How To Prepare For Different Rounds of RRB Exam?

Last Modified: 08 Mar 2025

Candidates who are gearing up for the RRB (Railway Recruitment Board) examinations are increasingly facing the hurdle of understanding the different rounds of the said examination. It is very confusing sometimes to understand what to expect during the examinations and how to prepare for them.

Some of the most common confusions surrounding the examinations are — how many rounds are there? What does each round demand out of the appearing candidate? How to prepare for each round?

To start off with, you need to stay up to date with discussions on various educational forums like Pagalguy, ExamsPlanner, etc. to ensure that no new information goes unnoticed.

We will clear common doubts one-by-one in this article, with practical advice on how to prepare for the exam. Let us first look at the number of rounds there are in RRB (Railway Recruitment Board) examinations. There are two broad rounds which are common for all posts across the examination process.

These two rounds are as follows:

Prelims: This is a preliminary round of screening. It is a computer-based screening process.

Mains: This round comes after the initial preliminary round, and is also a computer-based screening process.

Following these two initial rounds of screening, come the next rounds for specific work functions; and then the final rounds of documentation and selection. They are as follows:

Typing Test: This is for junior posts like Junior Accounts Assistant cum Typist, Senior Clerk cum Typist, etc.

Aptitude Test: This is for the assessment of various skills and decision-making capabilities for posts like Traffic Assistant and Assistant Station Master.

Document Verification: This is the round which verifies if all the documents provided by the candidate are authentic or not.

Medical Fitness Test: This is an assessment of the fitness level of the candidate to determine if he or she is fit for work or not.

Final Selection: This round comes after all the above rounds and involves a personal interview, post which a candidate's selection is decided.

Now let us dive into how to prepare for the different rounds of the examination.

Prelims and Mains: Both these rounds cover the same subject areas, which are General Science, General Awareness, Reasoning and Arithmetic. The only differences are in the marking scheme and number of questions.

For General Awareness section, it is advisable to read extensively about current affairs and basics of varied topics that fall under the category of general awareness.

For General Science and Arithmetic, it is advisable to understand the theories behind certain concepts. Practice problems enough number of times to memorize formulas and get used to their applications. Time yourself when solving problems to increase your speed. Practice mock tests that are available online to keep revising your speed and knowledge from time to time.

For Reasoning section, read up topics like  Analogy, directions and distances, blood relations, patterns, classifications, alphabets and numbers, etc. Practice problems based on these topics to increase your speed and accuracy.

For typing test and aptitude test, there it's nothing better than practicing them regularly with time-bound goals. It will help increase speed and also will teach you time management.

For the next two rounds, provide the correct and valid documents, and maintain physical fitness levels. Exercise and eat well in order to successfully clear the physical examination.

For the final selection round, prepare about your strengths and weaknesses, and how you can help the organization in achieving its goals.

To summarize, be well read and well informed about the processes in the exam. Not to mention, the best thing for you to do would be to work well on a schedule day in and day out, perfecting your skills slowly and getting a firm grasp on the syllabus. Having a time table that consists of study routines that cover all the subject matters equally is a very good idea to have for the preparation. And since these exams require you to be physically fit as well, you must incorporate one to two hours of exercise on a daily basis (depending on the physical fitness level, you can make adjustments that suit you well), and you must give yourself enough rest in between study for a better grasp of the syllabus. Confidently approach the hurdles one by one and you shall ace the exam. Remember—the path to success is paved by hard work, determination, and consistency.