ASRB NET 2022 - Application Form, Exam Dates, Admit Card, Eligibility & Syllabus
ASRB NET is conducted to determine the eligibility of candidates for Lecturer / Assistant Professor jobs in the Agricultural field. Candidates with a valid Masters's degree with the relevant academic background can appear for this exam to become eligible for the posts in multiple disciplines under ASRB NET. This exam is qualifying in nature, it enables applicants to apply against the vacancies released by different agricultural universities. The applicant may check the whole article for complete details regarding the ASRB NET 2022 i.e. syllabus, eligibility, application form, exam pattern, admit card, result, etc. so that they can develop a clear picture of the exam in their minds.
What is ASRB NET?
Every year The Agriculture Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB) invites applications for ASRB NET, also known as ICAR NET (Indian Council of Agriculture Research NET). The exam is conducted “for determining eligibility for the position of Lecturer/ Assistant Professor in the State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) and other Agricultural Universities (AUs).” Candidates interested in appearing for the exam must check their eligibility before filling out the application form. The sole purpose to perform this exam is to recruit potential Lecturers / Assistant Professors in State Agricultural Universities and other Agricultural Universities.
ASRB NET 2021 Latest Update -
- The revised date for the ASRB NET 2021(Mains) exam was 28th November 2021.
- Interview dates are released for those who have qualified ASRB NET 2021 (Mains), interviews would be conducted between 2nd March 2022 to 15th March 2022.
ICAR NET 2022 - Quick Highlights
Exam name |
The Agriculture Scientists Recruitment Board National Eligibility Test |
Exam conducting authority |
Agriculture Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB) |
Official website |
http://www.asrb.org.in |
Mode of application |
Online |
Mode of exam |
Online |
Number of questions |
150 |
Question type |
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) |
Exam duration |
2 hours |
Number of attempts |
No restrictions |
Negative marking |
Applicable (1/3rd marks will be deducted) |
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ASRB NET Exam 2022 Important Dates
The exam schedule for ASRB NET 2022 is as under:
ASRB NET 2022 Events |
Important Dates (Tentative) |
Notification availability |
March 2022 |
Online application begins |
April 2022 |
Online application ends |
April 2022 |
Admit card availability |
Two/ Three weeks before the exam |
ASRB NET 2022 exam |
June 2022 |
Result declaration |
To be notified later |
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ASRB NET Exam 2022 Pattern & Syllabus
Candidates must know the ASRB NET exam pattern for better understanding. Here are the details for the exam pattern:
The ASRB ICAR NET exam comprises a single paper. The details of the paper are:
Exam mode |
Online (Computer Based Test) |
Number of questions |
150 |
Type of Questions |
Multiple Choice Questions |
Exam duration |
2 hours |
Marking Scheme |
1 mark for every correct answer |
Negative marking |
1/3 marks will be deducted for every wrong answer |
Language of question paper |
Hindi and English |
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ASRB NET 2022 Syllabus
The syllabus for the ICAR NET exam is prescribed by the Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB). The exam will be conducted for 55 disciplines and the syllabus is different for all the disciplines. Here are the main topics of the syllabus. Candidates can download the detailed syllabus from the official website.
- Agricultural Biotechnology - Cell Structure and Function, Biomolecules and Metabolism, Enzymology, Molecular Genetics, Gene Expression, Molecular Biology Techniques, Gene Cloning, Molecular Biology, Plant Molecular Biology, Tissue Culture, Plant Genetic Engineering, Molecular Marker and Genomics.
- Agricultural Entomology - Systematics, Morphology, Embryology, Internal Anatomy and Physiology, Ecology, Biological Control, Chemical Control and Toxicology, Host Plant Resistance, Innovative Approaches in Pest Control, Integrated Pest Management, Pesticide Application Equipments, Pests of Field Crops and their Management, Pests of Horticultural Crops and their Management, Pests of Stored Products and their Management, Arthropod Vectors of Plant Diseases, Honey Bees and Bee-Keeping, Silkworms and Sericulture, Lac Insect, Other Useful Insects, Statistics and Computer Application.
