EduNxt and Mobile App - The Smart Learning Systems of Sikkim Manipal University (SMU) Distance Education

Last Modified: 11 Feb 2025

Distance education doesn’t have conventional classroom learning. In a typical distance education program, you will only get study material to study and learn. So, in order to overcome this disadvantage for students who choose distance education, Sikkim Manipal University (SMU) for Distance Education has come up with a better study and learning methodology. The learning is not effective if you only have study material to read and understand. There are some concepts, which you need to learn and understand with more interactive manner rather than just reading.

Sikkim Manipal University for distance education has created a powerful and effective model for teaching and learning - ‘The SMU-DE Way of Learning’. It is the signature learning methodology, which makes learning flexible and convenient for students. The SMU-DE Way of Learning has three exclusive learning delivery systems for students.

  • Interactive Online learning with EduNxt – This is the next generation learning system which bridges the interaction between students and subject matter experts. It creates a collaborative and interactive environment to create a small group mentoring, virtual classrooms, simulation and other interactive content, recorded presentations and shared browsing; no more boring learning.
  • Self-learning material – You have a self-learning material too; which is designed by experts from industries and university faculties. This is updated and easy to learn self-learning solution.
  • Mobile app – The mobile app not only emphasis on the use of technology, but it makes learning easy as everyone has a smartphone now. The flexibility is the key here, you can learn anywhere when time allows.

What EduNxt is?

EduNxt, SMU-DE's is the technology-enabled learning platform. It was launched in May 2009 by Steve Balmer, CEO Microsoft Corp., USA; to create the interactive learning method for its distance education students.

EduNxt connects students with subject experts and faculty of SMU as well as various groups of students. If you look closely, distance education doesn’t have a sense of togetherness.

This is common with any distance education mode, but SMU-DE fixed it with their online education platform for students. They introduced EduNxt, which works to bring online learning to all the distance education students at their doorstep.

Benefits of EduNxt

  • The flexibility of 24x7 access for any time, anywhere learning
  • Easily available for various platforms of desktop, laptop or mobile
  • The only interactive learning capabilities in any distance education

Features of EduNxt

Some of the features EduNxt offers are:

  • Peer-to-peer chat facility
  • Assignments
  • Assessments
  • Discussion Forums
  • Model Question Papers
  • Videos
  • Student Space
  • Blogs
  • News
  • Alerts
  • Online Books
  • Project Guidance
  • Counselling
  • Career Guidance

What is SMU-DE Mobile Application?

Sikkim Manipal University Distance Education also has a mobile application for students. This helps to have a quick update and revision of any topic for your course right on the go. There are some really exciting features of using this SMU-DE mobile app.

Benefits of SMU-DE Mobile Application

  • Students can access all study materials at fingertips
  • The bite-sized learning resources for easy understanding and quick to revise
  • Check your competitiveness with assessment quizzes for all your subjects
  • Learn and practice with mock quizzes to score higher in your exams, a performance tool
  • You can challenge your group member/peers and stay on top of your game to improve skills
  • All updates to stay connected with the University with Announcements and Push messages, right in your mobile phone
  • Quick access to the helpdesk in order to get assistance with all student activities and issues

All these facilities offered at SMU DE makes distance learning more interactive and helps in completing the course in an easy way.