How to Get Success in SSC Junior Engineer (JE) Exam?

Last Modified: 06 Mar 2025

The right preparation is what can get you through any exam. Candidates are required to make a strategic plan for their exam preparation. The planning includes getting familiar with the exam pattern, syllabus, allotting time for studying each section, understanding marking scheme, analysing the previous years’ question papers, and more. Here, we are providing the steps to get success in SSC JE exam. The 2019-20 Tier-1 exam has been postponed due to the COVID-19 virus. The exam was scheduled in March 2020. The SSC JE 2020-21 notification is to be released in August 2020.

How to achieve Success in the SSC JE Exam?

As mentioned above, candidates need to strategies the SSC JE exam preparation. Here are the steps which will help you in the process.

Know the Complete Syllabus

This is the first part of starting the preparation. Know the syllabus of each section. We recommend referring to the official notification for the syllabus. The General Intelligence and Reasoning section comprises of 50 questions and the syllabus is not that vast. If you study daily, it can be easily covered in a month.

For the General Awareness section, you need to put a little more efforts. It comprises of static G.K. questions from History, Economic Scene, Geography, Culture, etc. and questions from the current happening around the world. Generally, the questions are framed from last 6 months events.

For the Technical (General Engineering) section, the syllabus is a vast and candidates are advised to stick to it. Avoid reading any topic which is out of the syllabus. This will save you time and energy.

Understanding the Exam Pattern

Once you have understood the syllabus, take a look at the exam pattern. The exam pattern will make you aware of the type of questions, number of questions, duration of exam, and marking scheme. All of these are very important aspects. The clear knowledge of the exam pattern will help in better preparation. The SSC JE exam comprises of two papers and the details are as follows:

Type of Questions: Paper-I - Objective, Paper-II - Descriptive

Number of Questions: Paper-I - 200 questions, Paper-II - 300 marks questions

Exam Duration: 2 hours each for Paper-I and Paper-II

Marking Scheme: Negative marking of 0.25 marks and each question of 1 mark in Paper-I. As per questions in Paper-II

Language of Question Paper - Hindi and English

Prepare Effective Study Schedule

The next thing to do is make an effective study plan. An effective study plan is which comprises of time for every section and which also fits into your schedule. If you are not able to follow your study plan daily, then it needs to be changed immediately. What you can do is set equal time for Reasoning and General Awareness preparation and a little more time for your subject preparation. As the SSC JE exam includes both Objective and Subjective papers, you need to prepare for both. Do keep breaks between the study sessions to refresh your mind. Here is a quick checklist for an effective study plan:

  • Study-time for each subject.
  • Break between the study sessions.
  • Setting weekly, monthly goals to achieve.
  • Time for revision.
  • Making short notes while studying.

Thus, your SSC JE study plan must include all the points.

Previous Years’ Question Papers and Sample Paper

Nothing can be as good for practice as previous years’ question papers. They are easily available online with solutions. It is recommended to buy solved papers. They help in analysing your performance. Solve the previous years’ papers and analyse your exam preparation level. You can also make a note of most frequently asked topics and focus on them. Sample papers are also good for practising for the exam. The more you will practice, the better will be your grip on the topics.

Appear for Mock Tests

Mock Tests are designed similar to the exam. Candidates are required to answer the same number of questions in the same time duration. These tests help in getting familiar with the exam pattern. These also help in building the concentration level for the exam. It also trains your brain to focus on one subject after another as it will be required in the exam. You will be awarded scores in the mock tests which will again help in analysing the preparation level.

Apart from the above-mentioned preparation tips, success in the SSC JE exam will majorly depend on your performance on the exam day. Some students prepare very well for the exam but become nervous during the actual exam day while others just forget to carry their admit card and are thus unable to even appear for the exam. So, do not make these mistakes. Here is a checklist for the exam day. Make sure you go through and follow it:

  • Keep the SSC JE admit card, photo ID proof, and other essential things for the exam.
  • Read all the instruction for the exam day carefully and follow them.
  • Reach the examination venue well before the time to avoid any rush. It is better to visit the exam venue a day or two before the exam to get familiar with the route.
  • You can take your revision notes but they will not be allowed inside the examination hall.
  • Do not panic if you don’t know the answer to one or two questions. Move ahead with the paper with confidence.
  • First, answer the questions which you are sure about.
  • Do not make any guesses in Paper-1 as it has negative marking.

If you will follow the preparation strategy and appear for the exam with confidence and calm, you will surely get success in the SSC JE exam.