SSC CHSL 2022 Exam - Mock Test and Previous Years’ Paper

Last Modified: 01 Mar 2025

The most effective mediums for any exam preparation are previous years’ papers and mock tests. If you will go through the interviews of the previous years’ qualifiers, you will find one thing common in their preparation strategy i.e. solving previous years’ question papers and appearing for mock tests. This boost your exam preparation. Let’s check out the complete article for details on SSC CHSL mock test and previous years’ papers.

SSC CHSL Mock Tests

Many educational web portals offer mock test series for the SSC CHSL exam. These mock tests are best to be taken once the exam preparation is complete. Scores are also awarded at the end of each mock test. So, candidates can analyse their performance. Work on their weak points and re-appear for the exam.

What is a Mock Test?

The mock tests are designed from the previous years’ question papers and experts’ suggestions. Mock tests are similar to the exam and candidates are given the same time to solve it. The marking scheme is also similar. So, candidates can analyse their preparation level by appearing in the mock tests.

Benefits of appearing for a Mock Test

Candidates can access the mock tests simply by subscribing to any of the educational portals providing mock tests. Here are the benefits of appearing for the mock tests:

  • Mock tests are prepared in line with the SSC CHSL exam pattern. So, candidates will get familiar with the exam pattern.
  • As mock tests are designed as per the exam syllabus, candidates can track their preparation level.
  • The duration of the mock test will be the same as the SSC CHSL duration. Thus, candidates can work on their time-management skills.
  • Appearing in the mock tests will also help you in identifying your strong and weak sections. Thus, you can prepare well for the weaker sections.
  • Mock tests also allow you to form a strategy for the main exam such as which section to solve first, how to approach the difficult questions, etc.
  • Mock tests also provide scores at the end. Thus, candidates get an idea about their performance.

Mock tests will surely help you in preparing better for the exam. You can simply search for SSC CHSL 2022 mock tests online and subscribe to the mock test series. It is a better idea to appear for the mock tests after finishing your preparation.

SSC CHSL Previous Years’ Papers

SSC CHSL previous years papers are useful in a similar way as the Mock tests are. They help the candidates in estimating the type of questions, difficulty level of questions, sections from which most numbers of questions are asked, etc. Here, we are providing the previous years’ papers for the SSC CHSL exam. You can download the papers and solve them.

SSC CHSL Question Papers (Previous Years)

Question Paper PDF


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The previous years’ papers (solved) are also available in the form of books compiled by various publishing houses. It is best to buy the solved papers (or papers with answer keys) as it will help in analysing your performance. Here are some of the books for previous years’ papers:

SSC CHSL (10+2) Solved Papers by Arihant Experts

Solved papers are also available for individual subjects. If you are interested, you can also buy these. Some good books are as under:

SSC General Awareness Solved Papers by Disha Experts

SSC English Solved Papers by Disha Experts

SSC Reasoning Solved Papers by Disha Experts

SSC Mathematics Solved Papers by Disha Experts

You can solve the previous years’ papers as you complete a topic or it is better to go for the papers after covering the entire syllabus. After solving the previous years’ papers, analyse the paper and make a list of strong and weak sections. Work on the weak sections and solve the paper again. It is advised to solve a single paper multiple times till you get all the answers right.

About SSC CHSL 2022

The official notification for the SSC CHSL exam 2022 is scheduled to be released on 01st February 2022. The exam will be held in 3 tiers. Tier-2 and Tier-3 will be the Descriptive Exam and Skill Test, respectively. Thus, the previous years’ question papers provided above are only for Tier-1. Candidates must keep a check on the official website for any updates. The exam is conducted for recruiting Lower Divisional Clerk, Data Entry Operators, and other posts in the Government of India.