How to Prepare for IIT JEE Exam Without Coaching from Class 9th Onwards?

Last Modified: 16 Feb 2025

Candidates aspiring for pursuing engineering from the prestigious IITs start their preparations from class 9th onwards. This is considered the best time for starting the IIT preparation as candidates are introduced to Physics, and Chemistry for the first time. Thus, they will focus on the basic concepts with the JEE preparation mindset. JEE or Joint Entrance Examination is conducted for IIT admissions.

The exam is conducted in two phases - Main and Advanced. JEE Main is for admission into NITs, IIITs, and other GFTIs while JEE Advanced is for IITs Admission. However, only the top 2.50 lakh JEE Main qualifiers are eligible for appearing in the JEE Advanced. Thus, for getting admission into IITs, candidates need to qualify for both JEE Main and Advanced. Now, that you know the admission procedure, let’s move on to how you can prepare for the IIT JEE exam without coaching.

As you are starting your JEE preparation from class 9th, you can easily go for self-study and save on the coaching fee. Those who start their preparation in class XIth have a huge syllabus to cover in less time. Thus, more pressure. But, with the amount of time you have, it is very much possible to get through the exam without coaching. Just stay focused and dedicated to your goal. We will be covering the preparation tips class-wise.

Benefits of Starting JEE Preparation from Class 9th

  • Strong grip on Basic Concepts
  • Saving Coaching Fee
  • Less Pressure
  • No Year Gap after class 12th

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Preparation Tips for IIT JEE Exam Without Coaching

Some common points to keep in mind while preparing for the JEE exams irrespective of when you start are time management, focusing on the important topics, continuous revision, and solving previous years question papers. Let’s move on to the preparation tips in detail:

Preparation Tips for Class 9th and 10th

Go through the JEE Syllabus

The first thing to do is to analyse the syllabus and mark the topics that are in your syllabus. Here are the subject-wise topics which are common in JEE Main and class 9th and 10th syllabus.

  • Physics - Atoms and Nuclei, Properties of Solids and Liquids, Motion, Work, Energy, and Power, Sound, Force and Newton’s Laws, Electric Current, Magnetic Effects of Current, Gravitation, Optics.
  • Chemistry - States of Matter, Matter and its Nature, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, Atomic Structure, Environmental Chemistry.
  • Mathematics - Quadratic Equations, Probability, Trigonometry, Co-ordinate Geometry.

JEE Main Syllabus

JEE Advanced Syllabus

Make Notes

Study each topic deeply and clear your doubts with your teachers. You can also refer to books other than your curriculum books for more details related to the topics. While studying any topic, make notes of the important points. Solve the questions at the end of each topic. The questions will also help in making notes. These notes help in revision. If you want to buy a preparation book, you can get one. Try to cover all the topics in class 9th only as in class 10th, you also have to focus on the board exam preparations.

Mock Tests/ Previous Years Question Papers

You will find various mock tests online for JEE Main which are designed especially for class 9th students. Appear in such mock tests. Also, you can go through the previous years’ questions papers and solve the questions which are from your syllabus.

Preparation Tips for Class 11th

Preparation Books

If you haven’t bought a preparation book yet, buy it now. Get separate books for each subject for detailed information. If you don’t want to buy books, get them from your school library. The set of sample papers and previous years’ questions papers are also available. You can get them for practice. Some recommended books are as under:

  • Physics - Concepts of Physics Vol I and II by H.C. Verma, Problems in General Physics by I.E. Irodov.
  • Chemistry - Organic Chemistry by Morrison & Boyd, Inorganic Chemistry by J.D. Lee
  • Mathematics - Trigonometry by S.L. Loney, Problems in Calculus of One Variable by I.A. Maron

Syllabus Analysis

Now check out the JEE exams syllabus for all the topics. You need to cover all the topics. As stated above, you need to cover most of the topics in class XI only because of board exam preparations in class XII. The preparation must catch full swing in class XI.


Make a timetable for JEE Main preparation. Check out the previous years’ data for topic-wise weightage. Assign more time for important topics. However, don’t ignore the other topics. Do include a 10 to 15 minutes break in between your study sessions.

Online Crash Courses

There are online crash courses for JEE Main preparation. You can join these courses for revision of important topics, some useful tricks for problem-solving, mock tests, and solved questions papers.

JEE Main Exam Previous Years Solved Papers

  • IIT JEE Main 2007 - 2018 Solved Papers Download
  • IIT JEE 2007 - 2018 Solved Papers Download

Preparation Tips for Class 12th

In class 12th, you need to focus on the board exam preparation as well as JEE preparation. This is the most crucial year. You need to work on your time-management skills this year. Because time is the only factor that will give you an edge over other competitors. Here is what you need to do.

Balanced Time Table

Prepare a balanced timetable keeping in mind your class 12th board and JEE Main preparation. Take out time for physical activities and some entertainment to refresh your mind. 


You must have completed the JEE Main exam syllabus till now. If there are any new topics, you can cover them. Keep your focus on revising all the topics. Take out your revision notes. If there is any confusion, read the topic again. Take the help of your subject teachers in clearing your doubts.

Previous Years Question Papers

Solve as many sample papers and previous years’ question papers as you can. Solve the same papers again and again. This will help in gaining confidence, attaining time-management skills, etc. It might feel monotonous to solve the same paper again and again but it will be beneficial. Solve a paper until you get all the answers correct. While appearing for the mock tests, you must decide your approach towards solving the paper i.e. which section will you solve first.

As you are starting your preparation from class 9th onwards, do not take it lightly thinking that you have ample time. Make a friend circle who share the same goal. Discuss your problems related to various topics. Stay focused and dedicated but not pressurised. Take out time for your school studies, physical activities, and other hobbies.

Exam Day Tips

JEE Main exam is conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) from 2019 onwards. The exam is now held in two sessions in - January and April. The best of the two scores is considered for merit list preparation. Thus, you have an additional chance to score better. Here are some points to remember on the exam day

  • Keep all the required documents (admit card, ID proof, stationery, etc.) ready.
  • Reach the examination venue on time.
  • Keep calm and don’t take the pressure of getting selected for JEE Advanced.
  • Focus on the JEE Main at the moment.
  • Read the questions carefully before answering.

We wish you the best for JEE Preparation.

Recommended Study Material for JEE Main Exam

  • Wiley Solomons & Fryhle Organic Chemistry (Old Edition) for JEE (Main & Advanced) Download
  • 39 Years Chapterwise Topicwise Solved Papers (2017-1979) IIT JEE Chemistry Download
  • 15 Years Solved Papers JEE Main Download
  • Super 10 Mock Tests for JEE Main 2018 Download


Sep, October 9, 2021

Very helpful. Thanks