How We Crack SSC JE Exam – Success Tips & Tricks from Real Aspirants

Last Modified: 01 Mar 2025

How to Crack SSC JE Exam?” or “How We Crack SSC JE Exam?” This is the most asked question by the SSC Junior Engineer aspirant. Well, students, first of all, you must know that the SSC JE exam consists of three phases – Paper I, a computer based examination, Paper II, which is a written descriptive examination and Paper III follows documentation. As per the present competition level, the difficulty level to qualify SSC JE 2019-20 exam just below par the ESE. Don’t get me wrong, I am talking about SSC JE Prelims, which is just like a cakewalk to qualify. However, for Mains, you need to do a little bit more practice to qualify and score big.  Herein, we have discussed the complete strategy and mantras to crack SSC JE 2019 exam, which is going to be conducted soon by the Commission. Check all the details and equip yourself.

Free Advice By Qualifiers – If you want to score big in SSC JE 2019 exam, choose limited books to excel in aptitude, have basic knowledge of subjects of engineering and make sure to revise your points as many times as possible.

SSC JE Recruitment Notification 2019-20

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) had released the SSC JE recruitment notification to release the posts of Junior Engineers across India. According to the notification, interested candidates can apply for SSC JE 2019 posts in between 13th August 2019 to 12th September 2019. Meanwhile, due to Coronavirus lockdown, the exam was postponed from its due date i.e. 30th March to 2nd April 2020. Soon SSC will announce the new dates of the SSC JE Prelims 2020 exam with the complete important updates.

10 Mantras for How We Crack SSC JE Exam in First Attempt

A candidate who is aspiring to crack SSC JE 2020 exam starts compiling up the revision time.  To perform well in the exam, we are giving you some important tips and tricks to ace the SSC JE exam:

  1. Follow up the Latest Syllabus and Understand Exam Pattern – If you haven’t got your hands on the latest SSC JE syllabus, this is the first thing to do on the preparation path for the exam. SSC JE 2019-20 has three papers – Paper-I, Paper-II, and Paper-III. Paper-I is a compulsory online test for (200 marks) performed within 2 hours and Paper-II is an offline written exam for (300 marks) with a duration of 2 hours as well. On the other hand, Paper-III is only dedicated to the interview process. To successfully qualify the exam, one should not only have the core knowledge of engineering core (Civil, Electrical or Mechanical) but also in the subjects like General Awareness, Aptitude, and General Intelligence.
  2. Identify A Cluster of Topics– Aspirants must go through the different topics of the SSC JE 2020 syllabus to find the underlying similarity among those topics. This strategy will help you to prepare upon numbers of topics simultaneously, which are fundamentally similar. Also, this type of preparation strategy will shorten the research groundwork and enable a student to spend more time in revision.
  3. Utilize Good Study Material – No matter, how vast your SSC Junior Engineer syllabus is, it is a must to cover all the topics within a timeframe. Prepare easy concepts and forget about the difficult one is no more trending, now these days. I don’t want to put you down, but the truth is unless you cover-up the entire syllabus you wouldn’t be able to clear your concepts. And the best way to do the same is to refer to some good books and study materials. Few of them are Mechanical Engineering for competitions by R.K. Jain, Kiran’s SSC JE self-study guide by Kiran Publication, CBSE textbooks, a lot more. You can even browse SSC JE online study materials on the internet.
  4. Prepare Your Notes for Easy Learning – Once you got your best books, spend some time in preparing your very own notes. This way, you will be able to revise and rework on everything in a quick time. Always do remember, short-notes help you remember things, while comprehensive notes with facts and points are important for in-depth study to clear concepts.
  1. Teach Someone to Improve Learning Skills – Do you think about teaching someone? If yes, then great, just do it and if not then you should think about that. Teaching someone is probably one of the most effective ways succeeded in the exam. I know previous year’s candidates majorly emphasizing this point, as it is the best way to test your skill and knowledge. Not only this will increase your cognitive power, but also build confidence in you. You will be able to memorize things better and that boosts your morale to crack SSC JE exam.
  2. Time Management is the Key – How to manage time? This is the most repeated question, many aspirants asked. Always, do remember, time management complies on person to person and it describes your estimate goal. Time management is an inevitable skill that you must possess, only for those who are serious about clearing SSC JE exam in the first attempt.
  3. Devise diverse strategies for different subjects – As we all know SSC JE Paper-I is all about General Intelligence, Reasoning, General Awareness, and Basic engineering concepts. The students to keep in mind that a similar strategy of study for different subjects will not give the desired output. It is vital to adopt differing strategies for each subject. For example, when preparing for General Awareness, a student should be up-to-date regarding the current events because questions in these areas are up-to-date in nature. Similarly while preparing for General engineering, the student must stress upon clearing his core concepts of engineering knowledge.
  4. Answer within the Time Limit – If you have prepared enough for the exam, and due to unfortunate typing speed you will finish the paper on time. Since you have limited time to answer all the questions, start with the section you find easy and comfortable. This way, you can save more time for the tough ones.
  5. Do Take Online Mock Tests, Previous Year Papers, Sample and Solved Papers – To ensure you are doing great with your preparations and revision strategy test your skills in between the practising mode. Start taking online mock tests and SSC JE previous year’s question and sample papers.
  6. Self-Care is Your Priority– Don’t be a bookworm, this is the most important step which all need to follow. Go outside and engage yourself in outdoor activities like playing with friends and meditate for an hour and so to release the mental stress and rejuvenate your body and mind. This is why we advised you to spend a couple of hours outside and make sure to sound sleep to make your mind healthy and mood refreshed.

Preparing for SSC JE 2020 requires proper strategy, time-table, and concentration factor to score high in the exam. So, don’t stress! Use these smart tips to crack SSC JE exam and achieve enough marks to tale recruitment in the prominent SSC divisions.