FCI Manager Recruitment 2019 Schedule - Application Process, Syllabus, and Result
The Food Corporation of India (FCI) had released Manager recruitment notification in September 2019. Eligible candidates were required to submit their applications before the last date. The applications were invited for different posts in the offices and depots of FCI across the country. The FCI 2019 recruitment will select Management Trainees for the post of Manager (General/ Depot/ Movement/ Technical/ Accounts/ Civil/ Engineering/ Electrical Mechanical Engineering/ Hindi). Let’s check out the eligibility criteria, exam pattern, syllabus, important dates, and other details for the FCI Manager recruitment 2019.
Latest Update - FCI has conducted the Phase-II examination on 23rd February 2020. The interview dates are yet to be announced. |
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FCI 2019 Manager Exam - Important Dates
The important dates for the FCI 2019 Manager exam are as under:
Exam Events |
Important Dates |
FCI 2019 Manager Recruitment Notification |
27th September 2019 |
FCI 2019 application process begins |
28th September 2019 |
Last date for application submission |
27th October 2019 |
Admit card availability (Phase-I) |
13th November 2019 |
FCI Manager Phase-I exam |
28th November 2019 |
Phase-I result |
27th January 2020 |
Admit card availability (Phase-II) |
10 days before the exam |
FCI Manager Phase-II exam |
23rd February 2020 |
Interview dates |
Yet to be announced |
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FCI Manager Recruitment 2019 - Zone-wise Vacancies
The zone-wise vacancy details for the FCI manager exam are as under:
Post Name |
Number of Vacancies |
North Zone |
South Zone |
East Zone |
West Zone |
North-East Zone |
Manager (General) |
8 |
9 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
Manager (Depot) |
46 |
6 |
20 |
4 |
11 |
Manager (Movement) |
12 |
19 |
- |
1 |
- |
Manager (Accounts) |
68 |
30 |
9 |
7 |
7 |
Manager (Technical) |
44 |
- |
5 |
1 |
3 |
Manager (Civil Engineering) |
4 |
- |
- |
- |
3 |
Manager (Electrical/ Mechanical Engineering) |
5 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Manager (Hindi) |
- |
1 |
1 |
1 |
- |
187 |
65 |
37 |
15 |
26 |
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FCI 2019 Manager Exam Eligibility
Candidates are advised to check the eligibility criteria carefully before applying for any post as candidates found ineligible at any stage of recruitment are disqualified for further recruitment. Here are the post-wise eligibility requirements:
The minimum age limit for all the posts is 18 years.
Post |
Maximum Age Limit (as on 1st August 2019) |
Qualification/ Experience (as on 1st August 2019) |
Manager (General) |
28 years |
Graduate or equivalent degree with 60% (55% for SC/ST/PH) marks from a recognised University OR CA/CS/ICWA |
Manager (Depot) |
28 years |
Graduate or equivalent degree with 60% (55% for SC/ST/PH) marks from a recognised University OR CA/CS/ICWA |
Manager (Movement) |
28 years |
Graduate or equivalent degree with 60% (55% for SC/ST/PH) marks from a recognised University OR CA/CS/ICWA |
Manager (Accounts) |
28 years |
B.Com from a recognised University and 2 years full-time MBA (Finance) degree/ diploma or 3 years part-time MBA (Finance) degree/ diploma (not through distance education) or MBA (Finance) degree/ diploma by Distance Education recognised by UGC-AICTE-DEC Joint Committee. OR Associate Membership of: The Institute of Cost Accountants of India or The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India or The Institute of Company Secretaries of India. |
Manager (Technical) |
28 years |
B.Tech./ B.E. degree in Food Science OR B.Tech./ B.E. degree in Food Science & Technology or Food Technology or Food Processing Technology or Food Process Engineering or Food Preservation Technology or Food Processing OR B.Tech./B.E. degree in Biotechnology or Industrial Biotechnology or Biochemical Engineering or Agricultural Biotechnology OR B.Tech./B.E. degree in Agricultural Engineering OR B.Sc. Agriculture from a recognised University |
Manager (Civil Engineering) |
28 years |
Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognised University |
Manager (Electrical Mechanical Engineering) |
28 years |
Degree in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering from a recognised University |
Manager (Hindi) |
35 years |
Essential 1. Master’s Degree in Hindi with English as a subject at Bachelor’s degree level OR Master’s Degree in English with Hindi as a subject at Bachelor’s degree level OR Master’s degree (any subject) with Hindi and English as a subject at Bachelor’s degree level. OR Master’s degree (any subject) in English medium and Hindi as a subject at Bachelor’s degree level. OR Master’s degree (any subject) in Hindi Medium with English as a subject at Bachelor’s degree level.
