UPSEE 2020 Exam Syllabus Paper-3 - Aptitude Test for Architecture & Design

Last Modified: 15 Feb 2025

Interested in pursuing an Architecture degree from AKTU? You need to appear for the UPSEE exam. The Paper-3 of the Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Examination (UPSEE) is conducted for admission to the first year of the Undergraduate level Architecture programme. You need to prepare for the upcoming exam i.e. UPSEE 2020 well in advance to secure a higher rank in the merit and get into a good college. So, here the article is providing complete information on the syllabus of Paper-3 of the UPSEE exam. You can just stick to the syllabus and start your preparation today.

Before moving ahead with the syllabus, let’s understand the pattern of Paper-3.

The UPSEE Paper-3 also known as Aptitude Test for Architecture & Design comprises of two parts:

  • Part A - Mathematics and Aesthetic Sensitivity (100 objective type questions - 50 each from Mathematics and Aesthetic Sensitivity)
  • Part B - Drawing Aptitude (2 questions)

UPSEE 2020 Paper-3 Syllabus

Part – A: Mathematics & Aesthetic Sensitivity


Algebra: Sets relations & functions, Mapping Inverse relations, De-Morgan's Law, Equivalence relations, Peano's axioms, Definition of rationals and integers through equivalence relation, Indices and surds, Solutions of simultaneous and quadratic equations, A.P., G.P. and H.P., Special sums i.e. ∑n2 and ∑n3 (n∑N), Binomial theorem for any index, Partial fraction, exponential series, Logarithm and Logarithmic series. Determinants and their use in solving simultaneous linear equations, Matrices, Inverse of a matrix, Algebra of matrices, Use of a matrix for solving equations.

Probability: Definition, Dependent and Independent events, the theorem of probability, Numerical problem on addition and multiplication.

Trigonometry: Identities, Trigonometric equations, properties of triangles, solution of triangles, heights and distances, Complex numbers and their properties, Inverse function, Cube roots of unity, De-Moivre's theorem.

Co-ordinate Geometry: Pair of straight lines, Circles, General equation of second degree, parabola, ellipse and hyperbola, tracing of conics.

Calculus: Limits & continuity of functions, Differentiation of function of function, tangents & normal, Simple examples of Maxima & Minima, Indeterminate forms, definite integral, Integration of function by parts, by substitution and by partial fraction, application to volumes and surfaces of frustums of sphere, cone and cylinder. Differential equations of first order and of first degree.

Vectors: Algebra of vectors, scalar and vector products of two and three vectors and their applications.

Dynamics: Velocity, relative velocity, composition of velocity, acceleration, composition of accelerations, Laws of motion, Motion under gravity, Projectiles, Principles of conservation of momentum and energy, direct impact of smooth bodies.

Statics: Composition of coplanar, concurrent and parallel forces moments and couples resultant of set of coplanar forces and condition of equilibrium, determination of centroid in simple cases, Problems involving friction.

Aesthetic Sensitivity

Questions in this section will test the candidates on their:

  • Aesthetic Perception, Imagination, and Observation
  • Creativity and Communication
  • Imaginative comprehension and expression
  • Visualizing different sides/surfaces of three-dimensional objects
  • Visualizing three-dimensional objects from two-dimensional drawings
  • Identifying commonly used materials and objects based on their textural qualities
  • Analytical Reasoning - Mental Ability
  • Architectural awareness

Part - B: Drawing Aptitude

The Drawing Aptitude Test evaluates the candidates on the following:

  • Understanding of scale and sense of proportion
  • Ability to sketch a given object proportionally and rendering the same in a visually appealing manner
  • Sense of Perspective Drawing
  • Visualising and drawing the effects of light on the objects and their shadows cast on the surroundings.
  • Combining and composing given three-dimensional elements to form a building or structural form
  • Creating visual harmony using colors in a given composition
  • Creating interesting two-dimensional compositions using given shapes or planner forms

Thus, the questions will be asked accordingly.

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