updated soon


Updated soon

Final Result status

Updated soon

Document Verification

Updated soon

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FCI Recruitment 2022 Pattern & Syllabus

FCI Recruitment 2022 Exam Pattern

The selection process comprises of the following phases:

  1. Online Tests
  2. Skill Test
  3. Document Verification

Online Tests

The online tests will be conducted in the following phases:

  • Phase-I
  • Phase-II

The Phase-I exam is common for all the posts and for phase-II, candidates have to appear as per the post they have applied for. The structure of both phases is as follows:

Phase-I Pattern

Name of the Test

Number of Questions

Duration (in minutes)

Medium/ Language

English Language


20 minutes


Reasoning Ability


20 minutes


Numerical Aptitude


20 minutes




60 minutes


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All the questions will be Objective type.

Marking Scheme - Each question will be of 1 mark and there will be a negative marking of 1/4th mark.

Phase-II Pattern

Exam Type




One Paper Exam

Paper-I only

AG-III (General)

AG-III (Depot)

Paper-III only

Typist (Hindi)

Paper-V only

Steno Grade-II


Two Paper Exam

Paper-I and Paper-II

JE (Civil)

JE (Electrical/ Mechanical)

AG-III (Technical)

AG-III (Accounts)

Paper-III and Paper-IV

AG-II (Hindi)

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Papers Pattern

Here is the pattern for the different papers mentioned above:


Number of Questions

Marking Scheme

Paper-I, Paper-III, and Paper-V

120 Multiple Choice Questions

Each question will be of 1 mark. There will be a negative marking of 1/4th marks for a negative response.

Paper-II (Phase-II)

60 Multiple Choice Questions

Each question will be of 2 marks Negative marking of 1/4th marks.


2 Questions (Descriptive)

Each question will be of 60 marks. No negative marking.

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Duration of Papers


Duration (in minutes)


90 minutes


60 minutes


90 minutes


90 minutes


90 minutes

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Skill Test

Candidates applying for the post of Typist (Hindi) and Steno Grade-II are required to appear for the skill test after the Phase-II exam. For the Typist post, the skill test will be for typing in Hindi. And, for the Steno post, the skill test will be for typing and shorthand. Both tests will be of qualifying nature. The skill test venue and other details will be informed through the official website.

Document Verification

After the online tests and skill tests, a merit list will be prepared based on the candidates’ scores. Qualified candidates will be called for the document verification process.

FCI Recruitment 2022 Syllabus

The 2022 notification was released on 24th August 2022. The FCI syllabus for different posts and papers as per 2022 notification is mentioned under. 

JE (Civil)

Building Materials, Surveying, Soil Mechanics, Estimating, Costing and Valuation, Transportation Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Structural Engineering, Concrete Technology, RCC Designs, Steel Design, and Construction Management.

JE (Electrical/ Mechanical)

Basic concepts, Concepts of current, AC Fundamentals, Measurement and measuring instruments, Electrical Machines, Synchronous Machines, Generation, Estimation and costing, Utilization of Electrical Energy, Basic Electronics, Theory of Machines and Machine Design, Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Materials, Thermal Engineering, Air standard Cycles for IC engines, Rankine cycle of steam, Air Compressors, Boilers Refrigeration cycles, Production Engineering.

Assistant Grade-III (Accounts)

Basic Accounting Concept, Taxation, Auditing, Commercial Laws, Basic of Computers.

Assistant Grade-III (Technical)

Agriculture, Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Physics

Assistant Grade-II (Hindi) and Typist (Hindi) - Paper-III

General Hindi, General English, General Intelligence, General Awareness, and Computer Knowledge.

Assistant Grade-II (Hindi) - Paper-IV

Translation of 2 passages - one from Hindi to English and one from English to Hindi.

Steno Grade-II (Paper-V)

General English, General Awareness, General Intelligence, and Computer Knowledge (Internet and MS Word).

FCI Recruitment 2022 Eligibility

Educational Qualification and Age Limit (as on 1st January 2022)

Minimum Age Limit - Candidates must have attained 18 years of age.

The educational qualification and maximum age limit for different posts are different. Here are the details:


Maximum Age Limit

Qualification/ Experience

Junior Engineer (Civil)

28 years

Degree/ Diploma in Civil Engineering with one year of experience.

Junior Engineer (Electrical/ Mechanical)

28 years

Degree/ Diploma in Civil/ Mechanical Engineering. One year of experience (for Diploma holders only)

Steno Grade-II

25 years

Graduation and 0’level qualification of DOEACC with 40 w.p.m. and 80 w.p.m. in typing and shorthand, respectively.


Degree in Computer Application/ Computer Science with 40 w.p.m. and 80 w.p.m. in typing and shorthand, respectively.

Assistant Grade-II (Hindi)

28 years

Degree with Hindi as the main subject.

Proficiency in English.

One year of experience of translation from English to Hindi and vice-versa.

