Things To Know About The SMU EduNxt

Last Modified: 19 Feb 2025

Individuals who are interested to study further, but unable to continue it due to time constraint, financial difficulties or work commitment; they can choose distance education. There are various universities are providing distance education, but what makes them less beneficial for students is their poor study material and no-human interaction. Though, human interaction couldn’t be an idea for distance education; but with the help of technology, it could be interactive too.

Sikkim Manipal University Distance Education made it possible with launch of their next generation learning system known as EduNxt. The idea behind SMU EduNxt is create a virtual classroom with help of modern teaching techniques. It allows students to come together to learn from well-known faculty and from each other too. The SMU EduNxt has been introduced in May 2009 by Steve Ballmer, CEO Microsoft Corp. USA with presence of Anand Sudarshan, CEO Manipal Education.

What the primary objectives of SMU EduNext are?

  • Offers online learning to all the distance education students of SMU-DE
  • Impart quality education through cutting edge technology
  • Develop a sense of togetherness among the members and different stakeholders of the huge SMU community within the platform

SMU EduNext develops a collaborative and interactive environment for learning. With the help of creating small group mentoring, virtual classrooms, simulation, self-study content, recorded presentations and shared browsing; students can get the best learning experience in a distance learning environment.

What are the 3 As of SMU EduNext?

  • Affordability
  • Accessibility
  • Appropriateness

What are the 4 Cs of SMU EduNext?

  • Content
  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Computing

It makes SMU EduNxt an effective distance education program for not-so-privileged or the infrastructural–challenged individuals who are keen to learn. The environment is developed in this manner that you will get all the learning of a conventional classroom coaching, but without going physically.

What are the 3 basic ideas has been focused while developing SMU EduNxt?

  • Learn Better
  • Ask More
  • Connect Wider

The SMU EduNxt program focuses on these three basic ideas of education. EduNxt is based on better learning with more interaction and to provide more opportunities. When you compare a regular distance education program, it just focuses on the distance education and study material. Whereas Sikkim Manipal University Distance Education powered with EduNxt is more toward learning. The interactive lessons and self assessment tests makes it a better choice.

What are the exclusive features of EduNxt?

  • Interactive digital content
  • Ease of learning
  • Learning on the go

When a student go for SMU distance education program, there are more comes with it.