2. 5 years experience of terminological work in Hindi and/or translation work from English to Hindi or vice-versa preferably of technical or scientific literature. OR Five years of experience of teaching/research writing or journalism in Hindi
Desirable Knowledge of Sanskrit or a modern India Language Administrative experience Experience of organizing Hindi Classes or workshops for noting and drafting. |
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Candidates belonging to OBC and SC/ST categories will get relaxation in the upper age limit by 3 and 5 years, respectively. For more details on age relaxation, check the official notification.
FCI 2019 Manager Recruitment Process
The selection for the manager post is different for different posts. Here are the details:
For Manager (General/ Movement/ Depot/ Accounts/ Technical/ Civil/ Electrical Mechanical Engineering)
- Online Test
- Interview
- Training
For Manager (Hindi)
- Online Test
- Interview
Exam pattern for Online Tests
The online tests will be held in two phases - Phase-I and Phase-II. Phase-I will be common for all the posts. In Phase-II, candidates have to appear for different papers as per the post they have applied for. Here is the detailed pattern:
Phase-I Online Test Pattern
Test Name |
Number of Questions |
Duration |
Medium/ Langauge |
Numerical Aptitude |
35 |
20 minutes |
English and Hindi |
Reasoning Ability |
35 |
20 minutes |
English and Hindi |
English Language |
30 |
20 minutes |
English |
100 |
60 minutes |
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All the questions will be objective type, each carrying one mark. There will be negative marking of 1/4th marks for every incorrect response.
Phase-II Online Test Pattern
In phase-II, candidates have to appear in different papers as per the post applied for.
Exam Type |
Papers |
Post |
One Paper Exam |
Paper-I only |
Manager (General) |
Manager (Depot) |
Manager (Movement) |
Two Papers Exam |
Paper-I and Paper-II |
Manager (Accounts) |
Manager (Technical) |
Manager (Civil) |
Manager (Electrical Mechanical Engineering) |
Paper-III and Paper-IV |
Manager (Hindi) |
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Paper Pattern -
Paper Name |
Number of Questions |
Duration |
Marking Scheme |
Paper-I |
120 Multiple Choice Questions |
90 minutes |
1 mark per question |
Paper-II |
60 Multiple Choice Questions |
60 minutes |
2 marks per question |
Paper-III |
120 Multiple Choice Questions |
90 minutes |
1 mark per question |
Paper-IV |
Translation - 1 passage from Hindi to English, 1 passage from English to Hindi 1 Essay in Hindi 1 Precis Writing in English |
90 minutes |
30 marks per question (total marks - 120) |
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There will be no negative marking in Phase-II.
Those who qualify the Phase-II examination are required to appear for the Interview round. The document verification will be done at the time of interview. The date, venue, and time of the interview will be informed through the interview call letter. The details of the required documents for verification will also be mentioned in the call letter. Candidates are required to download the call letters from the official website. 10% weightage is assigned to Interview. The final merit list will be prepared based on the scores in the online test and interview round.
