RRB Paramedical 2019 - Detailed Information on Exam Pattern and Syllabus

Last Modified: 05 Mar 2025

The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) will conduct the Paramedical exam for an appointment at various posts viz. dietician, Pharmacist Grade III, Lady Health Visitor, Dialysis Technician, Extension Educator, Dental Hygienist, Radiographer, Health and Malaria Inspector, Lab Superintendent, Staff Nurse, etc. There are a total of 1,937 vacancies. The exam is scheduled to be conducted on 19th, 20th, and 21st July 2019.

The article here will discuss the exam pattern and syllabus for the RRB Paramedical exam 2019.

RRB Paramedical 2019 Exam Pattern

The RRB Paramedical exam will be conducted online through a Computer Based Test. The duration of the exam will be 90 minutes (120 for PwD category candidates.) There will be a total of 100 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) in the exam from the following sections:


Number of Questions

Total Marks


Professional Ability




90 Minutes

General Awareness



General Arithmetic, General Intelligence and Reasoning



General Science







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There will be negative marking in the examination. For every incorrect answer, 1/3rd marks will be deducted.

RRB Paramedical 2019 Syllabus

The RRB Paramedical syllabus can be divided into two parts:

  • Post-wise syllabus for the Professional Ability section
  • Common Syllabus for all the Posts

Post-wise Syllabus for the Professional Ability Section




Introduction to Human Biology and Body Functions, Understanding Nutrition (Basic diets for normal conditions/RDA), Nutrients (Role and Significance), Advanced Nutrition, Introduction to Nutraceuticals, Introduction to Special Conditions and Diet Therapy, Introduction to Clinical Nutrition, Food Microbiology, Nutritional Biochemistry, Recommend Approaches to Disease and Nutrition, Research Method Statistics, Medical Nutrition management, Path Physiology and Metabolism in Disease, Pediatric and Geriatric Nutrition, Public Nutrition and Health, Food Allergies and Diet Management

Dental Hygienist

Dental Hygiene AND Oral Prophylaxis, Community Health Dentistry, Dental Ethics and Jurisprudence, Operative Room Technique and Chair Side Assistance, Dental Materials, Anatomy (General & Dental), Physiology (General & Oral), Pharmacology (General & Dental), Dental Radiology, Pathology & Bacteriology (General & Dental)

Staff Nurse

Anatomy, Nutrition, Biochemistry, Physiology, Nursing Foundations, Psychology, Sociology, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Genetics, Medical-Surgical Nursing, Pathology, (Adult including Geriatrics)- I, Community Health Nursing, Child Health Nursing, Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing, Nursing Research & Statistics, Mental Health Nursing, Management of Nursing Services and Education


Extension Educator

Methodology and Perspectives of Social Sciences, The Essence of Sociology, Social Research Methods, Foundations of Sociological Thought, Social stratification, Environment and Society, Modern Sociological Theories, Perspectives on Indian Society, Culture and Personality, Open course, Industry and Society, Crime and Society, Gerontology, Sociology of Development, Tribal Society in India

Dialysis Technician

Anatomy, Biochemistry & Pharmacology, Physiology, Introduction to Kidney diseases, Principles and practice of Dialysis

Lab Superintendent Grade-III

Sociology & Psychology, PHYSIOLOGY, Basic Chemistry and Biochemistry, General Methodology, PHYSICS, Histopathology and cytology techniques, Clinical pathology & basic haematology, PARASITOLOGY & ENTOMOLOGY, Clinical biochemistry, Coagulation & transfusion medicine, Immunohaematology, VIROLOGY, MYCOLOGY, ADVANCED SEROLOGY

Health & Malaria Inspector Grade III

Food & Nutrition, Environmental Sanitation and Sanitary Engineering, Communicable and NonCommunicable Diseases (Prevention and Control), Health and Death Statistics



Basics of Anatomy, Basics of Physiology, Basics of Biochemistry, Basics of Biostatistics, Basics of Pathology, Basics of Blood Banking, Basics of Microbiology, Basics of Central Sterilization Services, Hospital Awareness, Familiarization of different tables/tubes in surgical department, Surgical Awareness, preparation of patient for surgery, Patient related services, Anatomy, Physiology, Basics of Diagnostic techniques, Angiography, Oxygenators, Theory of Blood Pump, Gross Anatomy and Structural Features of Heart, Oxygenation, Monitoring, Instrumentation and measurements, PathoPhysiology and Pharmacology & Perfusion Techniques, Adequacy of Perfusion, Applied Perfusion Technology, Introduction to Perfusion Technology, Perfusion Equipments, Biomedical Electronics, Perfusion problems during radio pulmonary bypass, Cardiopulmonary By-Pass, Clinical Application of Bypass Techniques, Occupational Aspects of Perfusion, Postoperative Intensive Care Unit Management, Instrumentation Study, Instrument Measurement & Critical Care equipment.


