5 Best Flying Colleges Of India

Last Modified: 04 Mar 2025

For a pilot flying an aircraft cannot be counted merely as a job, rather it is a passion. To make one's passion his job is the best thing to do with one's life. It is something like translating one’s dream into a reality.

But passion is not enough for doing any job properly. It requires training and education to do it rightly. Similarly, a job of pilot demands rigorous training, hard work, grit and knowledge to work properly.

How good a pilot you will become in future will not only depend upon your passion and enthusiasm about the job rather it heavily depends upon the kind of training you receive. And when it comes to selecting the training institute for Commercial Pilot Training one should be updated and cautious.

Here we are giving information about the 5 best flying colleges or institutes of India:

IGRUA (Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Academy)

This is a government institution that was established in the year of 1985. In order to get admission to this institution, a candidate is required to take an entrance exam. This entrance exam consists of three stages, namely, written test, Interview, and Pilot Aptitude Test. In order to get selected, candidates should qualify for all three stages of the exam. Those candidates who have done their class 12th in the science stream with the minimum aggregate of 55% marks are eligible to appear for the exam.

Also Read: IGRUA Commercial Pilot License Exam Pattern And Syllabus

The courses offered by the Academy are as follows-

CPL - Ab initio with multi-engine endorsement, integrated rating, and simulation training.

  • CRM course
  • CPL Ab initio to foreign students
  • MCC course

GATI (Government Aviation Training Institute)

This Institute was established in 1946. In 1974 it was merged with the Orissa government aviation department. The institute was established with the aim to improve the quality of Flying and impart the best training to commercial pilots. Since then it is operational as Orissa Flying Club.

Some of the courses offered by the GATI are as follows -

  • CPL
  • PPL
  • SPL
  • RTR (A)
  • Instrument rating
  • Night rating
  • Hobby flying
  • Ground classes

NFTI (National Flying Training Institute)

The NFTI is located in Gondia, Maharashtra. The NFTI was established in the year 2007 by the CAE Oxford Aviation Academy, which is considered as one of the best flying academies in the world. The NFTI is the ninth training school of Oxford Aviation Academy in the world.

Some of the courses offered by the NFT I are as follows -

  • MPL multi-crew pilot license program
  • Integrated ATPL program
  • Modular program

MPFC (MadhyaPradesh Flying Club)

This flying club was established in the year 1951. It has some of the best aircraft fleets due to which it becomes one of the favoured training clubs to train Indian Air Force men. It has fleets of Cessna, Baron, multi-engine P- 68 C-TC.

Some of the courses offered by MPFC are as follows -

  • CPL
  • PPL
  • Instrument Rating
  • Multi-Engine Rating
  • Simulator Training

Bombay Flying Club

The Bombay Flying Club was established in 1929. It has the approval of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation. The courses offered by Bombay Flying Club are affiliated with Maharashtra University. It has various highly manoeuvrable aircraft fleets such as Cessna, PIPER and Seneca.

Some of the courses offered by the club are as follows -

  • B. Sc in aviation
  • Cabin crew training
  • Aircraft maintenance training

Also Read: How To Finance Your Career In Commercial Pilot


Muskan, January 15, 2022

I become a pilot

Victor, November 6, 2021

I will be grateful for your support and positive response

PRATIK JADHAV , May 4, 2019

Please mention the required finance.. Please ..

Exams Planner, May 6, 2019

You can contact the mentioned institute directly to get details about there admission dates, latest and updated fees & other required information.