Training carries 10% weightage. Candidates shortlisted in the final merit list are selected as Management Trainees. Such candidates are to undergo six months of training. Candidates will be paid ₹ 40,000 per month during the training period. After completion of the training period, candidates will be considered for Manager post in the Corporation. The IDA pay scale of a Manager in FCI is ₹ 40,000 to ₹ 1,40,000.
FCI 2019 Manager Recruitment - Syllabus
Manager (Accounts)
Basic Accounting Concept, Financial Management, Taxation, Auditing, Commercial Laws, Basic of Computers.
Manager (Technical)
Agriculture, Biotechnology, Entomology, Chemistry, PFA Act, Food Safety and Standard Act, Right to Information Act, 2005
Manager (Civil Engineering)
Engineering Materials & construction Technology, Building Materials, Construction Practice, Planning, and Management, Surveying, Soil/Geotechnical Engineering, Highway and Bridges, Structural Analysis, Design of Steel Structures, Design of Concrete and Masonry Structures, Estimating, Costing and Valuation.
Manager (Electrical Mechanical Engineering)
Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, Theory of Machines, Machine Design, Strength of Materials, Engineering Materials, Production Engineering Industrial Engineering, Production Planning and Control Material handling, Electrical Circuits, Network theorems, EM Theory, Electrostatics, Material Science (Electric Materials), Electrical Measurements, Elements of Computation Power Apparatus and Systems (Power System: Power generation; Thermal, Hydro, Nuclear & Solar power production and Transmissions), Electromechanics, Control Systems, Electronics and Communications, Estimation and costing, Use of computers.
FCI 2019 Manager Application Process
The application process for the FCI manager exam 2019 started on 28th September 2019 and continued till 27th October 2019. The applications were accepted only through the online mode. Candidates must note that they can apply for only one post and one zone. Candidates are advised to keep the important document ready before filling the application form. Here are the important documents required for filling the application form:
Scanned images of:
- Photograph (4.5cm x 3.5cm)
- Signature (with black ink)
- Left thumb impression (with black or blue ink on white paper)
- A hand-written declaration (on white paper with black ink). Declaration content - “I, _______ (Name of the candidate), hereby declare that all the information submitted by me in the application form is correct, true and valid. I will present the supporting documents as and when required.”
Steps for filling the FCI Manager 2019 Application Form
- Visit the official website and click on the ‘APPLY ONLINE’ link.
- Click on the ‘Click here for New Registration’ link.
- Provide the necessary details for the registration process.
- On successful registration, the registration number will appear on the screen.
- Now, log-in using the registration number and password.
- Complete the application form with the remaining details.
- Upload the scanned images of the required documents.
- After a successful upload, move to the fee payment tab.
- Select the payment type and pay the application fee.
- After successful fee payment, e-receipt will be generated.
- Take a print of the e-receipt and the application form with fee details for future references.
Application Fee
The application fee can be paid only through online mode via Internet banking, credit cards, debit card, Mobile Wallets, UPI, etc. Here are the fee details:
Categories |
Application Fee |
General and OBC |
₹ 800/- (including GST) |
SC/ ST/ PwBD/ Women |
Exempted |
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Candidates are required to pay the additional bank charges.
FCI Manager Exam 2019 Admit Card
The admit cards for the FCI 2019 Manager exam were released at the official website 10 days prior to the exam. The admit cards for Phase-I and phase-II exams were released separately. For Phase-I, the admit cards were released on 13th November. The admit cards contain the details of the exam date, time, and venue along with other important instructions. Admit card is a mandatory document for appearing in the exam. Carry it along with an original photo ID proof.
FCI Manager Exam 2019 Result
The results for Phase-I and Phase-II of the FCI 2019 Manager recruitment are declared separately. The phase-I result was released on 27th January 2020. Candidates can check their result using their roll number and date of birth. The result is released zone-wise. The Phase-II exam was held on 23rd February 2020. The result is yet to be announced. Qualified candidates are to appear for Interview and Training as per the post they have applied for.