Anand Kumar’s Super 30 Academy – Man on Mission
Technically, the Odyssey had begun in the year 1994 when Anand Kumar couldn’t make it to Cambridge University due to his poor financial health. It’s been an arduous journey, but the results he has received over the years have been overwhelming, totally awe-striking.
The Strenuous of Anand Kumar Making Super 30:
Today, Super 30 doesn’t need an introduction. Sir Anand Kumar wrote the script. India’s math wizard has become a household name. The journey began in the year 2002 when a financially backward student visited him seeking coaching for IIT Joint Entrance Examination. This motivated Sir Anand, and there is no looking back. The journey has come a long way, carrying so many accolades, awards, prizes, and witnessing recognitions not only in India but abroad as well. In 2010, the Academy was given a prestigious position in Time Magazine's list as The Best of Asia 2010. The Institute was also included in Newsweek Magazine as one of the ‘Four Most Innovative Schools in the World.
Mission to Help Economic Impoverished Super-talented Students:
Running under the banner of ‘The Ramanujan School of Mathematics, Super 30 is an innovative and highly ambitious educational program that hunts for extremely talented and meritorious students from an underprivileged backgrounds and trains them for admission into the coveted Indian Institute of Technology. Students are provided with not just free education but absolutely free food and lodging. Answering the question of whether he wants to stick to 30 students or if there are initiatives being made to increase the number, Kumar showed immense interest in expanding Super 30. He also shed some light on the constraints that create hurdles in achieving his dream. Anand Kumar said, "I wish to expand Super 30, but there are various constraints. The demand for similar initiatives has grown so much across the country that I will have to find a way to reach out to more students. Super 30 will soon organize a screening test, and the information will be made available on the institute's website".
Magic Unfolded with IIT JEE Advanced 2018 Results:
Till now, Anand has helped more than 500 students crack IIT JEE advanced. Appreciations from all directions have been pouring over the success of Super 30 Academy. Bollywood stars, politicians, parents, students, and both central and state governments have mouthed about the program. Bollywood hunk Hrithik Roshan congratulated Anand Sir with a tweet - “Congratulations to all of you. Anand Sir, you have done it again. Making the world better one student at a time. #Super30 @teacheranand”.
Rahul Gandhi, the Congress President, saluted Mr. Kumar and coined him ‘true Indian Hero’ for this incredible feat and also congratulated the 26 underprivileged students from the Super 30 Programme. He tweeted, "This year, 26/30 underprivileged children trained by Anand Kumar at his Super 30 Academy in Bihar passed the highly competitive IIT entrance exam. I salute and congratulate this true Indian Hero and his students on their incredible achievement".
The team at Exams Planner wishes Sir Anand Kumar all the very best in his endeavor, and may he continue to do such wonders in the future as well. The true Indian Hero is on a mission to give economically backward students the taste of success.