MAT Exam 2018 Preparation Tips and Mock Test- For Better Competitive Edge

Last Modified: 08 Mar 2025

You must be aware that AIMA (All India Management Association) conducts the MAT exam every year in 4 sessions – February, May, September, and December. The September session of 2018 is soon to take place in both Offline and Online mode, you can choose out of these two modes as per your convenience. The offline mode for MAT 2018 - September is scheduled to held on 2nd September 2018 and the online mode on 15th September 2018.

Many aspirants after completing their Bachelor's degree have this dream to pursue the management course from the topmost B-schools in town to give a push in their career. The Management Aptitude Test 2018 is one such National Level Entrance Exam that gives ample of opportunity for aspirants to get admission into MBA and PGDM courses.

The MAT Exam 2018 is divided into 5 sections and each section demands a thorough study and preparation. The MAT 2018 has the following sections:

  • Language Comprehension (40 questions)
  • Mathematical Skills (40 questions)
  • Data Analysis and Sufficiency (40 questions)
  • Intelligence and Critical Reasoning (40 questions)
  • Indian and Global Environment (40 questions)

Are you looking forward to some preparation tips for MAT 2018 that can help you ace the exam? If yes, then read the following article that explains some important approaches to stay ahead in the competition.

Clearing the Mathematics Basics

You cannot escape from the calculative mathematics. Try to be clear with the concepts and formulas on tips. Practice the exercises and questions of particular topic again and again. Try to understand it than learning it. Solve it like you know it. Work on shortcut methods because time duration is only 2 hours and 30 minutes in total.

Read All the Time

Make a habit to read the news, articles, any new happening around the domestic and international market because The Indian and Global Environment section will judge the general awareness of the aspirants. Make a separate notebook and write every current affair on daily basis. Try to be creative with your notes and jot down everything you feel is important.

Boost the Vocabulary

Make a habit of learning new words every day. Start from 10 words daily and increase it to 20, gradually. Use the words in sentences to learn their applicability in a certain context.

Make the Reasoning and Analysis Part Interesting

Enjoy doing the reasoning and data analysis section. Practice it by relating to it and solve it like a mystery, this way you won’t get bored early.

Some Other Important Tips for Management Aptitude Test 2018:

  • Make a habit of practising every section in writing than verbally. Make creative personalized notes by using flowcharts.
  • Get the related study material from the market that has all the latest syllabus and topics of MAT 2018.
  • There are various sites that provide access to the previous year questions papers or especially made mock tests. Try to either download the mock test papers or take them online to get a real-time experience. By taking the mock tests you will be able to get familiar with the pattern and the time duration. Solve as many mock tests as you can to ace the competition.

The aim of the Management Aptitude Test 2018 is to test the conceptual knowledge and effectiveness of the aspirants. Tackle the MAT Exam 2018 with utmost zeal and confidence without fearing about the consequences.