Physical and Geometrical Optics, Ocular Anatomy and Ocular Physiology, General Anatomy and General Physiology, Nutrition, Basic Biochemistry, Principles of Lighting, Hospital Procedures, Ocular Diseases, Optometric Optics, Visual Optics, Pathology and Microbiology, Pharmacology, Optometric Instruments, Clinical Examination of Visual System, Clinics, Clinical Psychology, Binocular vision, Glaucoma, Dispensing Optics, Pediatric Optometry and Geriatric Optometry, Low Vision Aids, Contact Lens , Law & Optometry and Occupational Optometry, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Systemic Diseases, Public Health and Community Optometry


Human Anatomy & Physiology, Radiology Physics, General Physics, Radiation Physics & Physics of Diagnostic Radiology, X-Ray Machines & Accessories, X-ray Film / Image processing Techniques (Dark Room Techniques), Maintenance, Clinical Radiography-Positioning, Principles of Medical Emergencies, Medical Ethics and patient care, Equipments, Techniques of modern Imaging Modalities, Contrast & Special Radiography procedures, Quality Control at Radiology & Radiation Safety


Anatomy, Physiology, Psychology & Sociology, Applied Physiology, Basic and Applied Physics for Physiotherapy, Orientation to Physiotherapy, Basic Nursing & First Aid, General Medicine/General Surgery/Paediatrics/ Geriatrics, Applied Anatomy & Kinesiology, Exercise Therapy, Bio-mechanics, Electrotherapy (low & medium frequency), Electrotherapy (high freq & Actinotherapy), Microbiology and Pathology, Community Medicine, Clinical Cardio-Respiratory Diseases, Clinical Orthopaedics, BioStatistics & Research Methodology, PT in Orthopaedics, in Cardio Respiratory Conditions, Physical Modalities Maintenance, PT in Neurology, PT Rehabilitation Medicine, Physical Education, Advanced Psychotherapeutics

Speech Therapist

Sound and Hearing, Hearing loss, Anatomy and Physiology of the ear, Early identification and prevention, Evaluation of hearing, Speech & Language Pathology, Disorders of speech and language, Anatomy and physiology of the speech mechanism, Assessment of language disorders, Assessment of speech disorders, Hearing aids and earmolds, Speech reading, Auditory learning, Education of children with hearing impairment, Disability issues, Management of speech disorders, Rehabilitation, Management of language disorders, Educational issues, General issues in management, 

Pharmacist GradeIII

Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Human Anatomy and Physiology, Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry, Remedial Biology/Remedial Mathematics, Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry, Pathophysiology, Biochemistry, Computer Applications in Pharmacy, Physical Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Pharmaceutical Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmacology, Industrial Pharmacy, Herbal Drug Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence, Technology, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics, Quality Assurance, Pharmacy Practice, Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Novel Drug Delivery System, Social and Preventive Pharmacy, Biostatistics and Research Methodology, Pharma Marketing Management, Pharmaceutical Regulatory Science, Quality Control and Standardization of Herbals, Pharmacovigilance, Computer Aided Drug Design, Cell and Molecular Biology, Experimental Pharmacology, Advanced Instrumentation Techniques, Cosmetic Science, Dietary Supplements and Nutraceuticals

Lady Health Visitor

Primary Health Care, Community Health Nursing, Health Promotion, Midwifery, Child Health Care Nursing, Health Center Management

ECG Technician

Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology, Pharmacology, Introduction to Cardiovascular Diseases, Basic Cardiovascular Investigations, Advanced Cardiovascular Investigations

Lab Assistant Grade II

Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology, Fundamentals of Medical Laboratory Technology, Clinical Biochemistry, Microbiology, Haematology and Blood and Bank, Pathology & Histopathology

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Common Syllabus for All the Posts



General Awareness

Knowledge of Current affairs, culture and history of India including freedom struggle, Indian Economy, Indian geography, Indian Polity, and Constitution, Environmental issues concerning India and the World, General scientific and technological developments, Sports, etc

General Arithmetic

Number systems, Algebra, Decimals, Fractions, BODMAS, LCM and HCF, Ratio and Proportion, Mensuration, Percentages, Time and Distance, Time and Work, Simple and Compound Interest, Profit and Loss, Trigonometry, Geometry, Elementary Statistics, Calendar & Clock, Age Calculations, Pipes & Cistern, Square Root.

General Intelligence and Reasoning

Alphabetical and Number Series, Analogies, Mathematical operations, Coding and Decoding, Syllogism, Relationships, Jumbling, Venn Diagram, Data Interpretation and Sufficiency, Similarities and Differences, Conclusions and Decision Making, Analytical reasoning, Directions, Classification, Statement – Arguments and Assumptions etc.

General Science

Chemistry, Physics, and Life Sciences (up to class 10th CBSE syllabus).

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