- Agricultural Microbiology - History of Microbial World, Microbial Ecology and Physiology, Soil Microbiology, Environmental Microbiology and Basic Microbiology Techniques, Microbial Biotechnology.
- Economic Botany and Plant Genetics Resources - Plant Taxonomy and Biosystematics, Economically important plants –I, II, and III, Biodiversity and Plant Genetic Resources (PGR), Germplasm Augmentation, Germplasm Conservation, Biotechnology in PGR, Plant Quarantine, Germplasm Characterization, Evaluation, Maintenance and Regeneration.
- Genetics & Plant Breeding - General Genetics and Plant Breeding, Economics Botany and Plant Breeding Methods, Genome Organization and Cytogenetics of Crop Plants, Quantitative and Biometrical Genetics, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Tools in Plant Breeding for Stress Resistance and Nutritional Quality, Plant Genetic Resources and their Regulatory System, Varietal Release and Seed Production, Statistical Methods and Field Plot Techniques.
- Nematology - History and Economic Importance, Nematode Taxonomy and Morphology, Nematological Techniques, Nematode Ecology, Plant Nematode Relationships, Nematode Physiology and Cytology, Nematode Management, Interactions of Nematode with Soil Organisms, Statistics.
- Plant Biochemistry - Basic Biotechnology and Biomolecules, Intermediary Metabolism, Enzymes, Vitamins and Hormones, Molecular Biology, Techniques in Biochemistry, Biochemistry of Food-grains, Fruits and Vegetables, Photosynthesis, Plant Metabolic Processes, Plant Molecular Biology, Plant Biotechnology/ Genetic Engineering.
- Plant Pathology - History and Principles of Plant Pathology, Laboratory and Analytical Techniques, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, Mycology, Plant Bacteriology, Plant Virology, Plant Disease Epidemiology, Phanerogamic parasites and Non-parasitic Diseases, Fungal Diseases of Crop Plants, Bacterial and Viral Diseases of Crop Plants, Management of Plant Diseases.
- Plant Physiology - Cell Organelles and Water Relations, Metabolic Processes and Growth Regulation, Crop Productivity and Modeling, Abiotic Stress Responses in Plants, Plant Growth Regulators and Plant Development, Mineral Nutrition, Climate Change, Seed Physiology, Physiology of Flowering and Reproduction, Physiology of Horticultural and Plantation Crop Species, Post-Harvest Physiology, Morphogenesis, Tissue Culture and Plant Transformation.
- Seed Science & Technology - Seed Biology, Seed Production, Seed Processing, Seed Quality Control, Seed Storage, Seed Health, Seed Industry Development and Marketing, Protection of Plant Varieties.
- Floriculture & Landscaping - Breeding, Production Technology of Cut Flowers, Production Technology for Loose Flowers, Landscaping, Protected Floriculture, Value Addition, Turfing and Turf Management, CAD for Outdoor and Indoorscaping.
- Fruit Science - Tropical and Dry Land Fruit Production, Subtropical and Temperate Fruit Production, Biodiversity and Conservation, Canopy Management in Fruit Crops, Breeding of Fruit Crops, Breeding of Fruit Crops, Post Harvest Technology, Growth and Development, Biotechnology of Fruit Crops, Protected Fruit Culture.
- Spices, Plantation & Medicinal & Aromatic Plants - Production of Plantation Crops, Production Technology of Spice Crops, Agronomy of Medicinal, Aromatic and Under-Utilized Crops, Breeding of Plantation Crops and Spices, Breeding of Medicinal and Aromatic Crops, Processing of Plantation Crops, Spices, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Organic Spice and Plantation Crop Production Technology.
- Vegetable Science - Production Technology of Cool Season Vegetable Crops, Production Technique of Warm Season Vegetable Crops, Breeding of Vegetable Crops, Growth and Development, Seed Production, Systematics of Vegetable Crops, Production Technology of Underexploited Vegetable Crops, Post Harvest Technology of Vegetable Crops.
- Animal Biochemistry - Scope of Biochemistry, Structure and Properties of Biologically, Aminoacids, Major Classes of Enzymes, Bioenergetics, Mechanism of Storage, Structure and Metabolic, Blood composition and Biochemical Constituents of Erythrocytes, Basic Principles and Use of Latest Photometric, Environmental Pollution in Relation to Animal Health and Production.
