How to crack SSC JE Electrical Exam?

Last Modified: 03 Mar 2025

The Staff Selection Commission conducts the SSC JE exam for recruitment of Junior Engineers in different Government departments. The most preferred engineering branches are Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical. The recruitment process requires candidates to qualify two Tiers and then appear for document verification. Tier-1 comprises of questions on general intelligence, general knowledge, and subject-related questions. Paper-2 is completely subject-specific. Thus, candidates need to prepare hard for their chosen subject. Here, we are providing some tips to crack the SSC JE Electrical exam. We hope these will help the students in getting success.

Important Notification - The SSC JE 2019-20 Paper-1 has been postponed due to the COVID-19 situation. And, the notification for SSC JE Recruitment 2020-21 will be released in August 2020.

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SSC JE Electrical Exam Pattern

The Electrical Section will be asked in the SSC JE exam two times as under:



Number of Questions/ Maximum Marks

Type of Questions


General Engineering (Electrical)


Objective / Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)


General Engineering (Electrical)

300 marks


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Both the papers are of total 2 hours duration (including time for other sections).

How to Crack the SSC JE Electrical Exam?

Electrical Engineering subject might look difficult to the students, but with some efforts, they can easily crack the SSC JE exam with Electrical Engineering. Here are some tips candidates must follow while preparing for the subject:

Knowing the Syllabus -

Read the SSC JE syllabus for Electrical engineering carefully. You might have studied lots of topics in your Engineering degree. However, here you just need to focus on the topics covered in the syllabus. Do not read unnecessary topics.

Have a Clear Understanding of the Exam Pattern - Understand the exam pattern for the SSC JE exam clearly. You must be aware of the number of questions and the marking scheme. The subject-related question will be asked in both Paper-1 and Paper-2. Paper-1 will be of objective type and Paper-2 will be of descriptive type. So, candidates need to prepare for both the papers.

Analyse the Previous Years’ Question Papers - Once you know the exam pattern and the syllabus, analyse previous years’ questions papers. Note down the topics from which questions are asked. This way you will get the list of topics which are frequently asked in the exam. Focus more on these topics.

According to our analysis, 12 to 15% paper is from measurement and measuring instruments topics. The topic is a mix of theory and numerical. So, candidates must prepare accordingly. Formula-based questions are asked from Basic Electronics. These are scoring questions. So, don’t overlook the topic.

Preparation Tips for the SSC JE Exam

Along with subject-related sections, other sections are also important. Thus, it is necessary to focus on those too. So, here are the tips to be followed for preparing the Reasoning and General Awareness sections.

Study-Schedule - After understanding the syllabus and exam pattern, prepare a study schedule. You can allot more time for the subject-related study. However, don’t ignore the other sections. Study and practice them daily. Topics from the General Intelligence and Reasoning section requires daily practice. For the General knowledge section, get ready with the static GK and current affairs. You can stick to a news channel or newspaper for current affairs updates.

Tips for Buying the Best Books - Buying a good practice book will surely help you. Some points to consider while buying a book are students’ recommendations, latest edition, solved papers, etc. We also suggest not to buy more than one book at a time. And, for the subject-related section, refer to your Engineering books. Some best books for SSC JE preparation are from GKP and MADE EASY Editorial Board. You will also find other good publications.

Practice Previous Years’ Papers - Practice as many previous years’ paper as you can. Also, solve a paper many times till you get all the answers correct. There are chances that questions might get repeated from previous years’ papers. Also, solving papers help you in analysing the preparation level. There are sets of previous years’ paper available in the market. You can easily buy them. Purchase the solved papers.

Appear for Mock Tests - Look for online mock tests and appear in as many as you can. Many education portals offer mock tests for SSC JE exam. Mock tests are designed just like the main exam. Candidates are required to solve the same number of questions in the same time duration. It helps in working on time-management skills and getting familiar with the exam pattern.

Important Topics for SSC JE Electrical Branch

Some important topics for the electrical branch are as under:

  • Basic Concepts
  • Magnetic Circuit
  • Circuit Law
  • AC Fundamentals
  • Electrical Machines
  • Measurement and Measuring Instruments
  • Basic Electronics
  • Generation, Transmission, and Distribution
  • Fractional Kilowatt Motors and Single Phase Induction Motors

This doesn’t mean that you should focus only on these topics. Prepare all the topics in the syllabus. However, put more focus on important topics. Qualifying any exam requires a consistent preparation and the best performance in the exam. So, keep calm during the exam and stay confident about your preparation. Do not panic if you find any tricky question. Try to solve the other questions mindfully. SSC JE is a national level exam and offers a government job. So, the competition is not going to be easy. So, be prepared.