Desirable - PG degree in Hindi

Typist (Hindi)

25 years


Hindi Typing with 30 w.p.m. speed

Preference will be given to those knowing bilingual typing (Hindi and English) and Computer Knowledge

Assistant Grade-III (General)

27 years

Graduate degree (any discipline) from recognized University

Proficiency in Use of Computers

Assistant Grade-III (Accounts)

27 years

Bachelor of Commerce from recognised University

Proficiency in Use of Computers

Assistant Grade-III (Technical)

27 years

B.Sc. in Agriculture


B.Sc. in Zoology/ Botany/ Food Science/ Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ Microbiology


B.Tech/ BE in Food Science and Technology/ Food Science/ Biotechnology/ Agricultural Engineering from a recognised University


Proficiency in Use of Computers

Assistant Grade-III (Depot)

27 years

Graduate degree (any discipline) from recognised University

Proficiency in Use of Computers

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FCI Recruitment 2022 Application Process

The FCI application process will be online and no other mode of application will be accepted. Interested candidates are required to apply for the exam within the given time.

Important - Candidates can apply for only one post and only in one zone. If a candidate will apply for more than one zone, his candidature will be cancelled. Multiple applications within a single zone will also result in the cancellation of candidature.

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Steps for FCI Application Submission

The application process can be completed in the following stages:

  1. Registration
  2. Uploading Scanned Documents
  3. Application Fee Payment


  • Visit the official website - www.fci.gov.in.
  • Click on the ‘APPLY ONLINE’ button on the home page.
  • Click on the ‘Click here for New Registration’ link and complete the registration process by entering your name, contact details, and email ID.
  • On successful registration, a registration number and password will appear on the screen, and the same will also be sent to your registered mobile number and email ID.
  • Now, log in using the registration number and password to complete the application form.
  • Enter all the such as the candidate's parents’ name, educational details, address, exam center details, post applied for, etc.
  • Check all the details carefully before hitting the ‘FINAL SUBMIT’ button.
  • Now, you can proceed to the document upload section.

Uploading Scanned Documents

  • Upload the scanned images of your photograph and signature as per the specifications.
  • After a successful upload, click the ‘FINAL SUBMIT’ button.
  • The specifications for the scanned documents (in .jpg/ .jpeg format) are as under:
  • Photograph (4.5 cm X 3.5 cm, file size - 20 KB to 50 KB)
  • Signature (with black ink, not in CAPITAL letters)
  • Left Thumb Impression (on white paper with blue or black ink)
  • A hand-written declaration (on white paper with black ink)

Declaration - “I, _______ (Name of the candidate), hereby declare that all the information submitted by me in the application form is correct, true, and valid. I will present the supporting documents as and when required.”

Application Fee Payment

  • After document submission, click on the ‘Payment’ tab.
  • Select the mode of payment and pay the fee.
  • After successful fee payment, an e-receipt will be generated.
  • Take a print of the e-receipt and application form containing fee details.

Application Fee

The application fee for the exam as per the FCI notification is ₹ 500/- (including GST and excluding bank charges). SC/ ST/ PwBD/ Ex-Servicemen/ Serving Defence Personnel/ Female candidates are exempted from application fee payment.

Mode of Payment - The application fee can be paid using Debit Cards (Visa/ RuPay/ Maestro/ MasterCard), Credit Cards, IMPS, Internet Banking, Mobile Wallets/ Cash Cards/ UPI.

FCI Recruitment 2022 Other Details

FCI (Food Corporation of India Recruitment) 2022 Vacancies

The official announcement is for 113 Grade 2 vacancies. Just like previous recruitment, this year, too, the Food Corporation of India will have plenty of opportunities for deserving candidates. A total of 113 vacancies were announced. Here are the details related to the same.















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Let’s take a look at the zone-wise and post-wise vacancy details as per the FCI 2022 notification:


North Zone

South Zone

West Zone

East Zone

North-Eastern Zone

Manager (General)






Manager (Depot)






Manager (Movement)






Manager (Accounts)






Manager (Technical)






Manager (Civil Engineer)






Manager (Electrical
Mechanical Engineer)






Manager (Hindi)












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FCI Recruitment 2022 Call Letter/ Admit Card

The FCI Recruitment call letters 2022 can be downloaded only from the official FCI website 15 days prior to the exam. The time and venue of the examination will be mentioned on the admit card. Candidates will be intimated about the call letter through email/ SMS. The call letter can be downloaded using the registration number and date of birth. Affix a recent passport-size photograph on the admit card. Carry the admit card along with an original photo ID proof (one photocopy) to the examination center.

FCI Recruitment Result 2022 –

The FCI 2022 result will be released online. Candidates can check results at the official website of FCI. The result will be declared zone-wise, and candidates can check their results as per the zone they have applied for.

FCI Recruitment Frequently Asked Questions

The application for the FCI 2022 recruitment can be submitted only through the only mode via the official FCI website.



Yes, there is age relaxation for reserved categories. SC/ST candidates will get a relaxation of 5 years in the upper age limit while OBC candidates will get a relaxation of 3 years. For complete age relaxation details, you must check out the FCI official notification.


The merit list will be prepared based on the marks secured by candidates in Phase-II exam subject to qualifying for the skill test.

The job location will be in the zone you have applied for.


Jhasaketan Purohit, February 4, 2022

My qualification is B.Sc withchemistry honours Am I eligible for assistant grade lll technical post

palvi, January 17, 2022

can we apply for more than one location?