Know the Steps if Forgot GATE Exam 2018 Enrolment ID
The admit card is now available for the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering or GATE exam 2018. The candidates can download the admit card from the official website of GATE. The Indian Institute of technology or IIT Guwahati has released the admit card on 5th January 2018. The candidates need to log in to the website with their enrolment id, password and CAPTCHA, download the admit card and take at least two print outs in colour for future use.
But it is a common practice among the applicants to forget their enrolment ids which is the most essential part to download the admit card. The candidates received the enrolment id in time of registration process for the GATE exam. But out of excitement or nervousness, they forgot to note down the system generated number. When they want to download the admit card, the first thing they required is that enrolment id. If you have already forgotten the id, there is way to retrieve it. Here we will discuss the easiest method to retrieve lost enrolment id of GATE 2018.
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Steps to Retrieve Enrolment ID GATE EXAM 2018:
- The candidate has to visit the GOAPS login page and click on the link Forgot Enrolment ID
- The candidates will be redirected to a page where they have to enter the mobile number and email address.
- Click on the link ‘Send Enrolment number’.
- The enrolment ID will be sent to the provided email address and phone number.
Steps to Reset the Password:
- In case of forgetting the password while the candidates remember the enrolment id, they need to visit the login page of GOAPS.
- Now they have to click ‘Request for an OTP’.
- It will be redirected to the ‘Forgot Password’ page.
- Now they have to enter the mobile number, email ID and enrolment number
- Now click on the Reset Password tab.
- A One Time Password will be sent to the mobile number and email address.
- Now the candidates need to login with the OTP
- After login, they can reset the password and click ‘Save New Password’.
The candidates need to keep safe the login credentials for the GATE exam till the end. If you have any more queries, please let us know in the comment section.