- Animal Biotechnology - Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Gene Structure and Expression, Genetic Engineering and Recombinant DNA Technology, Animal Tissue Culture and Hybridoma Technology, Embryo Transfer and Related Techniques, Molecular Biology Techniques.
- Animal Genetics & Breeding - Overview of Genetics, Advanced Genetics, Overview of Breeding, Genetic Properties of Population, Population Genetics, Genetic Strategies, Selection & Selection Experiments, Genetic Laboratory Techniques, Research Techniques for Quantitative Animal Genetics, Laboratory Animal Breeding.
- Animal Nutrition - energy and Proteins, Minerals, Vitamins and Feed Additives, Rumen Ecosystem and Functions, Non-Ruminant Nutrition, Nutrient Requirements, Forage Conservation and Evaluation, Feed Processing and Technology, Anti-Metabolites and Toxic Principles, Elements of Research Methodology, Clinical Nutrition.
- Animal Physiology - Cellular Basis of Animal Physiology, Blood and Circulation, Respiration, Excretion, Digestion, Muscle Physiology, Nervous System, Endocrinology, Reproduction, Physiology of Growth, Climate Physiology, Behavioral Physiology.
- Animal Reproduction & Gynaecology - Veterinary Gynaecology, Reproductive Endocrinology, Accidents during Gestation, Veterinary Obstetrics, Andrology, Male Infertility, Frozen Semen Technology and Artificial Insemination, Reproductive Technology, Infertility in Cows and Buffaloes, Reproduction and Infertility in Ovine/ Caprine, Reproduction and Infertility in Swine, Equine Reproduction, Canine and Feline Reproduction.
- Dairy Chemistry - Milk Constituents, Lactose Structure, Milk Lipids, Milk Adulteration, Cream, Heat Stability of Milk, Cheese, Ice-Cream, Definition of Quality, Spectroscopy.
- Dairy Microbiology - Microflora associated with Milk and Milk Products, Bacteriological Aspects of Processing Techniques, Naturally occuring Preservative Systems in Milk, Microbiological Quality of Fat Rich Products, Lactic Acid Bacteria, Dairy Products as Functional/ Health Foods, Microbiological Quality of Indigenous Dairy Products, Preparation of byproducts from Dairy Effluents by Microbial Fermentation, Microbiological Aspects of Quality Control and Quality Assurance in Production of Milk and Milk Products.
- Dairy Technology - Market Milk, Fat Rich Dairy Products, Frozen Milk Products, Cheese and Fermented Milk Products, Concentrated and Dried Milk Products, Indigenous Milk Products, Utilization of Milk Byproducts, Packaging of Milk and Milk Products, Cleaning and Sanitation, Advances in Dairy Technology, Legal and Quality Aspects for Milk and Milk Products.
- Livestock Product Technology - Basic and General Aspects of Livestock Products, Abattoir and Poultry Processing Plants, Processing and Preservation, Wool, Mohair and Fur, Packaging, Quality Control, Marketing.
- Livestock Production Management - General, Breeding Management, Feeding Management, Reproduction Management, Shelter Management, Health Management, Production and Management of Cattle and Buffalo, Production and Management of other Animals, Wildlife Management, Forage Production and Conservation, Economics and Marketing of Livestock and Poultry and their Products.
- Poultry Science - Poultry Genetics and Breeding, Poultry Nutrition, Avian Physiology, Poultry Products Technology, Poultry Management, Economics and Marketing, Poultry Health Management.
- Veterinary Medicine - General Medicine, Diagnosis of Animal Diseases, Gastroenterology, Diseases of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary System, Diseases of Urinary, Nervous, Musculoskeletal and Integumentary Systems, Production and Deficiency Diseases, Common Toxicities, Infectious Diseases, Parasitic Diseases, Poultry Diseases, Veterinary Jurisprudence and Ethics, Special Therapeutic Approaches, Prevention and Control of Diseases, Common Diseases of the zoo, Laboratory Animals and Wildlife.
