RPF Constable Exam 2018 - Recommended Books and Preparation Guides

Last Modified: 16 Feb 2025

The Ministry of Railways, Government of India will be carrying out the recruitment process for posts of Constable in Railway Protection Force (RPF) and Railway Protection Special Force (RPSF). A total of 9739 vacancies are released for the Constable post. For the exam which is scheduled to be conducted in the month of September and October 2018, candidates must start their preparation from now. Most of them must have already started it. The article is for those who are yet to start their preparation. The best preparation for the exam can be done only through the best books. And, here are some recommendations.

A number of options are available for preparation books in the market. However, we have listed some of the best books and preparation guides to ease aspirants’ confusion and help them accelerate their preparation. Depending upon the preparation time in-hand, you can choose from subject-wise books and preparation guides. The latter one is recommended if the preparation time is less. Before moving to the list of books, let’s have a quick look at the recruitment procedure/exam pattern.

Recruitment Procedure

The recruitment procedure of the RPF constable exam 2018 comprises of the following phases:

  • Computer Based Test (CBT)
  • Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and Physical Measurement Test (PMT)
  • Document Verification (DV)

RPF Constable Exam Pattern – Computer Based Test (CBT)

As per the pattern mentioned in the official notification, the Computer Based Test (CBT) will comprise of the following three sections:


Number of Questions

Maximum Marks

General Awareness






General Intelligence & Reasoning






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1/3rd of the marks allotted to the question will be deducted for every wrong answer.

RPF Constable Recommended Books

Here are the subject-wise lists for RPF constable recommended books:


Mathematics section will comprise of 35questions from topics such as whole numbers, number systems, decimal and fractions and relationships between numbers, fundamental arithmetical operations, ratio and proportion, percentages, averages, interest, time, distance, ratio and proportion, discount, profit and loss, mensuration, use of table and graphs, etc. Here are some recommended books:

Books Name

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Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by R.S. Aggarwal

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Fasttrack Objective Arithmetic by Rajesh Verma

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General Intelligence & Reasoning

35 question carrying 1 mark each are asked from the topics analogies, spatial orientation, spatial visualization, similarities and differences, judgment, problem solving analysis, decision making, discriminating observation, visual memory, relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning, arithmetic number series, verbal and figure classification, non-verbal series, coding and decoding, syllogistic reasoning, statement conclusion, etc. Consider any one of the books for preparation of this section.

Books Name

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A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning by R.S. Aggarwal

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Test of Reasoning by Edgar Thorpe

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General Awareness

General Awareness questions will be asked from topics such as Indian History, Geography, Art & culture, General Polity, Economics, Sports, Indian Constitution, and General Science. Candidates are tested on their knowledge of current events. In addition to the books mentioned below, it is best to read a newspaper daily for updates on national and international events.

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Lucent General Knowledge by Dr Binay Karna, Manvendra Mukul, R.P. Suman, Renu Sinha, and Sanjeev Kumar

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General Knowledge 2018 by Manohar Pandey, Arihant Publication

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RPF Constable Preparation Guide

Purchasing the complete RPF constable preparation guide is also useful if the basic concepts of Mathematics and Reasoning are clear to you. The preparation guides cover topics of all the three sections and are good for short preparation time.

Books Name

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RPF & RPSF Constable Recruitment Exam Guide by RPH Editorial Board

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RPF & RPSF Constable Guide 2018

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In addition to a good preparation book, candidates are also advised to purchase practice sets/workbooks. These are easily available online. It is also advised to prepare for the Physical Efficiency Test (PET) along with CBT preparation. So, include practice for running, long jump, and high jump in your routine.

Best Wishes for RPF & RPSF Constable Exam Preparation!

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