Jagadis Chandra Bose Scholarship to Support Students of West Bengal

Last Modified: 11 Mar 2025

The Government of West Bengal offers the Jagadis Chandra Bose scholarship award for the potential 10+2 candidates. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru inaugurated this programme in 1958. The scholarship is for meritorious students in the field of Science, Engineering, and Medicine. It receives aids from Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Science and Technology and Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. J.C Bose Scholarship 2020 is an upgrading scheme to identify and nurture the talent of well-deserving candidates and provide them their right of education.

The application process for the Jagadis Bose National Science Talent Search Scholarship 2020 is going on from 11th October 2020, while the last date to enrol for the same is 22nd November 2020. Candidates who will successfully apply for the JBNSTS fellowship will require appearing for the entrance exam conduct on 13th December 2020 (Officially Announced).

Jagdish Chandra Bose scholarship: Quick Overview

Deadline 22 Nov 2020
Class / Course Class 12, B.Tech, B.Sc, MBBS, B.E., B.Sc
Scholarship Type Graduate, College Level Scholarship
Awarded Amount ₹ 3000 per month for completing their B. E/ B. Tech/ MBBS, ₹ 80,000 annually for completing M.Sc.
Age Limit N/A
Gender All
Religion All
State West Bengal
Country India
Apply Now Click here

Jagadis Chandra Bose scholarship 2020 is provided on the basis of the obtaining scores of talent search examination by the candidates. Check complete details below in this article.

Benefits under the Scholarship

Over 90 students received this scholarship award last year. Here are the advantages candidates of this year will receive: -

  • The selected beneficiaries receive ₹ 3000 per month for completing their B. E/ B. Tech/ MBBS.
  • The beneficiaries in basic science automatically become eligible for the INSPIRE scholarship. Under INSPIRE scholarship they get ₹ 80,000 annually till the completion of M.Sc.
  • Students also receive an additional amount of ₹ 2000 annually to purchase books.
  • Beneficiary gets free career counselling and the opportunity to attend seminars and colloquia.

Jagadis Chandra Bose scholarship 2020 Eligibility Criteria -

The foundation will conduct two examinations, one is JBNSTS Junior Talent Search Exam and the other is, JBNSTS Senior Talent Search Exam and Bigyani Kanya Medha Britti for different category students. Details Eligibility Criteria are given below.

JBNSTS Junior Talent Search Test

  • Any student who has completed higher secondary education can apply for this scholarship.
  • Only the domiciled resident of West Bengal Students are eligible for this scholarship test.
  • Students who passed the Madhyamik 2020 examination with at least 75% marks.
  • Took admission on class 11th Science stream.
  • Candidates must have any three subjects among these Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science.

JBNSTS Senior Talent Search Test

  • This Scholarship Test for the students, who studied (10+2)th class on Science stream and passed the Higher Secondary 2020 Examination.
  • Students will must take admission in any one of these courses – Engineering, Medical or Basic Science (Honours).
  • Apart from this, he/ she should also be a 1st-year student in an undergraduate programme in B. Sc. or MBBS/B.E or B. Tech.

JBNSTS Scholarship Exam Date

Jagadis Bose National Science Talent Search (JBNSTS) Institute will arrange Online MCQ based examination for JBNSTS Talent Scholarship 2020. The online examination will be held on 13th December 2020. Students can seat for this exam directly from their home using their smartphone / computer / laptop. The device must have a front camera / webcam and microphone.

How to Apply For The Scheme?

The JBNSTS Talent Scholarship Test 2020 application form can be filled both through Online and Offline mode. The last date of Online and Offline Application, 22nd November 2020. Learn the complete application procedure and documents required for the application.

Online Application form

  • Visit the official website of J.C Bose Scholarship Scheme.
  • Choose your category and fill the application form correctly with your accurate details.
  • Now, pay the application fee. Junior candidates are required to pay ₹ 100 and Senior Candidates are required to pay ₹ 200 as the application fees through SBI Bank Challan or through Debit/Credit Card/Net Banking.
  • Submit your application by uploading Photograph, Signature, Madhyamik Marksheet, Admission Proof (for Junior only) and Higher Secondary Marksheet (for Senior only) in pdf format.

Offline Application Form

Applicants can make use of the following steps to apply successfully for the scholarship: -

  • Download the application form from the official J.C Bose website.
  • Interested students can also get the application forms from the Office of the JBNSTS by sending self-addressed stamped (₹ 10.00) envelope to -
JBNSTS, 1300 Rajdanga Main Road,
Phone Number: 2442-8270/2441-754.
  • Mention ‘JTST’ on the top of the envelope to get hard copy application.
  • Pay a non-refundable application fee of ₹ 100/- through Net Banking/ Credit Card/ Debit Card or deposit the money at any branch of SBI after generating the challan (from internet).

Essential Documents

It is necessary for each candidate to attach or upload these documents: -

  • Latest passport size photographs
  • Mark sheet and admit card of class 10th Board exams
  • Signature
  • Copy of fee book or library card to prove class 11th admission
  • ₹ 10 postal stamp and self-addressed envelope for sending the admit card.

Selection Procedure for the J.C Bose Scholarship Programme

Every applicant goes through a three-phase test. Their performance in each phase helps in deciding whether or not they are worthy of the scholarship.

  • The 1st phase is a written test of 3 hours (10 am to 1 pm) that will take place on 13th December 2020.
  • The candidates who qualify the 1st phase of the test receive a call to appear in the 2nd phase. The second phase is the interview round.
  • Once through with it, the student moves towards the 3rd phase which is the Scientific Creativity Test.

The expected result of the scholarship scheme is going to be out in the last week of December 2020.