- Veterinary Microbiology - General Bacteriology, Systematic Bacteriology, General Virology, Systematic Virology, Mycology, Immunology, Molecular Cell Biology.
- Veterinary Parasitology - Veterinary Helminthology, Veterinary Entomology, Veterinary Protozoology, Clinical Parasitology, Parasitic Zoonoses, Management of Livestock Parasitism, ImmunoParasitology, Diagnostic Parasitology.
- Veterinary Pathology - Introduction, History and Etiology, Haemodynamics Derangements, Degeneration and Necrosis, Inflammation and Healing, Immunopathology, Genetically Determined Diseases, Disturbances in Cell Growth and Oncology, Postmortem Diagnosis and Histopathological Techniques, Clinical Pathology, Systemic Pathology, Pathology of Infectious Diseases, Avian Pathology, Nutritional and Production Pathology, Pathology of Toxicosis, Pathology of Diseases of Laboratory and Wild Animals.
- Veterinary Pharmacology - General Pharmacology, Drug Acting on Central Nervous System, Drug Acting on Humoral and Autonomic Nervous Systems, Drug Acting on Cardio-vascular and Respiratory Systems, Drugs Acting on Digestive System, Drug Action on Uro-genital System, Endocrine Pharmacology, Autacoids, Chemotherapy, Toxicology, Ecotoxicology, Miscellaneous Topics.
- Veterinary Public Health - Veterinary Public Health, Milk Hygiene, Meat Hygiene, Food-borne Infections and Intoxications, Zoonoses, Environmental Hygiene, Epidemiology, Experimental Animal Medicine, Health Education, Standard Guidelines and Legislation, Microbiology in Public Health.
- Veterinary Surgery - General Surgery, Anesthesia, Radiology, Orthopaedics and Lameness, Surgery of Head and Neck Region, Thoracic Surgery, Abdominal and Pelvic Surgery.
- Aquaculture - Aquaculture Systems, Species Selection Criteria for Various Culture Practices, Broodstock Development and Management, Farm Design, Construction and Operational Management.
- Fisheries Resource Management - Fisheries Resources, Fishery Biology, Aquatic Environment, Fisheries Management, Fishing Technology, Economies and Marketing, Fisheries Livelihood.
- Fish Process Technology - Craft Technology, Gear Technology, Process Biochemistry, Fish Processing Technology, Microbiology, Quality Management and Certification, Fishery Engineering, Economics and Marketing.
- Fish Nutrition - Principles of Fish Nutrition, Nutritional Physiology, Feed Formulation, Feed Technology, and Feeding Management, Nutrition and Fish Health, Nutrigenomics.
- Fish Health - Introduction to Fish Health and Pathology, Diseases of Fish, Aquatic Environment and Fish Health, Disease Diagnosis, Defence Systems and Tumours, Disease Prevention and Control.
- Fish Genetics & Breeding - Principles of Fish Genetics and Breeding, Population and Quantitative Genetics, Genetic Tools for Aquaculture application, Breeding of Fish and Shellfish, Conservation, Bioinformatics.
- Agricultural Chemicals - General Chemistry, Chromatography and Spectroscopic Techniques, Chemistry of Natural Products, Naturally Occurring Insecticides, Synthetic Insecticides, Fungicides, Nematicides and Rodenticides, Herbicides and Plant Growth Regulators, Agrochemical Formulations, Pesticide Residues and their Dynamics in the Environment, Agrochemicals - regulation and quality control, Natural Resource Management, Environment Pollution: Implications and Remediation.
- Agricultural Meteorology - General Meteorology, General Climatology, Agricultural Climatology, Micrometeorology, Evapotranspiration, Crop Weather Modeling, Weather Forecasting for Agriculture.
- Agroforestry - National Forest Policy 1894, 1952, and 1988, Indian Forest Act 1927, Forest Conservation Act 1980, and Wildlife Protection Act 1972, Concept and Definition of Agroforestry, Plant Management Practices in Agroforestry, Extent and Causes of Land Denudation, Forest Mensuration, Definition, Object, and Scope of Silviculture, Seed Collection, Forest Management, Tree Improvement, Forestry in Bio-Economic Productivity of different Agro-Eco-Systems and Environmental Management, Measurement of Trees and Stand, Climate Change, Statistics.
