NEET MDS College Predictor 2021 – Predict Estimated College Based on Rank/Merit

Last Modified: 30 Mar 2025

All the impatient NEET MDS aspirants, who have cleared the entrance test result and wish to find out the colleges they have a change of securing admission. In this case, they can take advantage of the NEET MDS College Predictor 2021, as it is a tool to find out the available options of the prominent NEET colleges across the country. The main objective of the NEET MDS College Predictor is to offer you a list of probable medical college options to get admission in a hassle-free way, based on your data input and rank obtained in the entrance exam. Though this tool cannot be relied on entirely, it proves a rough idea about their probable college, which you might get or have changes to get. However, the selection of their college entirely depends on the NEET MDS scores.

In the NEET Exams, candidates are allotted colleges and course depending upon their merit, score and rank in the exam. The seat allocation is done via centralised counselling. The merit/rank list of the exam will be released by the Medical Counselling Committee (MCC). And, the colleges will be allocated based on the merit list. However, with the help of NEET MDS college predictor, candidates can also predict the college based on previous years’ ranks. Here are the details.

NEET MDS 2021 was conducted on 16th December 2020. While the National Board of Examinations has released the NEET MDS result 2021 on 01st January 2021. The result of NEET MDS 2021 is also be released online in the PDF format.

Advantages of NEET MDS 2021 College Predictor:

The NEET MDS 2021 college predictor is a handy tool that can be used easily without any hassles and risks. The advantages of its application include -

  • Candidates can easily use this college predictor tool anytime safely.
  • After the declaration of results of NEET MDS entrance test, it gives relief to students as they can get an idea about their probable college.
  • They come to know where they stand among competitors.
  • It is cost effective and gives an idea of a list of colleges corresponding to the ranks provided by the students.
  • Aspirants get to know the probability of admission, and ultimately, you gain insights on the performance of other students too.

With the help of NEET MDS rank-wise college predictor 2021, candidates can get a tentative idea about selecting the right medical or dental college on the basis of the result.

How to Predict Your College Through NEET MDS College Predictor?

This unique tool has been designed in such a way to provide the details of colleges after analysing the previous year’s result, allotment history and placement record. The NEET MDS college predictor tool will give the candidates a clear picture of the probable ranks that they are going to get.

Based on their ranks, the aspirants can predict the colleges that they can choose during the counselling process. It can deal with the last year’s trend, the cut-off of any particular college and many other things.

Qualifying Marks for NEET MDS 2021 Exam:


Qualifying Marks

General Candidates

50 Percentile

SC, ST and OBC Candidates

40 Percentile

General PH Candidates

45 Percentile

Reserved PH Candidates

40 Percentile

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Cut Off Marks for NEET MDS Exam:

Check the cut off data below:











PH (General)








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College Predictor for NEET MDS 2021 -

Find below the expected college rank for 2021:

Name of College


Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences, New Delhi


Goa Dental College and Hospital, Goa


University College of Medical Sciences, Delhi


Govt. Dental College, Kozhikode


Bidar Institute of Medical Sciences


Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU


DR. Ziauddin Ahmad Dental College


Govt. Dental College, Thiruvananthapuram


Govt. Dental College, Chandigarh


Govt. Dental College, Kottayam


King George’s Medical University


Post-Graduate Institute of Dental Science


Sardar Patel Dental College, Bikaner


Pt. B. D. Sharma PGIMS, Rohtak


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NEET MDS Exam Previous Years Solved Papers

  • NEET Exam 12 Years Solved Papers (E-Book) Download

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