SSC CHSL Salary - Post-wise Payscale and Selection Procedure

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2025

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) conducts the Combined Higher Secondary Level exam every year. The exam is conducted for recruitment of eligible candidates for posts such as Lower Division Clerk, Sorting Assistant, and Data Entry Operator. The article here will provide updates on the salary structure and other allowances and perks for different posts. For those interested in knowing the SSC CHSL salary, read the complete article.


Before knowing about the SSC CHSL pay scale details, candidates must know about the various posts under the CHSL recruitment:

  • Lower Division Clerk (LDC)/ Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA)
  • Postal Assistant (PA)/ Sorting Assistant (SA)
  • Data Entry Operator (DEO)
  • Data Entry Operator, Grade ‘A’

What is SSC CHSL Salary?

The SSC CHSL salary after the 7th pay commission is provided below. The salary depends upon the post and the city selected by the candidate.


Pay Level

Salary Range

Lower Division Clerk


₹ 19,900 - 63,200

Postal/ Sorting Assistant


₹ 25,500 - 81,100

Data Entry Operator


₹ 25,500 - 81,100

Data Entry Operator Grade ‘A’


₹ 25,500 - 81,100

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SSC CHSL Selection Process

The SSC CHSL selection process comprises of three stages:

  • Computer-Based Examination (Tier-I)
  • Descriptive Paper (Tier-II)
  • Skill Test/ Typing Test (Tier-III)

The details for all the stages are as discussed below:

Computer-Based Examination (Tier-I)

The computer-based test comprises of questions from the following sections:



Number of Questions/ Maximum Marks



Quantitative Aptitude

25/ 50


60 Minutes


General Intelligence

25/ 50


General Awareness

25/ 50


English Language

25/ 50

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All the questions will be of the multiple-choice type with a negative marking of 0.50 marks. 

Descriptive Paper (Tier-II)

Only those who qualify Tier-I are eligible for the Tier-II level. Tier-II is of descriptive type. Candidates are required to write an essay and a letter/ application. Here are the details:

  • An Essay (200 to 250 words)
  • A Letter/ Application (150 to 200 words)

One hour of time will be given for the paper. Candidates can write the paper either in Hindi or in the English language. If the paper is answered partly in Hindi and partly in English, it will be disqualified. The minimum qualifying marks for the paper are 33%.

Skill Test/ Typing Test (Tier-III)

Those who qualify for the Tier-II exam are eligible for the Tier-III exam. It is mandatory to appear for the skill/ typing test for the final selection. The skill test is conducted for Data Entry Operators posts while the typing test is for LDC and SA posts. Here are the requirements candidates need to meet:




Data Entry Operators

Skill Test

Type at a speed of 8000 key depressions per hour on a computer for 15 minutes.

Data Entry Operators Grade ‘A’

Skill Test

Type at a speed of 15000 key depressions per hour on a computer for 15 minutes.


Typing Test

Typing in Hindi - At a speed of 30 words per minute

Typing in English - At a speed of 35 words per minute


The test will be of 10 minutes. Candidates are required to select the language of the typing test. They are required to appear only in one language.

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How to fill post preference in SSC CHSL 2022

SSC CHSL exam is conducted for multiple posts in various Offices/ Departments/ Ministries. Candidates who are shortlisted after considering the Tier-I+Tier-II+Tier-III marks are required to submit an option form at the time of Document Verification. The option form is provided to candidates for filling their post and department choices. Different codes are provided for each post, and candidates are required to indicate the codes to provide their preferences. The provisional allotment is done on the basis of candidates’ performance in the exam and the post choices they have provided in the ‘option form’. If a candidate is not interested in any department, he must not include it in his preference.

Options once confirmed through the option form are considered final and no changes will be entertained under any circumstances. Thus, candidates are advised to provide their preferences carefully. Candidates will be considered only for the options they have provided.

Steps for filling the Post Preferences for SSC CHSL

  • Fill your name and roll number in the space provided on the ‘option form’.
  • Select and fill the post-codes from the list provided.
  • The preference table is provided. You need to mention the post-code in front of the preference-number as per your choice.
  • Sign the form and write your name and date on which the form is filled.

SSC CHSL Job Profile and Promotions

The Job profile and promotion levels for different posts will help you in understanding the posts better and make an informed decision while providing your preferences. Here are the details:


Job Profile

Promotion Levels

Lower Division Clerk (LDC)

  • Make employees’ salary slips.
  • Prepare the official notices and papers.
  • Document Maintenance
  • Assistant/ Upper Division Clerk (on completion of 5 years after qualifying a UDC exam)
  • Division Clerk
  • Section officer (Gazetted post)

Sorting Assistant/ Postal Assistant (SA/ PA)

  • Handle customer queries
  • Monitor all tasks
  • Ensure the maintenance of data
  • Promotion after appearing in the Postmaster Grade I exam after 5 years of joining or after 10 years (without any exam).
  • Candidates can reach up to the post of Chief Postmaster (Grade A) with experience.

Data Entry Operator

  • Typing work
  • Work on Ms- Excel and MS-Word
  • Preparing reports for Officers
  • Admin Support Assistant
  • Personal Assistant

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SSC CHSL Allowances

Apart from the basic pay, there are other allowances which are part of the salary structure. The allowances are provided as per the guidelines set by the Government of different departments. Various allowances that are part of the CHSL salary structure are:

  • House Rent Allowance (HRA)
  • Dearness Allowance (DA)
  • Transport Allowance (TA)
  • Special Allowance (SA)

After the 7th Pay commission, the house rent allowance is as per the following:

City Category

HRA before 7th Pay Commission

HRA after 7th Pay Commission

Cities with a population more than 50 lakhs



Cities with a population 5 to 50 lakh



Cities with a population less than 5 lakh



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We hope, the article has helped you in knowing the SSC CHSL salary structure in detail. The SSC CHSL 2022 Tier-I exam will be conducted in May 2022. The CHSL 2022 notification is scheduled to be released on 01st February 2022. So, keep up your preparation for the exam.