- Agronomy - Crop Ecology and Geography, Weed Management, Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Use, Dryland, Agronomy, Crop Production in Problem Soils, Crop Production, Agricultural Statistics, Sustainable Land Use Systems, Basics of Soil and Water, Soil Water Relationship, Plant Water Relationship, Irrigation Water Management, Management of Problematic Soils and Water.
- Environmental Sciences - Definition and Scope of Environment Science, Basic Ecological Concepts, Biodiversity Concepts, Composition of Air, Soil and Water Pollution, Climate Change, Energy Consumption Pattern in Urban and Rural India, Natural Resources of India, Frequency Distribution, Mean, Median, Mode, and Standard Deviation.
- Soil Sciences - Pedology, Soil Physics, Soil Chemistry, Soil Fertility, Soil Microbiology, Statistics.
- Agricultural Business Management - Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management, Managerial Accounting and Control, Financial Management for Agri. Business, Agricultural Marketing Management, Production and Operation Management, Managerial Economics, Operations Research, Agribusiness Environment and Policy, Strategic Management, Research Methodology in Business Management, Project Management and Entrepreneurship Development.
- Agricultural Economics - Agricultural Development and Policies, Natural Resource Management, Farm Business Management and Production Economics, Agricultural Finance, Agricultural Marketing and Price Analysis, Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management, Financial Management, Marketing Management, Production and Operation Management, Strategic Management, Entrepreneurial Skills and New Venture Planning.
- Agricultural Extension - Fundamentals of Extension and Communication, Extension Methods & Farm Journalism, Information Communication Technologies (ICT), Training & Human Resource Development, Research Methodology in Extension Education, Programme Planning, Evaluation & Diffusion and Adoption of Innovations, Extension Management, Entrepreneurial Development, Developmental Strategies and Issue in Extension, Gender Sensitization and Empowerment.
- Agricultural Statistics - Statistical Methods I and II, Statistical Genetics I and II, Design of Experiments I and II, Sample Surveys I and II, Computer Applications.
- Home Sciences - Human Nutrition, Health and Interventions, Food Science and Processing Technologies, Textile Science, Fashion Designing and Garment Production, Human Development and Family Dynamics, Family Resource Management and Consumer Science, Home Science Extension and Communication Methods.
- Farm Machinery and Power - Farm Mechanization and Equipment, Farm Machinery Design, Farm Machinery Testing, Evaluation and Management, Engines and Tractor Systems, Ergonomics and Safety, Soil Dynamics in Tillage and Traction, Energy in Agriculture, Manufacturing Technology, Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques.
- Agricultural Structures and Environmental Management - Introduction, Materials for Different Agricultural Structures, Environment Control, Functional Planning, Engineering of Structures, On-farm Structures, Structures Related to Agricultural Production, Handling, Packaging and Transportation, Supporting Infrastructure, Instrumentation and Process Control.
- Land and Water Management Engineering - Ground Development, Wells and Pumps, Open Channel Hydraulics, Soil, Plant, Water, and Atmosphere Relationship, Hydrology and Soil and Water Conservation, Watershed Management, Irrigation Water Management, Management of Degraded, Waterlogged and Other Problematic Soils and Water.
- Agricultural Process Engineering - Engineering Properties and Quality of Biomaterials, Heat and Mass Transfer, Post Harvest Unit Operations, Process Technology and Machinery, Design of Processing Machinery, Material Handling, Packaging and Transport, Storage Engineering, Process Plant Design, Instrumentation and Process Control, Agri-project Planning and Management.
- Food Technology - Introductory Food technology, Technology of Foods of Plant Origin, Technology of Foods of Animal Origin, Food Quality Management, Food Engineering/ Packaging and Labelling, Food Microbiology & Biotechnology, Flavour Chemistry Technology, Consumer Sciences/ Food Product Development/ Health Foods.
ASRB NET Preparation Guide
Many eligible candidates appear for ASRB NET every year, but only a few get to see the success at the end. Candidates must have enough dedication and a sound preparation strategy to successfully score above the qualifying percentage.
How to prepare for ASRB NET or ICAR NET 2022?
Candidates need to strategize their ASRB NET preparation by dividing it into certain sections. The first thing candidates need to get their hands on is the ASRB NET syllabus. Also, it is important to be informed about the ASRB NET exam pattern.
ICAR NET preparation plan can be divided into four sections, they have been given below:
- Complete entire syllabus
This should be the primary focus of all ASRB NET aspirants. ASRB conducts exams for 57 disciplines and the syllabus for each discipline is different. Candidates for each discipline need to find the best study materials to start their preparation. The asked questions are mostly of the Master’s degree level, therefore, your master’s degree books will be the most useful resource for the preparation.
- Revise the syllabus
There are many topics that need to be completed within a certain time and often it become difficult for the aspirants to remember the entire syllabus. The most feasible way to keep the topic afresh in your brain is frequent revision. Candidates must prepare self-notes of the topics while studying. Writing down the key points and one-liners will be a great help during the time of revision and it will help in overall preparation.
- Practice sample question papers
The practice is a key factor for success in ASRB NET or any other competitive exam. ASRB NET is conducted online, MCQs are being asked. Hence, practicing similar types of questions is very important to finish the paper within the time during the actual exam. Try to attempt as many numbers of good mock tests as you can before the exam to improve your chance of success.
- Believe in your capability
It is very important to have faith in your potential to crack the exam. Many aspirants lag behind despite preparing well because of self-confidence. Candidates need to overcome their fear and they need to put extra effort into the weak areas. If you have been preparing for the entire year or past many months, you have nothing to fear about, go and give your best.
ASRB NET Exam 2022 Eligibility
A candidate must be either:
- A citizen of India or
- A citizen of Bhutan
- A citizen of Nepal
- A Tibetan refugee who came to India before 1st January 1962 for permanently settling in the country.
- A person of Indian origin who migrated from Burma, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Uganda, Kenya, Malawi, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Ethiopia, Zaire, and Vietnam with intention of permanently settling in India
Age Limit
The minimum age limit for the exam as of 1st July 2022 must be 21 years. There is no upper age limit for the exam.
Educational Qualification
Candidates must have completed a Master’s degree in the concerned discipline (or related discipline) from a recognised university.
ASRB NET Exam 2022 Application Process
Candidates are required to submit the online application form within the specified time. The applications are accepted only through the online mode. No modifications will be allowed in the application form at later stages. So, candidates are advised to fill out the application form carefully.
ASRB NET application form will be released online, candidates need to register themselves online by providing all necessary details. The registration process includes online form fill up, uploading of photo and signature and application fee payment. ASRB NET application will be considered successful if all three stages are done correctly. ASRB NET application 2022 will start from April 2022.
How to Apply for ASRB NET 2022?
- Visit the official website at http://www.asrb.org.in.
- Click on the link for the ICAR NET 2022 application.
- Complete the registration process by providing details such as email id, mobile number, name, etc. You will receive the log-in credentials in your registered email id.
- Log in using the details and complete the application form.
- Upload the scanned images of the photograph and signature. The scanned images should be in .jpg format. The maximum size of the photograph file should be 150 KB and that of the signature file should be 80 KB.
- Make the application fee payment. The fee payment must be made through the online mode using the Debit card/ Credit card/ Internet Banking.
- Once the application is complete, take a print of the confirmation page.
Application Fee
The category-wise fee details are as under:
Categories |
Fee Amount |
Unreserved (UR) |
₹ 1000/- |
General-EWS/ OBC |
₹ 500/- |
Scheduled Caste (SC)/ Scheduled Tribe (ST)/ Women/ Divyang |
₹ 250/- |
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The additional transaction charges must be borne by the candidates themselves.
Documents Need to Keep Handy for ASRB NET 2022 Application Form
- ASRB NET Combined Notification
- Complete Permanente and Correspondence Address
- Matriculation or equivalent Certificate
- Master’s Degree Certificate along with mark sheet
- Doctorate Degree Certificate along with mark sheet
- Valid and active e-mail id
- Name of the centers and their address
- Scanned copy of recent passport size photograph with white background and as per prescribed size and formats. Also, in the photographs, the face should cover 2/3rd of the total space
- Signatures have to be done in Black/Blue ink on white paper following the prescribed format
ASRB NET Exam 2022 Other Details
ASRB NET 2022 Exam Centres
The ASRB NET 2022 exam will be conducted at different exam centers in major cities across the country. The list of exam centers is as under:
Anand/ Vadodara (Gujarat) |
Delhi |
Mumbai (Maharashtra) |
Bengaluru (Karnataka) |
Dehradun (Uttarakhand) |
Nagpur (Maharashtra) |
Bhubaneswar (Odisha) |
Guwahati (Assam) |
Patna (Bihar) |
Barrackpore/ Kolkata (West Bengal) |
Hyderabad (Telangana) |
Port Blair (Andaman and Nicobar Island) |
Barapani/ Shillong (Meghalaya) |
Indore (Madhya Pradesh) |
Raipur (Chattisgarh) |
Bareilly (UP) |
Jammu (Jammu and Kashmir) |
Rajkot (Gujarat) |
Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) |
Jaipur (Rajasthan) |
Shimla (Himachal Pradesh) |
Cochin (Kerala) |
Jodhpur (Rajasthan) |
Sri Nagar (Jammu and Kashmir) |
Chandigarh/ Mohali (Chandigarh) |
Kamal (Haryana) |
Vijayawada (Andhra Pradesh) |
Chennai (Tamil Nadu) |
Ludhiana (Punjab) |
Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh) |
Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu) |
Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) |
- |
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ASRB NET 2022 Admit Card
The ASRB NET 2022 Admit Card will be released online on the official website. The admit card release date is not yet announced. Successfully registered candidates will be able to download ASRB NET admit card by entering valid login credentials on the login panel. ASRB NET admit card is one of the most crucial documents needed to carry to the examination hall along with other documents. The admit card can be downloaded using the log-in credentials. Candidates are required to carry any one of the following Identity Card (in original) along with the ASRB NET admit card:
- Aadhaar Card
- Voter Card
- Driver’s License
- PAN Card
- Passport
Photocopy of the ID card will not be considered. Candidates must possess both the admit card and the ID proof for entering the examination center.
ASRB NET 2022 Result
The ASRB NET result will be released on the official website. The result announcement dates are not yet announced. Candidates can download the result/ scorecard using the log-in credentials. The date of declaration of the result will be the date of qualifying for the NET examination.
How to check ASRB NET result 2022?
If you have appeared for ASRB NET 2022 online exam, follow the steps given below to check your ASRB NET or ICAR NET result:
- Go to the official website of the board, asrb.org.in or icar.org.in
- Find the link stating “Result of ICAR-NET-2022 Examination”
- Enter your roll number and date of birth
- ASRB NET 2022 result will appear on the screen, check the result and keep a hard copy of the result
ASRB NET 2022 - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The answers to the frequently asked questions related to the ASRB NET exam 2022 will help you in understanding the exam better.
Q: When will the application form release?
The application forms will be released tentatively in April 2022.
Q: What is the last date for submitting the application form?
The last date for submitting the application form tentatively will be in April 2022.
Q: When is the ASRB NET 2022 exam conducted?
The ASRB NET 2022 exam will be conducted tentatively in June 2022.
Q: What is the mode of filling out the application form?
The mode of filling out the application form is online.
Q: How many preferences can I fill for the exam center?
You can fill in two exam center preferences while filling out the application form.
Q: What is the maximum number of attempts for the exam?
There is no restriction on the number of attempts.
Q: Do I need to attach any document while submitting the online application form?
No. You just need to upload the scanned images of the photograph and signature.
Q: Can I make any changes in the application details after form submission?
No. You cannot make any changes to the application details.
Q: What is the upper age limit for the exam?
No, there is no upper age limit for the exam.
Q: Is there any negative marking in the exam?
Yes, there will be negative marking in the exam. 1/3rd mark will be deducted for every incorrect response.